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The yielding of concentrated cohesive suspensions can be deformation rate dependent

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 نشر من قبل Richard Buscall
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The yielding of concentrated cohesive suspensions can be deformation-rate dependent. One consquence of this is that a single suspension can present in one several different ways, depending upon how it is tested, or more generally, how it is caused to flow. We have seen variously Herschel-Bulkley flow, highly non-monotonic flow curves and highly erratic or chaotic yield, all in one suspension. In controlled-rate testing one sees a systematic effect of deformation rate. In controlled stress testing, matters are more subtle. Whereas step-stress creep testing will elicit reproducible behaviour, any attempt to determine a flow curve by, e.g. stepping up or sweeping stress at an inappropriate rate can lead to highly irreproducible behaviour.

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An experimental system has been found recently, a coagulated CaCO3 suspension system, which shows very variable yield behaviour depending upon how it is tested and, specifically, at what rate it is sheared. At Peclet numbers Pe > 1 it behaves as a si mple Herschel Bulkley liquid, whereas at Pe < 1 highly non-monotonic flow curves are seen. In controlled stress testing it shows hysteresis and shear banding and in the usual type of stress scan, used to measure flow curves in controlled stress mode routinely, it can show very erratic and irreproducible behaviour. All of these features will be attributed here to a dependence of the solid phase, or, yield stress, on the prevailing rate of shear at the yield point. Stress growth curves obtained from step strain-rate testing showed that this rate-dependence was a consequence of Peclet number dependent strain softening. At very low Pe, yield was cooperative and the yield strain was order-one, whereas as Pe approached unity, the yield strain reduced to that needed to break interparticle bonds, causing the yield stress to be greatly reduced. It is suspected that rate-dependent yield could well be the rule rather than the exception for cohesive suspensions more generally. If so, then the Herschel-Bulkley equation can usefully be generalized to read (in simple shear). The proposition that rate-dependent yield might be general for cohesive suspensions is amenable to critical experimental testing by a range of means and along lines suggested.
The behaviour in simple shear of two concentrated and strongly cohesive mineral suspensions showing highly non-monotonic flow curves is described. Two rheometric test modes were employed, controlled stress and controlled shear-rate. In controlled str ess mode the materials showed runaway flow above a yield stress, which, for one of the suspensions, varied substantially in value and seemingly at random from one run to the next, such that the up flow-curve appeared to be quite irreproducible. The down-curve was not though, as neither was the curve obtained in controlled rate mode, which turned out to be triple-valued in the region where runaway flow was seen in controlled rising stress. For this first suspension, the total stress could be decomposed into three parts to a good approximation: a viscous component proportional to a plastic viscosity, a constant isostatic contribution, and a third shear-rate dependent contribution associated with the particulate network which decreased with increasing shear-rate raised to the -7/10th power. In the case of the second suspension, the stress could be decomposed along similar lines, although the strain-rate softening of the solid-phase stress was found to be logarithmic and the irreducible isostatic stress was small. The flow curves are discussed in the light of recent simulations and they conform to a very simple but general rule for non-monotonic behaviour in cohesive suspensions and emulsions, namely that it is caused by strain-rate softening of the solid phase stress.
We review recent advances in imaging the flow of concentrated suspensions, focussing on the use of confocal microscopy to obtain time-resolved information on the single-particle level in these systems. After motivating the need for quantitative (conf ocal) imaging in suspension rheology, we briefly describe the particles, sample environments, microscopy tools and analysis algorithms needed to perform this kind of experiments. The second part of the review focusses on microscopic aspects of the flow of concentrated model hard-sphere-like suspensions, and the relation to non-linear rheological phenomena such as yielding, shear localization, wall slip and shear-induced ordering. Both Brownian and non-Brownian systems will be described. We show how quantitative imaging can improve our understanding of the connection between microscopic dynamics and bulk flow.
Simulations are used to study the steady shear rheology of dense suspensions of frictional particles exhibiting discontinuous shear thickening and shear jamming, in which finite-range cohesive interactions result in a yield stress. We develop a const itutive model that combines yielding behavior and shear thinning at low stress with the frictional shear thickening at high stresses, in good agreement with the simulation results. This work shows that there is a distinct difference between solids below the yield stress and in the shear-jammed state, as the two occur at widely separated stress levels, separated by a region of stress in which the material is flowable.
Yielding behavior is well known in attractive colloidal suspensions. Adhesive non-Brownian suspensions, in which the interparticle bonds are due to finite-size contacts, also show yielding behavior. We use a combination of steady-state, oscillatory a nd shear-reversal rheology to probe the physical origins of yielding in the latter class of materials, and find that yielding is not simply a matter of breaking adhesive bonds, but involves unjamming from a shear-jammed state in which the micro-structure has adapted to the direction of the applied load. Comparison with a recent constraint-based rheology model shows the importance of friction in determining the yield stress, suggesting novel ways to tune the flow of such suspensions.
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