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Renormalization Group Analysis of a Fermionic Hot Spot Model

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 نشر من قبل Seth Whitsitt
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a renormalization group (RG) analysis of a fermionic hot spot model of interacting electrons on the square lattice. We truncate the Fermi surface excitations to linearly dispersing quasiparticles in the vicinity of eight hot spots on the Fermi surface, with each hot spot separated from another by the wavevector $(pi, pi)$. This motivated by the importance of these Fermi surface locations to the onset of antiferromagnetic order; however, we allow for all possible quartic interactions between the fermions, and also for all possible ordering instabilities. We compute the RG equations for our model, which depend on whether the hot spots are perfectly nested or not, and relate our results to earlier models. We also compute the RG flow of the relevant order parameters for both Hubbard and $J$, $V$ interactions, and present our results for the dominant instabilities in the nested and non-nested cases. In particular, we find that non-nested hot spots with $J$, $V$ interactions have competing singlet $d_{x^2-y^2}$ superconducting and $d$-form factor incommensurate density wave instabilities. We also investigate the enhancement of incommensurate density waves near experimentally observed wavevectors, and find dominant $d$-form factor enhancement for a range of couplings.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present in this work an exact renormalization group (RG) treatment of a one-dimensional $p$-wave superconductor. The model proposed by Kitaev consists of a chain of spinless fermions with a $p$-wave gap. It is a paradigmatic model of great actual interest since it presents a weak pairing superconducting phase that has Majorana fermions at the ends of the chain. Those are predicted to be useful for quantum computation. The RG allows to obtain the phase diagram of the model and to study the quantum phase transition from the weak to the strong pairing phase. It yields the attractors of these phases and the critical exponents of the weak to strong pairing transition. We show that the weak pairing phase of the model is governed by a chaotic attractor being non-trivial from both its topological and RG properties. In the strong pairing phase the RG flow is towards a conventional strong coupling fixed point. Finally, we propose an alternative way for obtaining $p$-wave superconductivity in a one-dimensional system without spin-orbit interaction.
We employ the weak-coupling renormalization group approach to study unconventional superconducting phases emerging in the extended, repulsive Hubbard model on paradigmatic two-dimensional lattices. Repulsive interactions usually lead to higher-angula r momentum Cooper pairing. By considering not only longer-ranged hoppings, but also non-local electron-electron interactions, we are able to find superconducting solutions for all irreducible representations on the square and hexagonal lattices, including extended regions of chiral topological superconductivity. For the square, triangular and honeycomb lattices, we provide detailed superconducting phase diagrams as well as the coupling strengths which quantify the corresponding critical temperatures depending on the bandstructure parameters, band filling, and interaction parameters. We discuss the sensitivity of the method with respect to the numerical resolution of the integration grid and the patching scheme. Eventually we show how to efficiently reach a high numerical accuracy.
165 - Ahmet Keles , Erhai Zhao 2018
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180 - J. Bauer , A.C. Hewson , N. Dupuis 2009
We present a study of the attractive Hubbard model based on the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) combined with the numerical renormalization group (NRG). For this study the NRG method is extended to deal with self-consistent solutions of effective impurity models with superconducting symmetry breaking. We give details of this extension and validate our calculations with DMFT results with antiferromagnetic ordering. We also present results for static and integrated quantities for different filling factors in the crossover from weak (BCS) to strong coupling (BEC) superfluidity. We study the evolution of the single-particle spectra throughout the crossover regime. Although the DMFT does not include the interaction of the fermions with the Goldstone mode, we find strong deviations from the mean-field theory in the intermediate and strong coupling (BEC) regimes. In particular, we show that low-energy charge fluctuations induce a transfer of spectral weight from the Bogoliubov quasiparticles to a higher-energy incoherent hump.
Recent experimental advances in using strain engineering to significantly alter the band structure of moderately correlated systems offer opportunities and challenges to weak-coupling renormalization group (RG) analysis approaches for predicting supe rconducting instabilities. On one hand, the RG approach can provide theoretical guidance. On the other hand, it is now imperative to better understand how the predictions of the RG approach depends on microscopic and non-universal model details. Here we focus on the effect of band-selective mass-renormalization often observed in angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Focusing on a specific example of uniaxially strained $rm{Sr_2RuO_4}$ we carry out the weak-coupling RG analysis from two sets of band structures as starting points: one is based on density functional theory (DFT) calculations and the other is based on angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements. Despite good agreement between the Fermi surfaces of the the two band structures we find the two sets of band structures to predict qualitatively different trends in the strain dependence of the superconducting transition temperature $T_c$ as well as the dominant channel.
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