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Conception of Biologic System: Basis Functional Elements and Metric Properties

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 نشر من قبل Garri Davydyan
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث علم الأحياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Garri Davydyan

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A notion of biologic system or just a system implies a functional wholeness of comprising system components. Positive and negative feedback are the examples of how the idea to unite anatomical elements in the whole functional structure was successfully used in practice to explain regulatory mechanisms in biology and medicine. There are numerous examples of functional and metabolic pathways which are not regulated by feedback loops and have a structure of reciprocal relationships. Expressed in the matrix form positive feedback, negative feedback, and reciprocal links represent three basis elements of a Lie algebra sl(2,R)of a special linear group SL(2,R). It is proposed that the mathematical group structure can be realized through the three regulatory elements playing a role of a functional basis of biologic systems. The structure of the basis elements endows the space of biological variables with indefinite metric. Metric structure resembles Minkowskis space-time (+, -, -) making the carrier spaces of biologic variables and the space of transformations inhomogeneous. It endows biologic systems with a rich functional structure, giving the regulatory elements special differentiating features to form steady autonomous subsystems reducible to one-dimensional components.

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121 - Miloje M. Rakocevic 2007
The paper represents three supplements to the source paper, q-bio/0610044 [q-bio.OT], with three new series of harmonic structures of the genetic code, determined by Gauss arithmetical algorithm; by Table of Minimal Adding, as in (Rakocevic, 2011a: T able 4; 2011b: Table 4); all structures in relation to Binary-code tree (Rakocevic, 1998). The determination itself is realized through atom and nucleon number balancing and nuancing of molekular polarity. In the first supplement the word is about some additional harmonic structures in relation to a previous our paper (Rakocevic, 2004); in the second one about the relation that structures with the polarity of protein amino acids. In the third supplement we give new ideas about the genetic code by an inclusion of the notions cipher of the genetic code and the key of that cipher.
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