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Sub-diffraction sub-100 ps all-optical magnetic switching by passive wavefront shaping

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 نشر من قبل Lo\\\"ic Le Guyader
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The recently discovered magnetization reversal driven solely by a femtosecond laser pulse has been shown to be a promising way to record information at record breaking speeds. Seeking to improve the recording density has raised intriguing fundamental question about the feasibility to combine the ultrafast temporal with sub-wavelength spatial resolution of magnetic recording. Here we report about the first experimental demonstration of sub-diffraction and sub-100 ps all-optical magnetic switching. Using computational methods we reveal the feasibility of sub-diffraction magnetic switching even for an unfocused incoming laser pulse. This effect is achieved via structuring the sample such that the laser pulse experiences a passive wavefront shaping as it couples and propagates inside the magnetic structure. Time-resolved studies with the help of photo-emission electron microscopy clearly reveal that the sub-wavelength switching with the help of the passive wave-front shaping can be pushed into sub-100 ps regime.

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Sub-100 nm nanomagnets not only are technologically important, but also exhibit complex magnetization reversal behaviors as their dimensions are comparable to typical magnetic domain wall widths. Here we capture magnetic fingerprints of 1 billion Fe nanodots as they undergo a single domain to vortex state transition, using a first-order reversal curve (FORC) method. As the nanodot size increases from 52 nm to 67 nm, the FORC diagrams reveal striking differences, despite only subtle changes in their major hysteresis loops. The 52 nm nanodots exhibit single domain behavior and the coercivity distribution extracted from the FORC distribution agrees well with a calculation based on the measured nanodot size distribution. The 58 and 67 nm nanodots exhibit vortex states, where the nucleation and annihilation of the vortices are manifested as butterfly-like features in the FORC distribution and confirmed by micromagnetic simulations. Furthermore, the FORC method gives quantitative measures of the magnetic phase fractions, and vortex nucleation and annihilation fields.
We study the heat-induced magnetization dynamics in a toy model of a ferrimagnetic alloy, which includes localized spins antiferromagnetically coupled to an itinerant carrier system with a Stoner gap. We determine the one-particle spin-density matrix including exchange scattering between localized and itinerant bands as well as scattering with phonons. While a transient ferromagnetic-like state can always be achieved by a sufficiently strong excitation, this transient ferromagnetic-like state only leads to magnetization switching for model parameters that also yield a compensation point in the equilibrium M(T) curve.
We theoretically study the influence of a predominant field-like spin-orbit torque on the magnetization switching of small devices with a uniform magnetization. We show that for a certain range of ratios (0.23-0.55) of the Slonczewski to the field-li ke torques, it is possible to deterministically switch the magnetization without requiring any external assist field. A precise control of the pulse length is not necessary, but the pulse edge sharpness is critical. The proposed switching scheme is numerically verified to be effective in devices by micromagnetic simulations. Switching without any external assist field is of great interest for the application of spin-orbit torques to magnetic memories.
Achieving ultrafast all-optical switching in a silicon waveguide geometry is a key milestone on the way to an integrated platform capable of handling the increasing demands for higher speed and higher capacity for information transfer. Given the weak electro-optic and thermo-optic effects in silicon, there has been intense interest in hybrid structures in which that switching could be accomplished by integrating another material into the waveguide, including the phase-changing material, vanadium dioxide (VO2). It has long been known that the phase transition in VO2 can be triggered by ultrafast laser pulses, and that pump-laser fluence is a critical parameter governing the recovery time of thin films irradiated by femtosecond laser pulses near 800 nm. However, thin-film experiments are not a priori reliable guides to using VO2 for all-optical switching in on-chip silicon photonics because of the large changes in VO2 optical constants in the telecommunications band, the requirement of low insertion loss, and the limits on switching energy permissible in integrated photonic systems. Here we report the first measurements to show that the reversible, ultrafast photo-induced phase transition in VO2 can be harnessed to achieve sub-picosecond switching when small VO2 volumes are integrated in a silicon waveguide as a modulating element. Switching energies above threshold are of order 600 fJ/switch. These results suggest that VO2 can now be pursued as a strong candidate for all-optical switching with sub-picosecond on-off times.
We employ an atomic spin model and present a systematic investigation from a single spin to a large system of over a million spins. To have an efficient spin switching, the electron initial momentum direction must closely follow the spins orientation , so the orbital angular momentum is transverse to the spin and consequently the spin-orbit torque lies in the same direction as the spin. The module of the spin-orbit torque is $lambda |{bf S}||{bf r}||{bf P}| sqrt{cos^2alpha+cos^2beta-2cosalpha cosbeta cosgamma} $, where $alpha(beta)$ is the angle between spin {bf S} and position {bf r}(momentum { bf P}) and $gamma$ is the angle between {bf r} and {bf P}. These findings are manifested in a much larger system. The spin response depends on underlying spin structures. A linearly polarized laser pulse creates a dip in a uniform inplane-magnetized thin film, but has little effects on eel and Bloch walls. Both right- and left- circularly polarized light ($sigma^+$ and $sigma^-$) have stronger but different effects in both uniform spin domains and Neel walls. While $sigma^+$ light creates a basin of spins pointing down, $sigma^-$ light creates a mound of spins pointing up. In the vicinity of the structure spins are reversed, similar to the experimental observation. $sigma^+$ light has a dramatic effect, disrupting spins in Bloch walls. By contrast, $sigma^-$ light has a small effect on Bloch walls because $sigma^-$ only switches down spins up and once the spins already point up, there is no major effect.
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