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Large modulation of the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations by the Rashba interaction at the LaAlO$_{3}$/SrTiO$_{3}$ interface

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 نشر من قبل Alexandre F\\^ete
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the 2-dimensional Fermi surface of high-mobility LaAlO$_3$/SrTiO$_3$ interfaces using Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. Our analysis of the oscillation pattern underscores the key role played by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction brought about by the breaking of inversion symmetry, as well as the dominant contribution of the heavy $d_{xz}$/$d_{yz}$ orbitals on electrical transport. We furthermore bring into light the complex evolution of the oscillations with the carrier density, which is tuned by the field effect.

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We investigate the magnetotransport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas with anisotropic k-cubic Rashba interaction at the $rm{LaAlO_3}$/$rm{SrTiO_3}$ interface. The Landau levels and density of states of the system as well as the magnetotra nsport coefficients are evaluated. A somehow anomalous beating pattern in low magnetic field regime is found both in the density profile and magnetoresistivity. We discuss the impact of electron density, Landau level broadening and Rashba spin-orbit constant on the appearance of the beatings in low magnetic fields and find that at low electron concentrations and not very strong spin-orbit interactions the beatings smooth out. On the other hand, as the magnetic field increases, the Zeeman term becomes the dominant splitting mechanism leading to the spin-split peaks in SdH oscillations. We also show that the observation of the beatings in low magnetic fields needs a system with rather higher carrier concentration so that the beatings persist up to sufficiently large fields where the oscillations are not smoothed out by Landau level broadening. The quantum Hall plateaus are evaluated and we show the Chern number with both even and odd values is replaced by the odd numbers when two subband energies are close with spin degenerate energy levels. Along with the numerical evaluation of the magnetotransport properties, a perturbative calculation is also performed which can be used in the case of low densities and not very large filling factors.
We report the magneto-transport properties of CaAl$_4$ single crystals with $C2/m$ structure at low temperature. CaAl$_4$ exhibits large unsaturated magnetoresistance $sim$3000$%$ at 2.5 K and 14 T. The nonlinear Hall resistivity is observed, which i ndicates the multi-band feature. The first-principles calculations show the electron-hole compensation and the complex Fermi surface in CaAl$_4$, to which the two-band model with over-simplified carrier mobility cant completely apply. Evident quantum oscillations have been observed with B//c and B//ab configurations, from which the nontrivial Berry phase is extracted by the multi-band Lifshitz-Kosevich formula fitting. An electron-type quasi-2D Fermi surface is found by the angle-dependent Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, de Haas-van Alphen oscillations and the first-principles calculations. The calculations also elucidate that CaAl$_4$ owns a Dirac nodal line type band structure around the $Gamma$ point in the $Z$-$Gamma$-$L$ plane, which is protected by the mirror symmetry as well as the space inversion and time reversal symmetries. Once the spin-orbit coupling is included, the crossed nodal line opens a negligible gap (less than 3 meV). The open-orbit topology is also found in the electron-type Fermi surfaces, which is believed to help enhance the magnetoresistance observed.
The paradigm of electrons interacting with a periodic lattice potential is central to solid-state physics. Semiconductor heterostructures and ultracold neutral atomic lattices capture many of the essential properties of 1D electronic systems. However , fully one-dimensional superlattices are highly challenging to fabricate in the solid state due to the inherently small length scales involved. Conductive atomic-force microscope (c-AFM) lithography has recently been demonstrated to create ballistic few-mode electron waveguides with highly quantized conductance and strongly attractive electron-electron interactions. Here we show that artificial Kronig-Penney-like superlattice potentials can be imposed on such waveguides, introducing a new superlattice spacing that can be made comparable to the mean separation between electrons. The imposed superlattice potential fractures the electronic subbands into a manifold of new subbands with magnetically-tunable fractional conductance (in units of $e^2/h$). The lowest $G=2e^2/h$ plateau, associated with ballistic transport of spin-singlet electron pairs, is stable against de-pairing up to the highest magnetic fields explored ($|B|=16$ T). A 1D model of the system suggests that an engineered spin-orbit interaction in the superlattice contributes to the enhanced pairing observed in the devices. These findings represent an important advance in the ability to design new families of quantum materials with emergent properties, and mark a milestone in the development of a solid-state 1D quantum simulation platform.
444 - S. N. Klimin 2014
The interface superconductivity in LaAlO$_{3}$-SrTiO$_{3}$ heterostructures reveals a non-monotonic behavior of the critical temperature as a function of the two-dimensional density of charge carriers. We develop a theoretical description of interfac e superconductivity in strongly polar heterostructures, based on the dielectric function formalism. The density dependence of the critical temperature is calculated accounting for all phonon branches including different types of optical (interface and half-space) and acoustic phonons. The LO- and acoustic-phonon-mediated electron-electron interaction is shown to be the dominating mechanism governing the superconducting phase transition in the heterostructure.
We report the observation of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations in the underdoped cuprate superconductor YBa$_2$Cu$_4$O$_8$ (Y124). For field aligned along the c-axis, the frequency of the oscillations is $660pm 30$ T, which corresponds to $sim 2.4$ % of the total area of the first Brillouin zone. The effective mass of the quasiparticles on this orbit is measured to be $2.7pm0.3$ times the free electron mass. Both the frequency and mass are comparable to those recently observed for ortho-II YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{6.5}$ (Y123-II). We show that although small Fermi surface pockets may be expected from band structure calculations in Y123-II, no such pockets are predicted for Y124. Our results therefore imply that these small pockets are a generic feature of the copper oxide plane in underdoped cuprates.
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