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Dirac quasinormal modes of two-dimensional charged Dilatonic Black Holes

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 نشر من قبل P. A. Gonzalez
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study charged fermionic perturbations in the background of two-dimensional charged Dilatonic black holes, and we present the exact Dirac quasinormal modes. Also, we study the stability of these black holes under charged fermionic perturbations.

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In this paper, we study the quasinormal modes of the massless Dirac field for charged black holes in Rastall gravity. The spherically symmetric black hole solutions in question are characterized by the presence of a power-Maxwell field, surrounded by the quintessence fluid. The calculations are carried out by employing the WKB approximations up to the thirteenth order, as well as the matrix method. The temporal evolution of the quasinormal modes is investigated by using the finite difference method. Through numerical simulations, the properties of the quasinormal frequencies are analyzed, including those for the extremal black holes. Among others, we explore the case of a second type of extremal black holes regarding the Nariai solution, where the cosmical and event horizon coincide. The results obtained by the WKB approaches are found to be mostly consistent with those by the matrix method. It is demonstrated that the black hole solutions for Rastall gravity in asymptotically flat spacetimes are equivalent to those in Einstein gravity, featured by different asymptotical spacetime properties. As one of its possible consequences, we also investigate the behavior of the late-time tails of quasinormal models in the present model. It is found that the asymptotical behavior of the late-time tails of quasinormal modes in Rastall theory is governed by the asymptotical properties of the spacetimes of their counterparts in Einstein gravity.
We study scalar perturbations of four dimensional topological nonlinear charged Lifshitz black holes with spherical and plane transverse sections, and we find numerically the quasinormal modes for scalar fields. Then, we study the stability of these black holes under massive and massless scalar field perturbations. We focus our study on the dependence of the dynamical exponent, the nonlinear exponent, the angular momentum and the mass of the scalar field in the modes. It is found that the modes are overdamped depending strongly on the dynamical exponent and the angular momentum of the scalar field for a spherical transverse section. In constrast, for plane transverse sections the modes are always overdamped.
Dirac cloud is in absence in general relativity since the superradiance mechanism fails to work for Dirac fields. For the first time we find a mechanism to support Dirac clouds in modified gravity. We study quasi bound states of Dirac particles aroun d a charged spherical black hole in dilatonic gravity. We find that the quasi bound states become real bound states when the central black hole becomes extremal. We make an intensive study of the energy spectrum of the stationary clouds for different fine structure constant $mu M$, and reveal the existence condition of these clouds. Our result strongly implies that extreme dilatonic black holes behave as elementary particles.
We calculate exactly the QNF of the vector type and scalar type electromagnetic fields propagating on a family of five-dimensional topological black holes. To get a discrete spectrum of quasinormal frequencies for the scalar type electromagnetic fiel d we find that it is necessary to change the boundary condition usually imposed at the asymptotic region. Furthermore for the vector type electromagnetic field we impose the usual boundary condition at the asymptotic region and we discuss the existence of unstable quasinormal modes in the five-dimensional topological black holes.
For a two-dimensional black hole we determine the quasinormal frequencies of the Klein-Gordon and Dirac fields. In contrast to the well known examples whose spectrum of quasinormal frequencies is discrete, for this black hole we find a continuous spe ctrum of quasinormal frequencies, but there are unstable quasinormal modes. In the framework of the Hod and Maggiore proposals we also discuss the consequences of these results on the form of the entropy spectrum for the two-dimensional black hole.
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