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B fields in OB stars (BOB): The discovery of a magnetic field in a multiple system in the Trifid Nebula, one of the youngest star forming regions

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 نشر من قبل Markus Sch\\\"oller
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Recent magnetic field surveys in O- and B-type stars revealed that about 10% of the core-hydrogen-burning massive stars host large-scale magnetic fields. The physical origin of these fields is highly debated. To identify and model the physical processes responsible for the generation of magnetic fields in massive stars, it is important to establish whether magnetic massive stars are found in very young star-forming regions or whether they are formed in close interacting binary systems. In the framework of our ESO Large Program, we carried out low-resolution spectropolarimetric observations with FORS2 in 2013 April of the three most massive central stars in the Trifid nebula, HD164492A, HD164492C, and HD164492D. These observations indicated a strong longitudinal magnetic field of about 500-600G in the poorly studied component HD164492C. To confirm this detection, we used HARPS in spectropolarimetric mode on two consecutive nights in 2013 June. Our HARPS observations confirmed the longitudinal magnetic field in HD164492C. Furthermore, the HARPS observations revealed that HD164492C cannot be considered as a single star as it possesses one or two companions. The spectral appearance indicates that the primary is most likely of spectral type B1-B1.5V. Since in both observing nights most spectral lines appear blended, it is currently unclear which components are magnetic. Long-term monitoring using high-resolution spectropolarimetry is necessary to separate the contribution of each component to the magnetic signal. Given the location of the system HD164492C in one of the youngest star formation regions, this system can be considered as a Rosetta Stone for our understanding of the origin of magnetic fields in massive stars.

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HD 164492C is a spectroscopic triple stellar system that has been recently detected to possess a strong magnetic field. We have obtained high-resolution spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric observations over a timespan of two years and derived physi cal, chemical, and magnetic properties for this object. The system is formed by an eccentric close spectroscopic binary (Ca1-Ca2) with a period of 12.5 days, and a massive tertiary Cb. We calculated the orbital parameters of the close pair, reconstructed the spectra of the three components, and determined atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances by spectral synthesis. From spectropolarimetric observations, multi-epoch measurements of the longitudinal magnetic fields were obtained. The magnetic field is strongly variable on timescales of a few days, with a most probable period in the range of 1.4-1.6 days. Star Cb with Teff~25000 K is the apparently fastest rotator and the most massive star of this triple system and has anomalous chemical abundances with a marked overabundance of helium, 0.35+/-0.04 by number. We identified this star as being responsible for the observed magnetic field, although the presence of magnetic fields in the components of the Ca pair cannot be excluded. Star Ca1 with a temperature of about 24000 K presents a normal chemical pattern, while the least massive star Ca2 is a mid-B type star (Teff~15000 K) with an overabundance of silicon. The obtained stellar parameters of the system components suggest a distance of 1.5 kpc and an age of 10-15 Myr.
161 - T. Morel , N. Castro , L. Fossati 2014
The B fields in OB stars (BOB) survey is an ESO large programme collecting spectropolarimetric observations for a large number of early-type stars in order to study the occurrence rate, properties, and ultimately the origin of magnetic fields in mass ive stars. As of July 2014, a total of 98 objects were observed over 20 nights with FORS2 and HARPSpol. Our preliminary results indicate that the fraction of magnetic OB stars with an organised, detectable field is low. This conclusion, now independently reached by two different surveys, has profound implications for any theoretical model attempting to explain the field formation in these objects. We discuss in this contribution some important issues addressed by our observations (e.g., the lower bound of the field strength) and the discovery of some remarkable objects.
The B fields in OB stars (BOB) collaboration is based on an ESO Large Programme, to study the occurrence rate, properties, and ultimately the origin of magnetic fields in massive stars. In the framework of this programme, we carried out low-resolut ion spectropolarimetric observations of a large sample of massive stars using FORS2 installed at the ESO VLT 8-m telescope. We determined the magnetic field values with two completely independent reduction and analysis pipelines. Our in-depth study of the magnetic field measurements shows that differences between our two pipelines are usually well within 3sigma errors. From the 32 observations of 28 OB stars, we were able to monitor the magnetic fields in CPD-57 3509 and HD164492C, confirm the magnetic field in HD54879, and detect a magnetic field in CPD-62 2124. We obtain a magnetic field detection rate of 6+-3% for the full sample of 69 OB stars observed with FORS2 within the BOB programme. For the pre-selected objects with a v sin i below 60 km/s, we obtain a magnetic field detection rate of 5+-5%. We also discuss X-ray properties and multiplicity of the objects in our FORS2 sample with respect to the magnetic field detections.
Within the context of the collaboration B fields in OB stars (BOB), we used the FORS2 low-resolution spectropolarimeter to search for a magnetic field in 50 massive stars, including two reference magnetic massive stars. Because of the many controvers ies of magnetic field detections obtained with the FORS instruments, we derived the magnetic field values with two completely independent reduction and analysis pipelines. We compare and discuss the results obtained from the two pipelines. We obtained a general good agreement, indicating that most of the discrepancies on magnetic field detections reported in the literature are caused by the interpretation of the significance of the results (i.e., 3-4 sigma detections considered as genuine, or not), instead of by significant differences in the derived magnetic field values. By combining our results with past FORS1 measurements of HD46328, we improve the estimate of the stellar rotation period, obtaining P = 2.17950+/-0.00009 days. For HD125823, our FORS2 measurements do not fit the available magnetic field model, based on magnetic field values obtained 30 years ago. We repeatedly detect a magnetic field for the O9.7V star HD54879, the HD164492C massive binary, and the He-rich star CPD -57 3509. We obtain a magnetic field detection rate of 6+/-4%, while by considering only the apparently slow rotators we derive a detection rate of 8+/-5%, both comparable with what was previously reported by other similar surveys. We are left with the intriguing result that, although the large majority of magnetic massive stars is rotating slowly, our detection rate is not a strong function of the stellar rotational velocity.
137 - B. Lefloch 2008
We have obtained maps of the 1.25mm thermal dust emission and the molecular gas emission over a region of 20 by 10 arcmin around the Trifid Nebula (M20), with the IRAM 30m and the CSO telescopes as well as in the mid-infrared wavelength with ISO and SPITZER. Our survey is sensitive to features down to N(H2) sim 10^{22} cm-2 in column density. The cloud material is distributed in fragmented dense gas filaments (n(H2) sim 1000 cm-3) with sizes ranging from 1 to 10 pc. A massive filament, WF, with properties typical of Infra Red Dark Clouds, connects M20 to the W28 supernova remnant. These filaments pre-exist the formation of the Trifid and were originally self-gravitating. The fragments produced are very massive (100 Msun or more) and are the progenitors of the cometary globules observed at the border of the HII region. We could identify 33 cores, 16 of which are currently forming stars. They are usually gravitationally unbound and have low masses of a few Msun. The densest starless cores (several 10^5 cm-3) may be the site for the next generation of stars. The physical gas and dust properties of the cometary globules have been studied in detail and have been found very similar. They all are forming stars. Several intermediate-mass protostars have been detected in the cometary globules and in the deeply embedded cores. Evidence of clustering has been found in the shocked massive cores TC3-TC4-TC5. M20 is a good example of massive-star forming region in a turbulent, filamentary molecular cloud. Photoionization appears to play a minor role in the formation of the cores. The observed fragmentation is well explained by MHD-driven instabilities and is usually not related to M20. We propose that the nearby supernova remnant W28 could have triggered the formation of protostellar clusters in nearby dense cores of the Trifid.
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