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Strong spin-phonon coupling in infrared and Raman spectra of SrMnO3

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 نشر من قبل Dmitry Nuzhnyy
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Infrared reflectivity spectra of cubic SrMnO$_{3}$ ceramics reveal 18 % stiffening of the lowest-frequency phonon below the antiferromagnetic phase transition occurring at T$_{N}$ = 233 K. Such a large temperature change of the polar phonon frequency is extraordinary and we attribute it to an exceptionally strong spin-phonon coupling in this material. This is consistent with our prediction from first principles calculations. Moreover, polar phonons become Raman active below T$_{N}$, although their activation is forbidden by symmetry in $Pmbar{3}m$ space group. This gives evidence that the cubic $Pmbar{3}m$ symmetry is locally broken below T$_{N}$ due to a strong magnetoelectric coupling. Multiphonon and multimagnon scattering is also observed in Raman spectra. Microwave and THz permittivity is strongly influenced by hopping electronic conductivity, which is caused by small non-stoichiometry of the sample. Thermoelectric measurements show room-temperature concentration of free carriers $n_{e}=$3.6 10$^{20}$ cm$^{-3}$ and the sample composition Sr$^{2+}$Mn$_{0.98}^{4+}$Mn$_{0.02}^{3+}$O$_{2.99}^{2-}$. The conductivity exhibits very unusual temperature behavior: THz conductivity increases on cooling, while the static conductivity markedly decreases on cooling. We attribute this to different conductivity of the ceramic grains and grain boundaries.

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93 - E. Aytan , B. Debnath , F. Kargar 2017
Nickel oxide (NiO) has been studied extensively for various applications ranging from electrochemistry to solar cells [1,2]. In recent years, NiO attracted much attention as an antiferromagnetic (AF) insulator material for spintronic devices [3-10]. Understanding the spin - phonon coupling in NiO is a key to its functionalization, and enabling AF spintronics promise of ultra-high-speed and low-power dissipation [11,12]. However, despite its status as an exemplary AF insulator and a benchmark material for the study of correlated electron systems, little is known about the spin - phonon interaction, and the associated energy dissipation channel, in NiO. In addition, there is a long-standing controversy over the large discrepancies between the experimental and theoretical values for the electron, phonon, and magnon energies in NiO [13-23]. This gap in knowledge is explained by NiO optical selection rules, high Neel temperature and dominance of the magnon band in the visible Raman spectrum, which precludes a conventional approach for investigating such interaction. Here we show that by using ultraviolet (UV) Raman spectroscopy one can extract the spin - phonon coupling coefficients in NiO. We established that unlike in other materials, the spins of Ni atoms interact more strongly with the longitudinal optical (LO) phonons than with the transverse optical (TO) phonons, and produce opposite effects on the phonon energies. The peculiarities of the spin - phonon coupling are consistent with the trends given by density functional theory calculations. The obtained results shed light on the nature of the spin - phonon coupling in AF insulators and may help in developing innovative spintronic devices.
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We measured the temperature dependent infrared reflectivity spectra of TbMnO3 with the electric field of light polarized along each of the three crystallographic axes. We analyzed the effect, on the phonon spectra, of the different phase transitions occurring in this material. We show that the antiferromagnetic transition at TN renormalizes the phonon parameters along the three directions. Our data indicate that the electromagnon, observed along the a direction, has an important contribution to the building of the dielectric constant. Only one phonon, observed along the c-axis, has anomalies at the ferroelectric transition. This phonon is built mostly from Mn vibrations, suggesting that Mn displacements are closely related to the formation of the ferroelectric order.
237 - Tunna Baruah 2002
Using a density-functional based algorithm, the full IR and Raman spectra are calculated for the neutral Ti_8C_12 cluster assuming geometries of Th, Td, D2d and C3v symmetry. The Th pentagonal dodecahedron is found to be dynamically unstable. The cal culated properties of the relaxed structure having C3v symmetry are found to be in excellent agreement with experimental gas phase infrared results, ionization potential and electron affinity measurements. Consequently, the results presented may be used as a reference for further experimental characterization using vibrational spectroscopy.
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