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One-step implementation of multiqubit phase gate with one control qubit and multiple target qubits in coupled cavities

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 نشر من قبل Hong-Fu Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose a one-step scheme to implement a multiqubit controlled phase gate of one qubit simultaneously controlling multiple qubits with three-level atoms at distant nodes in coupled cavity arrays. The selective qubit-qubit couplings are achieved by adiabatically eliminating the atomic excited states and photonic states and the required phase shifts between the control qubit and any target qubit can be realized through suitable choices of the parameters of the external fields. Moreover, the effective model is robust against decoherence because neither the atoms nor the field modes during the gate operation are excited, leading to a useful step toward scalable quantum computing networks.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a novel method to realize a multi-target-qubit controlled phase gate with one microwave photonic qubit simultaneously controlling $n-1$ target microwave photonic qubits. This gate is implemented with $n$ microwave cavities coupled to a sup erconducting flux qutrit. Each cavity hosts a microwave photonic qubit, whose two logic states are represented by the vacuum state and the single photon state of a single cavity mode, respectively. During the gate operation, the qutrit remains in the ground state and thus decoherence from the qutrit is greatly suppressed. This proposal requires only a single-step operation and thus the gate implementation is quite simple. The gate operation time is independent of the number of the qubits. In addition, this proposal does not need applying classical pulse or any measurement. Numerical simulations demonstrate that high-fidelity realization of a controlled phase gate with one microwave photonic qubit simultaneously controlling two target microwave photonic qubits is feasible with current circuit QED technology. The proposal is quite general and can be applied to implement the proposed gate in a wide range of physical systems, such as multiple microwave or optical cavities coupled to a natural or artificial $Lambda$-type three-level atom.
256 - H. D. Yin , X. X. Li , G. C. Wang 2020
Compared with the idea of universal quantum computation, a direct synthesis of a multiqubit logic gate can greatly improve the efficiency of quantum information processing tasks. Here we propose an efficient scheme to implement a three-qubit controll ed-not (Toffoli) gate of neutral atoms based on unconventional Rydberg pumping. By adjusting the strengths of Rabi frequencies of driving fields, the Toffoli gate can be achieved within one step, which is also insensitive to the fluctuation of the Rydberg-Rydberg interaction. Considering different atom alignments, we can obtain a high-fidelity Toffoli gate at the same operation time $sim 7~mu s$. In addition, our scheme can be further extended to the four-qubit case without altering the operating time.
We propose an architecture for a high-fidelity deterministic controlled-phase gate between two photonic qubits using bulk optical nonlinearities in near-term feasible photonic integrated circuits. The gate is enabled by converting travelling continuo us-mode photons into stationary cavity modes using strong classical control fields that dynamically change the cavity-waveguide coupling rate. This process limits the fidelity degrading noise pointed out by Shapiro [J. Shapiro, Phys. Rev. A, 73, 2006] and Gea-Banacloche [J. Gea-Banacloche, Phys. Rev. A, 81, 2010]. We show that high-fidelity gates can be achieved with self-phase modulation in $chi^{scriptscriptstyle(3)}$ materials as well as second-harmonic generation in $chi^{scriptscriptstyle(2)}$ materials. The gate fidelity asymptotically approaches unity with increasing storage time for a fixed duration of the incident photon wave packet. Further, dynamically coupled cavities enable a trade-off between errors due to loss and wave packet distortions since loss does not affect the ability to emit wave packets with the same shape as the incoming photons. Our numerical results show that gates with $99%$ fidelity are feasible with near-term improvements in cavity loss using LiNbO$_3$ or GaAs.
We discuss two methods to encode one qubit into six physical qubits. Each of our two examples corrects an arbitrary single-qubit error. Our first example is a degenerate six-qubit quantum error-correcting code. We explicitly provide the stabilizer ge nerators, encoding circuit, codewords, logical Pauli operators, and logical CNOT operator for this code. We also show how to convert this code into a non-trivial subsystem code that saturates the subsystem Singleton bound. We then prove that a six-qubit code without entanglement assistance cannot simultaneously possess a Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) stabilizer and correct an arbitrary single-qubit error. A corollary of this result is that the Steane seven-qubit code is the smallest single-error correcting CSS code. Our second example is the construction of a non-degenerate six-qubit CSS entanglement-assisted code. This code uses one bit of entanglement (an ebit) shared between the sender and the receiver and corrects an arbitrary single-qubit error. The code we obtain is globally equivalent to the Steane seven-qubit code and thus corrects an arbitrary error on the receivers half of the ebit as well. We prove that this code is the smallest code with a CSS structure that uses only one ebit and corrects an arbitrary single-qubit error on the senders side. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages for each of the two codes.
We study a general theory of phonon lasing [I. S. Grudinin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 083901 (2010)] in coupled optomechancial systems. We derive the dynamical equation of the phonon lasing using supermodes formed by two cavity modes. A general th reshold condition for phonon lasing is obtained. We also show the differences between phonon lasing and photon lasing, generated by photonic supermodes and two-level atomic systems, respectively. We find that the phonon lasing can be realized in certain parameter regime near the threshold. The phase diagram and second-order correlation function of the phonon lasing are also studied to show some interesting phenomena that cannot be observed in the common photon lasing with the two-level systems.
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