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Radial distribution of charged particles in a magnetic field

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 نشر من قبل Sky Sjue
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The radial spread of charged particles emitted from a point source in a magnetic field is a potential source of systematic error for any experiment where magnetic fields guide charged particles to detectors with finite size. Assuming uniform probability as a function of the phase along the particles helical trajectory, an analytic solution for the radial probability distribution function follows which applies to experiments in which particles are generated throughout a volume that spans a sufficient length along the axis of a homogeneous magnetic field. This approach leads to the same result as a different derivation given by Dubbers et al. But the constant phase approximation does not strictly apply to finite source volumes or fixed positions, which lead to local maxima in the radial distribution of emitted particles at the plane of the detector. A simple method is given to calculate such distributions, then the effect is demonstrated with data from a $^{207}$Bi electron-conversion source in the superconducting solenoid magnet spectrometer of the Ultracold Neutron facility at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. Potential future applications of this effect are discussed.

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The possibility to reduce the background due to cosmic ray charged particles by the use of magnetic field in the ground based low energy particle detectors is explored. The degree of reduction of cosmic rays as a function of the magnetic field strength and its depth is quantified.
265 - S. Sweany , W. G. Lynch , K. Brown 2021
To efficiently detect energetic light charged particles, it is common to use arrays of energy-loss telescopes involving two or more layers of detection media. As the energy of the particles increases, thicker layers are usually needed. However, carry ing out measurements with thick-telescopes may require corrections for the losses due to nuclear reactions induced by the incident particles on nuclei within the detector and for the scattering of incident particles out of the detector, without depositing their full energy in the active material. In this paper, we develop a method for measuring such corrections and determine the reaction and out-scattering losses for data measured with the silicon-CsI(Tl) telescopes of the newly developed HiRA10 array. The extracted efficiencies are in good agreement with model predictions using the GEANT4 reaction loss algorithm for Z=1 and Z=2 isotopes. After correcting for the HiRA10 geometry, a general function that describes the efficiencies from the reaction loss in CsI(Tl) crystals as a function of range is obtained.
In this report we discuss appropriate strategies for the tracking of charged particles in the limit of zero curvature. The suggested approach avoids special treatments and precision issues that frequently arise in that limit. We provide explicit expr essions for transport, refitting and vertexing in regions where magnetic field inhomogeneities or detector interaction effects can be approximately ignored.
We study diffusion of charged particles in stationary stochastic magnetic field ${bf B}$ with zero mean, $langle {bf B} rangle = 0 $. In the case when electric current is carried by electrons, the field is force-free, $mathrm{curl} ,{bf B} = alpha{bf B} $, where $alpha({bf r})$ is an arbitrary scalar function. In a small region where the function $alpha $ and the field magnitude $|{bf B}|$ are approximately constant, the equations of motion of charged particles are integrated and reduced to the equation of mathematical pendulum. The transition from trapped to untrapped particles is continuously traced. Averaging over the magnetic field spectrum gives the spatial diffusion coefficient $D$ of particles as a function of the Larmor radius $r_L$ in the large-scale magnetic fields ($B_{LS}$) and magnetic field correlation length $L_0$. The diffusion coefficient turns out to be proportional to the Larmor radius, $Dpropto r_L $, for $r_L <L_0 / 2pi $, and to the Larmor radius squared, $ D propto r_L^2 $, for $ r_L> L_0 /2pi $. We apply obtained results to the diffusion of cosmic rays in the Galaxy, which contains a large number of independent regions with parameters $L_0$ and $B_{LS}$ varying in wide range. We average over $B_{LS}$ with the Kolmogorov spectrum and over $L_0$ with the distribution function $f(L_0)propto L_0^{- 1+ sigma}$. For the practically flat spectrum $sigma = 1/15$, we have $ Dpropto r_m^{0.7}$, which is consistent with observations.
The upgrades of ATLAS and CMS for the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) highlighted physics objects timing as a tool to resolve primary interactions within a bunch crossing. Since the expected pile-up is around 200, with an r.m.s. time spread of 180 ps, a time resolution of about 30 ps is needed. The timing detectors will experience a 1-MeV neutron equivalent fluence of about $Phi_{eq}=10^{14}$ and $10^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$ for the barrel and end-cap regions, respectively. In this contribution, deep diffused Avalanche Photo Diodes (APDs) produced by Radiation Monitoring Devices are examined as candidate timing detectors for HL-LHC applications. To improve the detectors timing performance, the APDs are used to directly detect the traversing particles, without a radiator medium where light is produced. Devices with an active area of $8times8$ mm$^2$ were characterized in beam tests. The timing performance and signal properties were measured as a function of position on the detector using a beam telescope and a microchannel plate photomultiplier (MCP-PMT). Devices with an active area of $2times2$ mm$^2$ were used to determine the effects of radiation damage and characterized using a ps pulsed laser. These detectors were irradiated with neutrons up to $Phi_{eq}=10^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$.
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