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Pairs of orthogonal countable ordinals

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 نشر من قبل Imed Zaguia
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
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We characterize pairs of orthogonal countable ordinals. Two ordinals $alpha$ and $beta$ are orthogonal if there are two linear orders $A$ and $B$ on the same set $V$ with order types $alpha$ and $beta$ respectively such that the only maps preserving both orders are the constant maps and the identity map. We prove that if $alpha$ and $beta$ are two countable ordinals, with $alpha leq beta$, then $alpha$ and $beta$ are orthogonal if and only if either $omega + 1leq alpha$ or $alpha =omega$ and $beta < omega beta$.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the topological version of the partition calculus in the setting of countable ordinals. Let $alpha$ and $beta$ be ordinals and let $k$ be a positive integer. We write $betato_{top}(alpha,k)^2$ to mean that, for every red-blue coloring of the collection of 2-sized subsets of $beta$, there is either a red-homogeneous set homeomorphic to $alpha$ or a blue-homogeneous set of size $k$. The least such $beta$ is the topological Ramsey number $R^{top}(alpha,k)$. We prove a topological version of the ErdH{o}s-Milner theorem, namely that $R^{top}(alpha,k)$ is countable whenever $alpha$ is countable. More precisely, we prove that $R^{top}(omega^{omega^beta},k+1)leqomega^{omega^{betacdot k}}$ for all countable ordinals $beta$ and finite $k$. Our proof is modeled on a new easy proof of a weak version of the ErdH{o}s-Milner theorem that may be of independent interest. We also provide more careful upper bounds for certain small values of $alpha$, proving among other results that $R^{top}(omega+1,k+1)=omega^k+1$, $R^{top}(alpha,k)< omega^omega$ whenever $alpha<omega^2$, $R^{top}(omega^2,k)leqomega^omega$ and $R^{top}(omega^2+1,k+2)leqomega^{omegacdot k}+1$ for all finite $k$. Our computations use a variety of techniques, including a topological pigeonhole principle for ordinals, considerations of a tree ordering based on the Cantor normal form of ordinals, and some ultrafilter arguments.
We show that every countable cograph has either one or infinitely many siblings. This answers, very partially, a conjecture of Thomasse. The main tools are the notion of well quasi ordering and the correspondence between cographs and some labelled ordered trees.
We define a collection of topological Ramsey spaces consisting of equivalence relations on $omega$ with the property that the minimal representatives of the equivalence classes alternate according to a fixed partition of $omega$. To prove the associa ted pigeonhole principles, we make use of the left-variable Hales-Jewett theorem and its extension to an infinite alphabet. We also show how to transfer the corresponding infinite-dimensional Ramsey results to equivalence relations on countable limit ordinals (up to a necessary restriction on the set of minimal representatives of the equivalence classes) in order to obtain a dual Ramsey theorem for such ordinals.
Let $mathrm{G}$ be a subgroup of the symmetric group $mathfrak S(U)$ of all permutations of a countable set $U$. Let $overline{mathrm{G}}$ be the topological closure of $mathrm{G}$ in the function topology on $U^U$. We initiate the study of the poset $overline{mathrm{G}}[U]:={f[U]mid fin overline{mathrm{G}}}$ of images of the functions in $overline{mathrm{G}}$, being ordered under inclusion. This set $overline{mathrm{G}}[U]$ of subsets of the set $U$ will be called the emph{poset of copies for} the group $mathrm{G}$. A denomination being justified by the fact that for every subgroup $mathrm{G}$ of the symmetric group $mathfrak S(U)$ there exists a homogeneous relational structure $R$ on $U$ such that $overline G$ is the set of embeddings of the homogeneous structure $R$ into itself and $overline{mathrm{G}}[U]$ is the set of copies of $R$ in $R$ and that the set of bijections $overline Gcap mathfrak S(U)$ of $U$ to $U$ forms the group of automorphisms of $mathrm{R}$.
We prove that the injectively omega-tree-automatic ordinals are the ordinals smaller than $omega^{omega^omega}$. Then we show that the injectively $omega^n$-automatic ordinals, where $n>0$ is an integer, are the ordinals smaller than $omega^{omega^n} $. This strengthens a recent result of Schlicht and Stephan who considered in [Schlicht-Stephan11] the subclasses of finite word $omega^n$-automatic ordinals. As a by-product we obtain that the hierarchy of injectively $omega^n$-automatic structures, n>0, which was considered in [Finkel-Todorcevic12], is strict.
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