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Pion scalar form factor and model independent values of $f_0(500)$ and $f_0(980)$ meson parameters

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 نشر من قبل Anna-Zuzana Dubnickova
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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The pion scalar form factor along with all existing S-wave iso-scalar $pipi$-scattering phase shift data in the elastic region up to $1 {rm GeV}^2$ are applied for a determination of the $f_0(500)$ and $f_0(980)$ meson parameters $m_{f_0(500)}=(360pm33){rm MeV}$, $Gamma_{f_0(500)}=(587pm 85){rm MeV}$ and $m_{f_0(980)}=(957pm77) {rm MeV}$, $Gamma_{f_0(980)}=(164pm142){rm MeV}$ in a model independent way.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

In the present talk, we report a recent investigation on photoproduction of the $gamma N to f_0(500)N$ within a framework of the effective Lagrangian. We include the nucleon resonances with pin $1/2$ in the $s$ channel. The coupling constants have be en etermined by assuming that the decay process $N^* to (pipi)_{I=0,J=0}N$ can be regarded as $N^* to f_0(500) N$. We discuss the numerical results for the total cross sections and possible extension of the present work.
The $a_0^0(980)-f_0(980)$ mixing is one of the most potential tools to learn about the nature of $a_0^0(980)$ and $f_0(980)$. Using the $f_0(980)$-$a_0^0(980)$ mixing intensity $xi_{af}$ measured recently at BESIII, we calculate the the branching rat io of the the isospin violation decay $J/psi rightarrowgammaeta_c rightarrow gamma pi^0 a_0^0(1450)rightarrow gamma pi^0 a_0^0(980)f_0(500)rightarrow gamma pi^0 f_0(980) f_0(500) rightarrow gamma pi^0 pi^+pi^- pi^+pi^-$. The value of the branching ratio is found to be $O(10^{-6})$, which can be observed with $10^{10}$ $J/psi$ events collected at BESIII. The narrow peak from the $f_0(980)$-$a_0^0(980)$ mixing in the $pi^+pi^-$ mass square spectrum can also be observed. In addition, we study the non-resonant decay $a_0^0(1450)rightarrow f_0(980) pi^+pi^-(text{non-resonant})$, which is dominated by the $a_0^0(980)$-$f_{0}(980)$ mixing. We find that the non-resonant decay $a_0^0(1450)rightarrow f_0(980) pi^+pi^-$ and the decay $a_0^0(1450)rightarrow f_0(980) f_0(500)$ can be combined to measure the mixing intensity $xi_{af}$ in experiment. These decays are the perfect complement to the decay $chi_{c1}rightarrow f_{0}(980)pi^{0}topi^{+}pi^{-}pi^{0}$ which had been observed at BESIII, the observations of them will make the measurement of the mixing intensity $xi_{af}$ more precisely.
159 - F. Aceti , W. H. Liang , E. Oset 2012
We make a theoretical study of the $eta(1405) to pi^{0} f_0(980)$ and $eta(1405) to pi^{0} a_0(980)$ reactions with an aim to determine the isospin violation and the mixing of the $f_0(980)$ and $a_0(980)$ resonances. We make use of the chiral unitar y approach where these two resonances appear as composite states of two mesons, dynamically generated by the meson-meson interaction provided by chiral Lagrangians. We obtain a very narrow shape for the $f_0(980)$ production in agreement with a BES experiment. As to the amount of isospin violation, or $f_0(980)$ and $a_0(980)$ mixing, assuming constant vertices for the primary $eta(1405)rightarrow pi^{0}Kbar{K}$ and $eta(1405)rightarrow pi^{0}pi^{0}eta$ production, we find results which are much smaller than found in the recent experimental BES paper, but consistent with results found in two other related BES experiments. We have tried to understand this anomaly by assuming an I=1 mixture in the $eta(1405)$ wave function, but this leads to a much bigger width of the $f_0(980)$ mass distribution than observed experimentally. The problem is solved by using the primary production driven by $eta to K^* bar K$ followed by $K^* to K pi$, which induces an extra singularity in the loop functions needed to produce the $f_0(980)$ and $a_0(980)$ resonances. Improving upon earlier work along the same lines, and using the chiral unitary approach, we can now predict absolute values for the ratio $Gamma(pi^0, pi^+ pi^-)/Gamma(pi^0, pi^0 eta)$ which are in fair agreement with experiment. We also show that the same results hold if we had the $eta(1475)$ resonance or a mixture of these two states, as seems to be the case in the BES experiment.
The two-photon decay widths of scalar mesons sigma(600), f_0(980) and a_0(980) are calculated in framework of the local Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The contributions of the quark loops (Hartree-Fock approximation) and the meson loops (next 1/N_c-approx imation where N_c is the number of colors) are taken into account. These contributions, as we show, are the values of the same order of magnitude. For the f_0 decay the K-loop contribution turns out to play the dominant role. The results are in satisfactory agreement with modern experimental data.
269 - M.Buescher 2008
The light scalar mesons a_0/f_0(980) are being investigated at COSY-Juelich by detecting the strong decays into K-K-bar and pi-eta/pi-pi as well as radiative decays into vector mesons. Selected results are discussed with emphasis on recent measurements at the ANKE and WASA spectrometers.
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