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Reducing Clocks in Timed Automata while Preserving Bisimulation

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 نشر من قبل Shibashis Guha
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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Model checking timed automata becomes increasingly complex with the increase in the number of clocks. Hence it is desirable that one constructs an automaton with the minimum number of clocks possible. The problem of checking whether there exists a timed automaton with a smaller number of clocks such that the timed language accepted by the original automaton is preserved is known to be undecidable. In this paper, we give a construction, which for any given timed automaton produces a timed bisimilar automaton with the least number of clocks. Further, we show that such an automaton with the minimum possible number of clocks can be constructed in time that is doubly exponential in the number of clocks of the original automaton.

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In this paper, we study the parameter synthesis problem for a class of parametric timed automata. The problem asks to construct the set of valuations of the parameters in the parametric timed automa- ton, referred to as the feasible region, under whi ch the resulting timed automaton satisfies certain properties. We show that the parameter syn- thesis problem of parametric timed automata with only one parametric clock (unlimited concretely constrained clock) and arbitrarily many pa- rameters is solvable when all the expressions are linear expressions. And it is moreover the synthesis problem is solvable when the form of con- straints are parameter polynomial inequality not just simple constraint and parameter domain is nonnegative real number.
The paper presents a novel algorithm for computing best and worst case execution times (BCET/WCET) of timed automata models with cyclic behaviour. The algorithms can work on any arbitrary diagonal-free TA and can handle more cases than previously exi sting algorithms for BCET/WCET computations, as it can handle cycles in TA and decide whether they lead to an infinite WCET. We show soundness of the proposed algorithm and study its complexity. To our knowledge, this is the first model checking algorithm that addresses comprehensively the BCET/WCET problem of systems with cyclic behaviour. Behrmann et al. provide an algorithm for computing the minimum cost/time of reaching a goal state in priced timed automata (PTA). The algorithm has been implemented in the well-known model checking tool UPPAAL to compute the minimum time for termination of an automaton. However, we show that in certain circumstances, when infinite cycles exist, the algorithm implemented in UPPAAL may not terminate, and we provide examples which UPPAAL fails to verify.
We consider a notion of non-interference for timed automata (TAs) that allows to quantify the frequency of an attack; that is, we infer values of the minimal time between two consecutive actions of the attacker, so that (s)he disturbs the set of reac hable locations. We also synthesize valuations for the timing constants of the TA (seen as parameters) guaranteeing non-interference. We show that this can reduce to reachability synthesis in parametric timed automata. We apply our method to a model of the Fischer mutual exclusion protocol and obtain preliminary results.
Network games are widely used as a model for selfish resource-allocation problems. In the classical model, each player selects a path connecting her source and target vertices. The cost of traversing an edge depends on the {em load}; namely, number o f players that traverse it. Thus, it abstracts the fact that different users may use a resource at different times and for different durations, which plays an important role in determining the costs of the users in reality. For example, when transmitting packets in a communication network, routing traffic in a road network, or processing a task in a production system, actual sharing and congestion of resources crucially depends on time. In cite{AGK17}, we introduced {em timed network games}, which add a time component to network games. Each vertex $v$ in the network is associated with a cost function, mapping the load on $v$ to the price that a player pays for staying in $v$ for one time unit with this load. Each edge in the network is guarded by the time intervals in which it can be traversed, which forces the players to spend time in the vertices. In this work we significantly extend the way time can be referred to in timed network games. In the model we study, the network is equipped with {em clocks}, and, as in timed automata, edges are guarded by constraints on the values of the clocks, and their traversal may involve a reset of some clocks. We argue that the stronger model captures many realistic networks. The addition of clocks breaks the techniques we developed in cite{AGK17} and we develop new techniques in order to show that positive results on classic network games carry over to the stronger timed setting.
Timed automata are a convenient mathematical model for modelling and reasoning about real-time systems. While they provide a powerful way of representing timing aspects of such systems, timed automata assume arbitrary precision and zero-delay actions ; in particular, a state might be declared reachable in a timed automaton, but impossible to reach in the physical system it models. In this paper, we consider permissive strategies as a way to overcome this problem: such strategies propose intervals of delays instead of single delays, and aim at reaching a target state whichever delay actually takes place. We develop an algorithm for computing the optimal permissiveness (and an associated maximally-permissive strategy) in acyclic timed automata and games.
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