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Non-coplanar and counter-rotating incommensurate magnetic order stabilized by Kitaev interactions in $gamma$-Li2IrO3

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 نشر من قبل Radu Coldea
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Materials that realize Kitaev spin models with bond-dependent anisotropic interactions have long been searched for, as the resulting frustration effects are predicted to stabilize novel forms of magnetic order or quantum spin liquids. Here we explore the magnetism of $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$, which has the topology of a 3D Kitaev lattice of inter-connected Ir honeycombs. Using resonant magnetic x-ray diffraction we find a complex, yet highly-symmetric incommensurate magnetic structure with non-coplanar and counter-rotating Ir moments. We propose a minimal Kitaev-Heisenberg Hamiltonian that naturally accounts for all key features of the observed magnetic structure. Our results provide strong evidence that $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ realizes a spin Hamiltonian with dominant Kitaev interactions.

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The recently-synthesized iridate $beta$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ has been proposed as a candidate to display novel magnetic behavior stabilized by frustration effects from bond-dependent, anisotropic interactions (Kitaev model) on a three-dimensional hyperhoney comb lattice. Here we report a combined study using neutron powder diffraction and magnetic resonant x-ray diffraction to solve the complete magnetic structure. We find a complex, incommensurate magnetic order with non-coplanar and counter-rotating Ir moments, which surprisingly shares many of its features with the related structural polytype stripyhoneycomb $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$, where dominant Kitaev interactions have been invoked to explain the stability of the observed magnetic structure. The similarities of behavior between those two structural polytypes, which have different global lattice topologies but the same local connectivity, is strongly suggestive that the same magnetic interactions and the same underlying mechanism governs the stability of the magnetic order in both materials, indicating that both $beta$- and $gamma$-Li$_2$IrO$_3$ are strong candidates to realize dominant Kitaev interactions in a solid state material.
We report a neutron diffraction study of the magnetic phase transitions in the charge-density-wave (CDW) TbTe$_3$ compound. We discover that in the paramagnetic phase there are strong 2D-like magnetic correlations, consistent with the pronounced anis otropy of the chemical structure. A long-range incommensurate magnetic order emerges in TbTe$_3$ at $T_{mag1}$ = 5.78 K as a result of continuous phase transitions. We observe that near the temperature $T_{mag1}$ the magnetic Bragg peaks appear around the position (0,0,0.24) (or its rational multiples), that is fairly close to the propagation vector $(0,0,0.29)$ associated with the CDW phase transition in TbTe$_3$. This suggests that correlations leading to the long-range magnetic order in TbTe$_3$ are linked to the modulations that occur in the CDW state.
The double exchange model describing interactions of itinerant electrons with localized spins is usually used to explain ferromagnetism in metals. We show that for a variety of crystal lattices of different dimensionalities and for a wide range of mo del parameters the ferromagnetic state is unstable against a non-collinear spiral magnetic order. We revisit the phase diagram of the double exchange model on a triangular lattice and show in a large part of the diagram the incommensurate spiral state has a lower energy than the previously discussed commensurate states. These results indicate that double exchange systems are inherently frustrated and can host unconventional spin orders.
The Kitaev model is a beautiful example of frustrated interactions giving rise to deep and unexpected phenomena. In particular, its classical version has remarkable properties stemming from exponentially large ground state degeneracy. Here, we presen t a study of magnetic clusters with spin-$S$ moments coupled by Kitaev interactions. We focus on two cluster geometries -- the Kitaev square and the Kitaev tetrahedron -- that allow us to explicitly enumerate all classical ground states. In both cases, the classical ground state space (CGSS) is large and self-intersecting, with non-manifold character. The Kitaev square has a CGSS of four intersecting circles that can be embedded in four dimensions. The tetrahedron CGSS consists of eight spheres embedded in six dimensions. In the semi-classical large-$S$ limit, we argue for effective low energy descriptions in terms of a single particle moving on these non-manifold spaces. Remarkably, at low energies, the particle is tied down in bound states formed around singularities at self-intersection points. In the language of spins, the low energy physics is determined by a distinct set of states that lies well below other eigenstates. These correspond to `Cartesian states, a special class of classical ground states that are constructed from dimer covers of the underlying lattice. They completely determine the low energy physics despite being a small subset of the classical ground state space. This provides an example of order by singularity, where state selection becomes stronger upon approaching the classical limit.
Honeycomb iridates are thought to have strongly spin-anisotropic exchange interactions that could lead to an extraordinary state of matter known as the Kitaev quantum spin liquid. The realization of this state requires almost perfectly frustrated int eractions between the magnetic Ir$^{4+}$ ions, but small imbalances in energy make other ordered states more favorable. Indeed, the closeness in energy of these ordered states is itself a signature of the intrinsic frustration in the system. In this work, we illustrate that small magnetic fields can be employed to drive the frustrated quantum magnet $beta-$Li$_2$IrO$_3$,between different broken symmetry states, but without causing a true thermodynamic phase transition. This field-induced broken symmetry phase has all the signatures of a thermodynamic order parameter, but it is never truly formed in zero field. Rather, it is summoned when the scales of frustration are appropriately tipped, intertwined with other nearby quantum states.
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