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Chaotic mixing in effective compressible flows

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 نشر من قبل Romain Volk
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We study numerically joint mixing of salt and colloids by a chaotic velocity field $mathbf{V}$, and how salt inhomogeneities accelerate or delay colloid mixing by inducing a velocity drift $mathbf{V}_{rm dp}$ between colloids and fluid particles as proposed in recent experiments cite{Deseigne2013}. We demonstrate that because the drift velocity is no longer divergence free, small variations to the total velocity field drastically affect the evolution of colloid variance $sigma^2=langle C^2 rangle - langle C rangle^2$. A consequence is that mixing strongly depends on the mutual coherence between colloid and salt concentration fields, the short time evolution of scalar variance being governed by a new variance production term $P=- langle C^2 abla cdot mathbf{V}_{rm dp} rangle/2$ when scalar gradients are not developed yet so that dissipation is weak. Depending on initial conditions, mixing is then delayed or enhanced, and it is possible to find examples for which the two regimes (fast mixing followed by slow mixing) are observed consecutively when the variance source term reverses its sign. This is indeed the case for localized patches modeled as gaussian concentration profiles.

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Transport and mixing of scalar quantities in fluid flows is ubiquitous in industry and Nature. Turbulent flows promote efficient transport and mixing by their inherent randomness. Laminar flows lack such a natural mixing mechanism and efficient trans port is far more challenging. However, laminar flow is essential to many problems and insight into its transport characteristics of great importance. Laminar transport, arguably, is best described by the Lagrangian fluid motion (`advection) and the geometry, topology and coherence of fluid trajectories. Efficient laminar transport being equivalent to `chaotic advection is a key finding of this approach. The Lagrangian framework enables systematic analysis and design of laminar flows. However, the gap between scientific insights into Lagrangian transport and technological applications is formidable primarily for two reasons. First, many studies concern two-dimensional (2D) flows yet the real world is three dimensional (3D). Second, Lagrangian transport is typically investigated for idealised flows yet practical relevance requires studies on realistic 3D flows. The present review aims to stimulate further development and utilisation of know-how on 3D Lagrangian transport and its dissemination to practice. To this end 3D practical flows are categorised into canonical problems. First, to expose the diversity of Lagrangian transport and create awareness of its broad relevance. Second, to enable knowledge transfer both within and between scientific disciplines. Third, to reconcile practical flows with fundamentals on Lagrangian transport and chaotic advection. This may be a first incentive to structurally integrate the `Lagrangian mindset into the analysis and design of 3D practical flows.
98 - Julius Reiss 2021
Embedding geometries in structured grids allows a simple treatment of complex objects in fluid flows. Various methods are available. The commonly used Brinkman-volume-penalization models geometries as porous media, where in the limit of vanishing por osity a solid object is approximated. In the simplest form, the velocity equations are augmented by a term penalizing the fluid velocity, the body velocity. yielding good results in many applications. However, it induces numerical stiffness, especially if high pressure gradients need to be balanced. Here, we focus on the effect of the reduced effective volume (commonly called porosity) of the porous medium. An approach is derived, which allows to reduce the flux through objects to practically zero with little increase of numerical stiffness. Also, non-slip boundary conditions and adiabatic boundary conditions are easily constructed. The porosity terms allow to keep the skew symmetry of the underlying numerical scheme, by which the numerical stability is improved. Furthermore, a very good conservation of mass and energy in the non-penalized domain can be achieved. The scheme is tested for acoustic scenarios, near incompressible and strongly compressible flows.
We present a series of three-dimensional discrete Boltzmann (DB) models for compressible flows in and out of equilibrium. The key formulating technique is the construction of discrete equilibrium distribution function through inversely solving the ki netic moment relations that it satisfies. The crucial physical requirement is that all the used kinetic moment relations must be consistent with the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The necessity of such a kinetic model is that, with increasing the complexity of flows, the dynamical characterization of non-equilibrium state and the understanding of the constitutive relations need higher order kinetic moments and their evolution. The DB models at the Euler and Navier-Stokes levels proposed by this scheme are validated by several well-known benchmarks, ranging from one-dimension to three-dimension. Particularly, when the local Mach number, temperature ratio, and pressure ratio are as large as $10^2$, $10^4$, and $10^5$, respectively, the simulation results are still in excellent agreement with the Riemann solutions. How to model deeper thermodynamic non-equilibrium flows by DB is indicated. Via the DB method, it convenient to simulate nonequilibrium flows without knowing exact form of the hydrodynamic equations.
Most fluid flow problems that are vital in engineering applications involve at least one of the following features: turbulence, shocks, and/or material interfaces. While seemingly different phenomena, these flows all share continuous generation of hi gh wavenumber modes, which we term the $k_infty$ irregularity. In this work, an inviscid regularization technique called observable regularization is proposed for the simulation of two-phase compressible flows. The proposed approach regularizes the equations at the level of the partial differential equation and as a result, any numerical method can be used to solve the system of equations. The regularization is accomplished by introducing an observability limit that represents the length scale below which one cannot properly model or continue to resolve flow structures. An observable volume fraction equation is derived for capturing the material interface, which satisfies the pressure equilibrium at the interface. The efficacy of the observable regularization method is demonstrated using several test cases, including a one-dimensional material interface tracking, one-dimensional shock-tube and shock-bubble problems, and two-dimensional simulations of a shock interacting with a cylindrical bubble. The results show favorable agreement, both qualitatively and quantitatively, with available exact solutions or numerical and experimental data from the literature. The computational saving by using the current method is estimated to be about one order of magnitude in two-dimensional computations and significantly higher in three-dimensional computations. Lastly, the effect of the observability limit and best practices to choose its value are discussed.
126 - A. Chauhan , S. Gupta , C. Sasmal 2021
The flow of viscoelastic fluids in porous media is encountered in many practical applications, such as in the enhanced oil recovery process or in the groundwater remediation. Once the flow rate exceeds a critical value in such flows, an elastic insta bility with fluctuating flow field is observed, which ultimately transits to a more chaotic and turbulence-like flow structure as the flow rate further increases. In a recent study, it has been experimentally shown that this chaotic flow behaviour of viscoelastic fluids can be suppressed by increasing the geometric disorder in a model porous media consisting of a microchannel with several micropillars placed in it. However, the present numerical study demonstrates that this is not always true. We show that it depends on the initial arrangement of the micropillars for mimicking the porous media. In particular, we find that for an initial ordered and aligned configuration of the micropillars, the introduction of geometric order actually increases the chaotic flow dynamics as opposed to that seen for an initial ordered and staggered configuration of the micropillars. We suggest that this chaotic flow behaviour actually depends on the number of the stagnation points revealed to the flow field where maximum stretching of the viscoelastic microstructure happens. Our findings and explanation are perfectly in line with that observed and provided in a more recent experimental study.
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