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Set Families with Low Pairwise Intersection

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 نشر من قبل Jeremiah Blocki
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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A $left(n,ell,gammaright)$-sharing set family of size $m$ is a family of sets $S_1,ldots,S_msubseteq [n]$ s.t. each set has size $ell$ and each pair of sets shares at most $gamma$ elements. We let $mleft(n,ell,gammaright)$ denote the maximum size of any such set family and we consider the following question: How large can $mleft(n,ell,gammaright)$ be? $left(n,ell,gammaright)$-sharing set families have a rich set of applications including the construction of pseudorandom number generators and usable and secure password management schemes. We analyze the explicit construction of Blocki et al using recent bounds on the value of the $t$th Ramanujan prime. We show that this explicit construction produces a $left(4ell^2ln 4ell,ell,gammaright)$-sharing set family of size $left(2 ell ln 2ellright)^{gamma+1}$ for any $ellgeq gamma$. We also show that the construction of Blocki et al can be used to obtain a weak $left(n,ell,gammaright)$-sharing set family of size $m$ for any $m >0$. These results are competitive with the inexplicit construction of Raz et al for weak $left(n,ell,gammaright)$-sharing families. We show that our explicit construction of weak $left(n,ell,gammaright)$-sharing set families can be used to obtain a parallelizable pseudorandom number generator with a low memory footprint by using the pseudorandom number generator of Nisan and Wigderson. We also prove that $mleft(n,n/c_1,c_2nright)$ must be a constant whenever $c_2 leq frac{2}{c_1^3+c_1^2}$. We show that this bound is nearly tight as $mleft(n,n/c_1,c_2nright)$ grows exponentially fast whenever $c_2 > c_1^{-2}$.

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282 - Aya Hamed , Troy Lee 2013
Say that A is a Hadamard factorization of the identity I_n of size n if the entrywise product of A and the transpose of A is I_n. It can be easily seen that the rank of any Hadamard factorization of the identity must be at least sqrt{n}. Dietzfelbing er et al. raised the question if this bound can be achieved, and showed a boolean Hadamard factorization of the identity of rank n^{0.792}. More recently, Klauck and Wolf gave a construction of Hadamard factorizations of the identity of rank n^{0.613}. Over finite fields, Friesen and Theis resolved the question, showing for a prime p and r=p^t+1 a Hadamard factorization of the identity A of size r(r-1)+1 and rank r over F_p. Here we resolve the question for fields of zero characteristic, up to a constant factor, giving a construction of Hadamard factorizations of the identity of rank r and size (r+1)r/2. The matrices in our construction are blockwise Toeplitz, and have entries whose magnitudes are binomial coefficients.
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The communication class $mathbf{UPP}^{text{cc}}$ is a communication analog of the Turing Machine complexity class $mathbf{PP}$. It is characterized by a matrix-analytic complexity measure called sign-rank (also called dimension complexity), and is es sentially the most powerful communication class against which we know how to prove lower bounds. For a communication problem $f$, let $f wedge f$ denote the function that evaluates $f$ on two disjoint inputs and outputs the AND of the results. We exhibit a communication problem $f$ with $mathbf{UPP}(f)= O(log n)$, and $mathbf{UPP}(f wedge f) = Theta(log^2 n)$. This is the first result showing that $mathbf{UPP}$ communication complexity can increase by more than a constant factor under intersection. We view this as a first step toward showing that $mathbf{UPP}^{text{cc}}$, the class of problems with polylogarithmic-cost $mathbf{UPP}$ communication protocols, is not closed under intersection. Our result shows that the function class consisting of intersections of two majorities on $n$ bits has dimension complexity $n^{Omega(log n)}$. This matches an upper bound of (Klivans, ODonnell, and Servedio, FOCS 2002), who used it to give a quasipolynomial time algorithm for PAC learning intersections of polylogarithmically many majorities. Hence, fundamentally new techniques will be needed to learn this class of functions in polynomial time.
We prove that for every $epsilon>0$ and predicate $P:{0,1}^krightarrow {0,1}$ that supports a pairwise independent distribution, there exists an instance $mathcal{I}$ of the $mathsf{Max}P$ constraint satisfaction problem on $n$ variables such that no assignment can satisfy more than a $tfrac{|P^{-1}(1)|}{2^k}+epsilon$ fraction of $mathcal{I}$s constraints but the degree $Omega(n)$ Sum of Squares semidefinite programming hierarchy cannot certify that $mathcal{I}$ is unsatisfiable. Similar results were previously only known for weaker hierarchies.
68 - Dmitry Gavinsky 2016
Set disjointness is a central problem in communication complexity. Here Alice and Bob each receive a subset of an n-element universe, and they need to decide whether their inputs intersect or not. The communication complexity of this problem is relat ively well understood, and in most models, including $-$ most famously $-$ interactive randomised communication with bounded error, the problem requires much communication. In this work we were looking for a variation of the set disjointness problem, as natural and simple as possible, for which the known lower bound methods would fail, and thus a new approach would be required in order to understand its complexity. The problem that we have found is a relational one: each player receives a subset as input, and the goal is to find an element that belongs to both players. We call it inevitable intersection.
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