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Understanding the evolution of close binary systems with radio pulsars

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 نشر من قبل Omar Benvenuto
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We calculate the evolution of close binary systems (CBSs) formed by a neutron star (behaving as a radio pulsar) and a normal donor star, evolving either to helium white dwarf (HeWD) or ultra short orbital period systems. We consider X-ray irradiation feedback and evaporation due to radio pulsar irradiation. We show that irradiation feedback leads to cyclic mass transfer episodes, allowing CBSs to be observed in-between as binary radio pulsars under conditions in which standard, non-irradiated models predict the occurrence of a low mass X-ray binary. This behavior accounts for the existence of a family of eclipsing binary systems known as redbacks. We predict that redback companions should almost fill their Roche lobe, as observed in PSR J1723-2837. This state is also possible for systems evolving with larger orbital periods. Therefore, binary radio pulsars with companion star masses usually interpreted as larger than expected to produce HeWDs may also result in such {it quasi - Roche Lobe Overflow} states, rather than hosting a carbon-oxygen WD. We found that CBSs with initial orbital periods $mathrm{P_{i}<1}$ day evolve into redbacks. Some of them produce low mass HeWDs, and a subgroup with shorter $mathrm{P_{i}}$ become black widows (BWs). Thus, BWs descent from redbacks, although not all redbacks evolve into BWs. There is mounting observational evidence favoring that BW pulsars are very massive ($mathrm{gtrsim 2; M_{odot}}$). As they should be redback descendants, redback pulsars should also be very massive, since most of the mass is transferred before this stage.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We study the evolution of close binary systems formed by a normal (solar composition), intermediate mass donor star together with a neutron star. We consider models including irradiation feedback and evaporation. These non-standard ingredients deeply modify the mass transfer stages of these binaries. While models that neglect irradiation feedback undergo continuous, long standing mass transfer episodes, models including these effect suffer a number cycles of mass transfer and detachment. During mass transfer the systems should reveal themselves as low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), whereas when detached they behave as a binary radio pulsars. We show that at these stages irradiated models are in a Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) state or in a quasi-RLOF state. Quasi-RLOF stars have a radius slightly smaller than its Roche lobe. Remarkably, these conditions are attained for orbital period and donor mass values in the range corresponding to a family of binary radio pulsars known as redbacks. Thus, redback companions should be quasi-RLOF stars. We show that the characteristics of the redback system PSR J1723-2837 are accounted for by these models. In each mass transfer cycle these systems should switch from LMXB to binary radio pulsar states with a timescale of sim million years. However, there is recent and fast growing evidence of systems switching on far shorter, human timescales. This should be related to instabilities in the accretion disc surrounding the neutron star and/or radio ejection, still to be included in the model having the quasi-RLOF state as a general condition.
69 - Evan Abbuhl 2015
The close active binary HR 5110 was observed at six epochs over 26 days using a global VLBI array at 15.4~GHz. We used phase-referencing to determine the position of the radio centroid at each epoch with an uncertainty significantly smaller than the component separation. After correcting for proper motion and parallax, we find that the centroid locations of all six epochs have barycenter separations consistent with an emission source located on the KIV secondary, and not in an interaction region between the stars or on the F primary. We used a homogeneous power-law gyrosynchrotron emission model to reproduce the observed flux densities and fractional circular polarization. The resulting ranges of mean magnetic field strength and relativistic electron densities are of order 10 G and $10^5$ cm$^{-3}$ respectively in the source region.
We study the evolution of close binary systems composed of a normal, intermediate mass star and a neutron star considering a chemical composition typical of that present in globular clusters (Z = 0.001). We look for similarities and differences with respect to solar composition donor stars, which we have extensively studied in the past. As a definite example, we perform an application on one of the redbacks located in a globular cluster. We performed a detailed grid of models in order to find systems that represent the so-called redback binary radio pulsar systems with donor star masses between 0.6 and 2.0 solar masses and orbital periods in the range 0.2 - 0.9 days. We find that the evolution of these binary systems is rather similar to those corresponding to solar composition objects, allowing us to account for the occurrence of redbacks in globular clusters, as the main physical ingredient is the irradiation feedback. Redback systems are in the quasi-RLOF state, that is, almost filling their corresponding Roche lobe. During the irradiation cycle the system alternates between semi-detached and detached states. While detached the system appears as a binary millisecond pulsar, called a redback. Circumstellar material, as seen in redbacks, is left behind after the previous semi-detached phase. The evolution of binary radio pulsar systems considering irradiation successfully accounts for, and provides a way for, the occurrence of redback pulsars in low-metallicity environments such as globular clusters. This is the case despite possible effects of the low metal content of the donor star that could drive systems away from redback configuration.
Interacting binaries containing white dwarfs can lead to a variety of outcomes that range from powerful thermonuclear explosions, which are important in the chemical evolution of galaxies and as cosmological distance estimators, to strong sources of low frequency gravitational wave radiation, which makes them ideal calibrators for the gravitational low-frequency wave detector LISA mission. However, current theoretical evolution models still fail to explain the observed properties of the known populations of white dwarfs in both interacting and detached binaries. Major limitations are that the existing population models have generally been developed to explain the properties of sub-samples of these systems, occupying small volumes of the vast parameter space, and that the observed samples are severely biased. The overarching goal for the next decade is to assemble a large and homogeneous sample of white dwarf binaries that spans the entire range of evolutionary states, to obtain precise measurements of their physical properties, and to further develop the theory to satisfactorily reproduce the properties of the entire population. While ongoing and future all-sky high- and low-resolution optical spectroscopic surveys allow us to enlarge the sample of these systems, high-resolution ultraviolet spectroscopy is absolutely essential for the characterization of the white dwarfs in these binaries. The Hubble Space Telescope is currently the only facility that provides ultraviolet spectroscopy, and with its foreseeable demise, planning the next ultraviolet mission is of utmost urgency.
X-ray binary systems are very popular objects for astrophysical investigations. Compact objects in these systems are neutron stars, white dwarfs and black holes. Neutron stars and white dwarfs can have intrinsic magnetic fields. There is well known, famous theorem about absence of intrinsic magnetic fields of black holes. But magnetic field can exist in the accretion disk around a black hole. We present here the real estimates of the magnetic field strength at the radius of innermost stable orbit in an accretion disk of stellar mass black holes.
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