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Detection of Radio Emission from Fireballs

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 نشر من قبل Kenneth Obenberger
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the findings from the Prototype All-Sky Imager (PASI), a backend correlator of the first station of the Long Wavelength Array (LWA1), which has recorded over 11,000 hours of all-sky images at frequencies between 25 and 75 MHz. In a search of this data for radio transients, we have found 49 long (10s of seconds) duration transients. Ten of these transients correlate both spatially and temporally with large meteors (fireballs), and their signatures suggest that fireballs emit a previously undiscovered low frequency, non-thermal pulse. This emission provides a new probe into the physics of meteors and identifies a new form of naturally occurring radio transient foreground.

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We present dynamic spectra from the LWA1 telescope of two large meteors (fireballs) observed to emit between 37 and 54 MHz. These spectra show the first ever recorded broadband measurements of this newly discovered VHF emission. The spectra show that the emission is smooth and steep, getting very bright at lower frequencies. We suggest that this signal is possibly emission of Langmuir waves and that these waves could be excited by a weak electron beam within the trail. The spectra of one fireball displays broadband temporal frequency sweeps. We suggest that these sweeps are evidence of individual expanding clumps of emitting plasma. While some of these proposed clumps may have formed at the very beginning of the fireball event, others must have formed seconds after the initial event.
Recently, low frequency, broadband radio emission has been observed accompanying bright meteors by the Long Wavelength Array (LWA). The broadband spectra between 20 and 60 MHz were captured for several events, while the spectral index (dependence of flux density on frequency, with $S_ u propto u^alpha$) was estimated to be $-4pm1$ during the peak of meteor afterglows. Here we present a survey of meteor emission and other transient events using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) at 72-103 MHz. In our 322-hour survey, down to a $5sigma$ detection threshold of 3.5 Jy/beam, no transient candidates were identified as intrinsic emission from meteors. We derived an upper limit of -3.7 (95% confidence limit) on the spectral index in our frequency range. We also report detections of other transient events, like reflected FM broadcast signals from small satellites, conclusively demonstrating the ability of the MWA to detect and track space debris on scales as small as 0.1 m in low Earth orbits.
In this paper, we investigate the detectability of radio emission from exoplanets, especially hot Jupiters, which are magnified by gravitational microlensing. Because hot Jupiters have orbital periods much shorter than the characteristic timescale of microlensing, the magnification curve has a unique wavy feature depending on the orbital parameters. This feature is useful to identify radio emission from exoplanets and, in addition to magnification, makes it easier to detect exoplanets directly. We also estimate the expected event rate red of the detectable level of microlensed planetary radio emissions, assuming the LOFAR and the first phase of the Square Kilometre Array.
We present the results of a survey for low frequency radio emission from 17 known exoplanetary systems with the Murchison Widefield Array. This sample includes 13 systems that have not previously been targeted with radio observations. We detected no radio emission at 154 MHz, and put 3 sigma upper limits in the range 15.2-112.5 mJy on this emission. We also searched for circularly polarised emission and made no detections, obtaining 3 sigma upper limits in the range 3.4-49.9 mJy. These are comparable with the best low frequency radio limits in the existing literature and translate to luminosity limits of between 1.2 x 10^14 W and 1.4 x 10^17 W if the emission is assumed to be 100% circularly polarised. These are the first results from a larger program to systematically search for exoplanetary emission with the MWA.
CoREAS is a Monte Carlo code for the simulation of radio emission from extensive air showers. It implements the endpoint formalism for the calculation of electromagnetic radiation directly in CORSIKA. As such, it is parameter-free, makes no assumptio ns on the emission mechanism for the radio signals, and takes into account the complete complexity of the electron and positron distributions as simulated by CORSIKA. In this article, we illustrate the capabilities of CoREAS with simulations carried out in different frequency ranges from tens of MHz up to GHz frequencies, and describe in particular the emission characteristics at high frequencies due to Cherenkov effects arising from the varying refractive index of the atmosphere.
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