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Significant Reduction of Graphene Thermal Conductivity by Phononic Crystal Structure

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 نشر من قبل Lina Yang
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We studied the thermal conductivity of graphene phononic crystal (GPnC), also named as graphene nanomesh, by molecular dynamics simulations. The dependences of thermal conductivity of GPnCs on both length and temperature are investigated. It is found that the thermal conductivity of GPnCs is significantly lower than that of graphene and can be efficiently tuned by changing the porosity and period length. For example, the ratio of thermal conductivity of GPnC to thermal conductivity of graphene can be changed from 0.1 to 0.01 when the porosity is changed from about 21% to 65%. The phonon participation ratio spectra reveal that more phonon modes are localized in GPnCs with larger porosity. Our results suggest that creating GPnCs is a valuable method to efficiently manipulate the thermal conductivity of graphene.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present experimental and theoretical investigations of phonon thermal transport in (LaMnO$_3$)$_m$/(SrMnO$_3$)$_n$ superlattices (LMO/SMO SLs) with the thickness of individual layers $m,n = 3 - 10;$ u.c. and the thickness ratio $m/n = 1, 2$. Optic al transient thermal reflectivity measurements reveal a pronounced difference in the thermal conductivity between SLs with $m/n = 1$, and SLs with $m/n = 2$. State-of-the art electron microscopy techniques and ab-initio density functional calculations enables us to assign the origin of this difference to the absence ($m/n = 1$) or presence ($m/n = 2$) of spatially periodic, static oxygen octahedral rotation (OOR) inside the LMO layers. The experimental data analysis shows that the effective thermal conductance of the LMO/SMO interfaces strongly changes from $0.3$ GW/m$^2$K for $m/n = 2$ SLs with OOR to a surprisingly large value of $1.8$ GW/m$^2$K for $m/n = 1$ SLs without OOR. An instructive lattice dynamical model rationalizes our experimental findings as a result of coherent phonon transmission for $m/n = 1$ versus coherent phonon blocking in SLs with $m/n = 2$. We briefly discuss the possibilities to exploit these results for atomic-scale engineering of a crystalline phonon insulator. The thermal resistivity of this proposal for a thermal metamaterial surpasses the amorphous limit, although phonons still propagate coherently.
176 - A. A. Balandin , S. Ghosh , W. Bao 2008
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The low-temperature thermal conductivity in polycrystalline graphene is theoretically studied. The contributions from three branches of acoustic phonons are calculated by taking into account scattering on sample borders, point defects and grain bound aries. Phonon scattering due to sample borders and grain boundaries is shown to result in a $T^{alpha}$-behaviour in the thermal conductivity where $alpha$ varies between 1 and 2. This behaviour is found to be more pronounced for nanosized grain boundaries. PACS: 65.80.Ck, 81.05.ue, 73.43.Cd
Controlling the thermal conductivity of semiconductors is of practical interest in optimizing the performance of thermoelectric and phononic devices. The insertion of inclusions of nanometer size in a semiconductor is an effective means of achieving such control; it has been proposed that the thermal conductivity of silicon could be reduced to 1 W/m/K using this approach and that a minimum in the heat conductivity would be reached for some optimal size of the inclusions. Yet the practical verification of this design rule has been limited. In this work, we address this question by studying the thermal properties of silicon metalattices that consist of a periodic distribution of spherical inclusions with radii from 7 to 30 nm, embedded into silicon. Experimental measurements confirm that the thermal conductivity of silicon metalattices is as low as 1 W/m/K for silica inclusions, and that this value can be further reduced to 0.16 W/m/K for silicon metalattices with empty pores. A detailed model of ballistic phonon transport suggests that this thermal conductivity is close to the lowest achievable by tuning the radius and spacing of the periodic inhomogeneities. This study is a significant step in elucidating the scaling laws that dictate ballistic heat transport at the nanoscale in silicon and other semiconductors.
The authors proposed a simple model for the lattice thermal conductivity of graphene in the framework of Klemens approximation. The Gruneisen parameters were introduced separately for the longitudinal and transverse phonon branches through averaging over phonon modes obtained from the first-principles. The calculations show that Umklapp-limited thermal conductivity of graphene grows with the increasing linear dimensions of graphene flakes and can exceed that of the basal planes of bulk graphite when the flake size is on the order of few micrometers. The obtained results are in agreement with experimental data and reflect the two-dimensional nature of phonon transport in graphene.
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