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Methane Oxidation to Methanol without CO2 Emission: Catalysis by Atomic Negative Ions

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 نشر من قبل Zineb Felfli
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The catalytic activities of the atomic Y-, Ru-, At-, In-, Pd-, Ag-, Pt-, and Os- ions have been investigated theoretically using the atomic Au- ion as the benchmark for the selective partial oxidation of methane to methanol without CO2 emission. Dispersion-corrected density-functional theory has been used for the investigation. From the energy barrier calculations and the thermodynamics of the reactions, we conclude that the catalytic effect of the atomic Ag-, At-, Ru-, and Os- ions is higher than that of the atomic Au- ion catalysis of CH4 conversion to methanol. By controlling the temperature around 290K (Os-), 300K (Ag-), 310K (At-), 320K (Ru-) and 325K (Au-) methane can be completely oxidized to methanol without the emission of CO2. We conclude by recommending the investigation of the catalytic activities of combinations of the above negative ions for significant enhancement of the selective partial oxidation of methane to methanol.

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اقرأ أيضاً

344 - Qun Zhang , Yang Chen , Mark Keil 2009
This paper has been withdrawn by the authors, because the authors have made abundant revisions and resubmitted the modified new version entitled Laser-induced atomic fragment fluorescence spectroscopy: A facile technique for molecular spectroscopy of spin-forbidden states to arXiv:0812.4554. Thanks for your attention.
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We use quantum chemical calculations to elucidate a viable homogeneous mechanism for pyridine-catalyzed reduction of CO2 to methanol. In the first component of the catalytic cycle, pyridine (Py) undergoes a H+ transfer (PT) to form pyridinium (PyH+) followed by an e- transfer (ET) to produce pyridinium radical (PyH0). Examples of systems to effect this ET to populate the LUMO of PyH+(E0calc ~ -1.3V vs. SCE) to form the solution phase PyH0 via highly reducing electrons include the photo-electrochemical p-GaP system (ECBM ~ -1.5V vs. SCE at pH= 5) and the photochemical [Ru(phen)3]2+/ascorbate system. We predict that PyH0 undergoes further PT-ET steps to form the key closed-shell, dearomatized 1,2-dihydropyridine (PyH2) species. Our proposed sequential PT-ET-PT-ET mechanism transforming Py into PyH2 is consistent with the mechanism described in the formation of related dihydropyridines. Because it is driven by its proclivity to regain aromaticity, PyH2 is a potent recyclable organo-hydride donor that mimics the role of NADPH in the formation of C-H bonds in the photosynthetic CO2 reduction process. In particular, in the second component of the catalytic cycle, we predict that the PyH2/Py redox couple is kinetically and thermodynamically competent in catalytically effecting hydride and proton transfers (the latter often mediated by a proton relay chain) to CO2 and its two succeeding intermediates, namely formic acid and formaldehyde, to ultimately form CH3OH. The hydride and proton transfers for the first reduction step, i.e. reduction of CO2, are sequential in nature; by contrast, they are coupled in each of the two subsequent hydride and proton transfers to reduce formic acid and formaldehyde.
Here, we report the observation of electron transfer mediated decay (ETMD) involving Mg clusters embedded in helium nanodroplets which is initiated by the ionization of helium followed by removal of two electrons from the Mg clusters of which one is transferred to the He environment neutralizing it while the other electron is emitted into the continuum. The process is shown to be the dominant ionization mechanism for embedded clusters for photon energies above the ionization potential of He. The photoelectron spectrum reveals a low energy ETMD peak. For Mg clusters larger than 5 atoms we observe stable doubly-ionized clusters. We argue that ETMD provides a new pathway to the formation of doubly-ionized cold species.
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