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Dynamics of Electroweak Gauge Fields during and after Higgs Inflation

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 نشر من قبل Ippei Obata
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study the dynamics of $SU(2)_L$ times $U(1)_Y$ electroweak gauge fields during and after Higgs inflation. In particular, we investigate configurations of the gauge fields during inflation and find the gauge fields remain topologically non-trivial. We also find that the gauge fields grow due to parametric resonances caused by oscillations of a Higgs field after inflation. We show that the Chern-Simons number also grows significantly. Interestingly, the parametric amplification gives rise to sizable magnetic fields after the inflation whose final amplitudes depend on the anisotropy survived during inflation.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We briefly summarize the impact of the recent Planck measurements for string inflationary models, and outline what might be expected to be learned in the near future from the expected improvement in sensitivity to the primordial tensor-to-scalar rati o. We comment on whether these models provide sufficient added value to compensate for their complexity, and ask how they fare in the face of the new constraints on non-gaussianity and dark radiation. We argue that as a group the predictions made before Planck agree well with what has been seen, and draw conclusions from this about what is likely to mean as sensitivity to primordial gravitational waves improves.
We study derivatively coupled fermions in axion-driven inflation, specifically $m_phi^2phi^2$ and monodromy inflation, and calculate particle production during the inflationary epoch and the post-inflationary axion oscillations. During inflation, the rolling axion acts as an effective chemical potential for helicity which biases the gravitational production of one fermion helicity over the other. This mechanism allows for efficient gravitational production of heavy fermion states that would otherwise be highly suppressed. Following inflation, the axion oscillates and fermions with both helicities are produced as the effective frequency of the fermion field changes non-adiabatically. For certain values of the fermion mass and axion-fermion coupling strength, the two helicity states are produced asymmetrically, resulting in unequal number-densities of left- and right-helicity fermions.
We discuss and clarify the validity of effective single field theories of inflation obtained by integrating out heavy degrees of freedom in the regime where adiabatic perturbations propagate with a suppressed speed of sound. We show by construction t hat it is indeed possible to have inflationary backgrounds where the speed of sound remains suppressed and slow-roll persists for long enough. In this class of models, heavy fields influence the evolution of adiabatic modes in a manner that is consistent with decoupling of physical low and high energy degrees of freedom. We emphasize the distinction between the effective masses of the isocurvature modes and the eigenfrequencies of the propagating high energy modes. Crucially, we find that the mass gap that defines the high frequency modes increases with the strength of the turn, even as the naive heavy (isocurvature) and light (curvature) modes become more strongly coupled. Adiabaticity is preserved throughout, and the derived effective field theory remains in the weakly coupled regime, satisfying all current observational constraints on the resulting primordial power spectrum. In addition, these models allow for an observably large equilateral non-Gaussianity.
We propose an idea that hidden particles can be separated according to gauge quantum numbers from the visible ones by the difference of boundary conditions on extra dimensions. We formulate 5-dimensional gauge theories yielding conjugate boundary con ditions besides ordinary ones on $S^1/Z_2$, and examine physical implications concerning hidden particles on an extension of the standard model coexisting different types of boundary conditions. A model with conjugate boundary conditions is applied on a gauge-Higgs inflation scenario.
In this work, we revisit the non-minimally coupled Higgs Inflation scenario and investigate its observational viability in light of the current Cosmic Microwave Background, Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and type Ia Supernovae data. We explore the effec ts of the Coleman-Weinberg approximation to the Higgs potential in the primordial universe, connecting the predictions for the Lagrangian parameters at inflationary scales to the electroweak observables through Renormalization Group methods at two-loop order. As the main result, we find that observations on the electroweak scale are in disagreement with the constraints obtained from the cosmological data sets used in the analysis. Specifically, an $approx 8sigma$-discrepancy between the inflationary parameters and the electroweak value of the top quark mass is found, which suggests that a significant deviation from the scenario analysed is required by the cosmological data.
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