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AIII and BDI Topological Systems at Strong Disorder

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 نشر من قبل Juntao Song
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Using an explicit 1-dimensional model, we provide direct evidence that the one-dimensional topological phases from the AIII and BDI symmetry classes follow a $mathbb Z$-classification, even in the strong disorder regime when the Fermi level is embedded in a dense localized spectrum. The main tool for our analysis is the winding number $ u$, in the non-commutative formulation introduced in I. Mondragon-Shem, J. Song, T. L. Hughes, and E. Prodan, arXiv:1311.5233. For both classes, by varying the parameters of the model and/or the disorder strength, a cascade of sharp topological transitions $ u=0 rightarrow u=1 rightarrow u=2$ is generated, in the regime where the insulating gap is completely filled with the localized spectrum. We demonstrate that each topological transition is accompanied by an Anderson localization-delocalization transition. Furthermore, to explicitly rule out a $mathbb Z_2$ classification, a topological transition between $ u=0$ and $ u=2$ is generated. These two phases are also found to be separated by an Anderson localization-delocalization transition, hence proving their distinct identity.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The tenfold classification of topological phases enumerates all strong topological phases for both clean and disordered systems. These strong topological phases are connected to the existence of robust edge states. However, in addition to the strong topological phases in the tenfold classification, there exist weak topological phases whose properties under disorder are less well understood. It is unknown if the weak topological indices can be generalized for arbitrary disorder, and the physical signatures of these indices is not known. In this paper, we study disordered models of the two dimensional weak AIII insulator. We demonstrate that the weak invariants can be defined at arbitrary disorder, and that these invariants are connected to the presence or absence of bound charge at dislocation sites.
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