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SPARCO : a semi-parametric approach for image reconstruction of chromatic objects

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 نشر من قبل Jacques Kluska
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The emergence of optical interferometers with three and more telescopes allows image reconstruction of astronomical objects at the milliarcsecond scale. However, some objects contain components with very different spectral energy distributions (SED; i.e. different temperatures), which produces strong chromatic effects on the interferograms that have to be managed with care by image reconstruction algorithms. For example, the gray approximation for the image reconstruction process results in a degraded image if the total (u, v)-coverage given by the spectral supersynthesis is used. The relative flux contribution of the central object and an extended structure changes with wavelength for different temperatures. For young stellar objects, the known characteristics of the central object (i.e., stellar SED), or even the fit of the spectral index and the relative flux ratio, can be used to model the central star while reconstructing the image of the extended structure separately. Methods. We present a new method, called SPARCO (semi-parametric algorithm for the image reconstruction of chromatic objects), which describes the spectral characteristics of both the central object and the extended structure to consider them properly when reconstructing the image of the surrounding environment. We adapted two image-reconstruction codes (Macim, Squeeze, and MiRA) to implement this new prescription. SPARCO is applied using Macim, Squeeze and MiRA on a young stellar object model and also on literature data on HR5999 in the near-infrared with the VLTI. This method paves the way to improved aperture-synthesis imaging of several young stellar objects with existing datasets. More generally, the approach can be used on astrophysical sources with similar features such as active galactic nuclei, planetary nebulae, and asymptotic giant branch stars.

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اقرأ أيضاً

97 - Karim Iskakov 2018
This paper introduces a semi-parametric approach to image inpainting for irregular holes. The nonparametric part consists of an external image database. During test time database is used to retrieve a supplementary image, similar to the input masked picture, and utilize it as auxiliary information for the deep neural network. Further, we propose a novel method of generating masks with irregular holes and present public dataset with such masks. Experiments on CelebA-HQ dataset show that our semi-parametric method yields more realistic results than previous approaches, which is confirmed by the user study.
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Context. The LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) radio telescope is a giant digital phased array interferometer with multiple antennas distributed in Europe. It provides discrete sets of Fourier components of the sky brightness. Recovering the original brigh tness distribution with aperture synthesis forms an inverse problem that can be solved by various deconvolution and minimization methods Aims. Recent papers have established a clear link between the discrete nature of radio interferometry measurement and the compressed sensing (CS) theory, which supports sparse reconstruction methods to form an image from the measured visibilities. Empowered by proximal theory, CS offers a sound framework for efficient global minimization and sparse data representation using fast algorithms. Combined with instrumental direction-dependent effects (DDE) in the scope of a real instrument, we developed and validated a new method based on this framework Methods. We implemented a sparse reconstruction method in the standard LOFAR imaging tool and compared the photometric and resolution performance of this new imager with that of CLEAN-based methods (CLEAN and MS-CLEAN) with simulated and real LOFAR data Results. We show that i) sparse reconstruction performs as well as CLEAN in recovering the flux of point sources; ii) performs much better on extended objects (the root mean square error is reduced by a factor of up to 10); and iii) provides a solution with an effective angular resolution 2-3 times better than the CLEAN images. Conclusions. Sparse recovery gives a correct photometry on high dynamic and wide-field images and improved realistic structures of extended sources (of simulated and real LOFAR datasets). This sparse reconstruction method is compatible with modern interferometric imagers that handle DDE corrections (A- and W-projections) required for current and future instruments such as LOFAR and SKA
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