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Container structure of alpha alpha Lambda clusters in $_Lambda^9$Be

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 نشر من قبل Yasuro Funaki
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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New concept of clustering is discussed in $Lambda$ hypernuclei using a new-type microscopic cluster model wave function, which has a structure that constituent clusters are confined in a container, whose size is a variational parameter and which we refer to as Hyper-Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Ropke (Hyper-THSR) wave function. By using the Hyper-THSR wave function, $2alpha + Lambda$ cluster structure in ${^{9}_Lambda{rm Be}}$ is investigated. We show that full microscopic solutions in the $2alpha + Lambda$ cluster system, which are given as $2alpha + Lambda$ Brink-GCM wave functions, are almost perfectly reproduced by the single configurations of the Hyper-THSR wave function. The squared overlaps between the both wave functions are calculated to be $99.5$%, $99.4$%, and $97.7$% for $J^pi=0^+$, $2^+$, and $4^+$ states, respectively. We also simulate the structural change by adding the $Lambda$ particle, by varying the $Lambda N$ interaction artificially. As the increase of the $Lambda N$ interaction, the $Lambda$ particle gets to move more deeply inside the core and invokes strongly the spatial core shrinkage, and accordingly distinct localized $2alpha$ clusters appear in the nucleonic intrinsic density, though in ${^{8}{rm Be}}$ rather gaslike $2alpha$-cluster structure is shown. The origin of the localization is associated with the strong effect of Pauli principle. We conclude that the container picture of the $2alpha$ and $Lambda$ clusters is essential in understanding the cluster structure in ${^{9}_Lambda{rm Be}}$, in which the very compact spatial localization of clusters is shown in the density distribution.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the structure of $^9_Lambda$Be in the framework of three body $alpha+alpha+Lambda$ cluster model using YNG-NF interaction with the Gaussian expansion method. Employing the complex scaling method, we obtain the energies of bound states as wel l as energies and decay widths of the resonant states. By analyzing our wave functions of bound states and resonant states, we confirm three analogue states of $^9_Lambda$Be pointed out by Band${rm bar{o}}$ and Motoba {it et al.} cite{motoba1983,motoba1985,bando1983}, $^8$Be analogue states, $^9_{Lambda}$Be genuine states and $^9$Be analogue states. The new states of $^9_Lambda$Be are also obtained at a high energy region with broader decay widths.
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We propose a new approach to probe the spatial extension of the valence neutron orbital in the $^{9}$Be nucleus via the ${}^{9}$Be($p,pn$)${}^{8}$Be knockout reaction. This property of the nuclear molecular orbital has not been established in previou s experimental studies and divergence exists between the theoretical descriptions of ${}^{9}$Be from different perspectives, textit{i.e.}, the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics and the container pictures of cluster dynamics. These pictures are represented by two different well-proven microscopic models, the antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD) and Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-R{o}pke (THSR) wave functions. The corresponding reduced width amplitudes (RWAs) in the $^{8}$Be$+n$ channel are extracted from both the AMD and THSR wave functions, and they are found to describe drastically different valence-nucleon motion, which shows the theoretical ambiguity in describing the $pi$-orbitals in $^{9}$Be. Using the RWAs as input, the physical observables of the ${}^{9}$Be($p,pn$)${}^{8}$Be knockout reaction are predicted by the distorted-wave impulse approximation (DWIA) framework. The magnitudes of the triple-differential cross sections (TDX) are found to be highly sensitive to the RWA input. It is concluded that the ${}^{9}$Be($p,pn$)${}^{8}$Be knockout reaction could provide a feasible probing for the subtle differences between several structure models manifesting through the spatial extension of the $pi$-orbital in the $^{9}$Be nucleus.
100 - Y. Fujiwara 2004
We carry out Faddeev calculations of three-alpha (3 alpha) and two-alpha plus Lambda (alpha alpha Lambda) systems, using two-cluster resonating-group method kernels. The input includes an effective two-nucleon force for the alpha alpha resonating-gro up method and a new effective Lambda N force for the Lambda alpha interaction. The latter force is a simple two-range Gaussian potential for each spin-singlet and triplet state, generated from the phase-shift behavior of the quark-model hyperon-nucleon interaction, fss2, by using an inversion method based on supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Owing to the exact treatment of the Pauli-forbidden states between the clusters, the present three-cluster Faddeev formalism can describe the mutually related, alpha alpha, 3 alpha and alpha alpha Lambda systems, in terms of a unique set of the baryon-baryon interactions. For the three-range Minnesota force which describes the alpha alpha phase shifts quite accurately, the ground-state and excitation energies of 9Be Lambda are reproduced within 100 - 200 keV accuracy.
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