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Fixed-scale approach to finite-temperature lattice QCD with shifted boundaries

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 نشر من قبل Takashi Umeda
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Takashi Umeda

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We study the thermodynamics of the SU(3) gauge theory using the fixed-scale approach with shifted boundary conditions. The fixed-scale approach can reduce the numerical cost of the zero-temperature part in the equation of state calculations, while the number of possible temperatures is limited by the integer $N_t$, which represents the temporal lattice extent. The shifted boundary conditions can overcome such a limitation while retaining the advantages of the fixed-scale approach. Therefore, our approach enables the investigation of not only the equation of state in detail, but also the calculation of the critical temperature with increased precision even with the fixed-scale approach. We also confirm numerically that the boundary conditions suppress the lattice artifact of the equation of state, which has been confirmed in the non-interacting limit.

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اقرأ أيضاً

152 - T.Umeda , S.Ejiri , S.Aoki 2009
A new approach to study the equation of state in finite-temperature QCD is proposed on the lattice. Unlike the conventional method in which the temporal lattice size $N_t$ is fixed, the temperature $T$ is varied by changing $N_t$ at fixed lattice sca le. The pressure of the hot QCD plasma is calculated by the integration of the trace anomaly with respect to $T$ at fixed lattice scale. This $T$-integral method is tested in quenched QCD on isotropic and anisotropic lattices and is shown to give reliable results especially at intermediate and low temperatures.
236 - Szabolcs Borsanyi 2016
I review a selection of recent finite temperature lattice results of the past years. First I discuss the extension of the equation of state towards high temperatures and fi- nite densities, then I show recent results on the QCD topological susceptibi lity at high temperatures and highlight its relevance for dark matter search.
We study hadron properties near the deconfining transition in the finite temperature lattice QCD. This paper focus on the heavy quarkonium states, such as $J/psi$ meson. We compare the meson correlators above and below $T_c$ and discuss the possibili ty of the $cbar{c}$ bound state by observing the wave function.
200 - Kazuyuki Kanaya 2010
In the last couple of years, there has been big progress in finite temperature QCD on the lattice. Large-scale dynamical simulations of 2+1 flavor QCD with various improved staggered quark actions have been started to produce results for various ther modynamic quantities which are extrapolated to the continuum limit at around physical quark masses, and thus are capable for a direct comparison with experiment. At the same time, the theoretical uneasiness with staggered-type lattice quarks motivated several groups to accelerate studies with Wilson-type quarks and lattice chiral quarks. In this review, I discuss these important developments in finite temperature QCD made in the past year.
186 - Y. Maezawa , S. Aoki , S. Ejiri 2009
The free energy between a static quark and an antiquark is studied by using the color-singlet Polyakov-line correlation at finite temperature. We perform simulations on $32^3 times 12$, 10, 8, 6, 4 lattices in the high temperature phase with the RG-i mproved gluon action and 2+1 flavors of the clover-improved Wilson quark action. Since the simulations are based on the fixed scale approach that the temperature can be varied without changing the spatial volume and renormalization factor, it is possible to investigate temperature dependence of the heavy-quark free energy without any adjustment of the overall constant. We find that, the heavy-quark free energies at short distance converge to the heavy-quark potential evaluated from the Wilson-loop operator at zero temperature, in accordance with the expected insensitivity of short distance physics to the temperature. At long distance, the heavy-quark free energies approach to twice the single-quark free energies, implying that the interaction between heavy quarks is screened. The Debye screening mass obtained from the long range behavior of the heavy-quark free energy is compared with results of the thermal perturbation theory and those of $N_f=2$ and $N_f=0$ lattice simulations.
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