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Unconventional quantum criticality in the kicked rotor

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 نشر من قبل Chushun Tian
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The quantum kicked rotor (QKR) driven by $d$ incommensurate frequencies realizes the universality class of $d$-dimensional disordered metals. For $d>3$, the system exhibits an Anderson metal-insulator transition which has been observed within the framework of an atom optics realization. However, the absence of genuine randomness in the QKR reflects in critical phenomena beyond those of the Anderson universality class. Specifically, the system shows strong sensitivity to the algebraic properties of its effective Planck constant $tilde h equiv 4pi /q$. For integer $q$, the system may be in a globally integrable state, in a `super-metallic configuration characterized by diverging response coefficients, Anderson localized, metallic, or exhibit transitions between these phases. We present numerical data for different $q$-values and effective dimensionalities, with the focus being on parameter configurations which may be accessible to experimental investigations.

قيم البحث

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We investigate precursors of critical behavior in the quasienergy spectrum due to the dynamical instability in the kicked top. Using a semiclassical approach, we analytically obtain a logarithmic divergence in the density of states, which is analogou s to a continuous excited state quantum phase transition in undriven systems. We propose a protocol to observe the cusp behavior of the magnetization close to the critical quasienergy.
The quantum kicked rotor (QKR) map is embedded into a continuous unitary transformation generated by a time-independent quasi-Hamiltonian. In some vicinity of a quantum resonance of order $q$, we relate the problem to the {it regular} motion along a circle in a $(q^2-1)$-component inhomogeneous magnetic field of a quantum particle with $q$ intrinsic degrees of freedom described by the $SU(q)$ group. This motion is in parallel with the classical phase oscillations near a non-linear resonance.
If a localized quantum state in a tight-binding model with structural aperiodicity is subject to noisy evolution, then it is generally expected to result in diffusion and delocalization. In this work, it is shown that the localized phase of the kicke d Aubry-Andre-Harper (AAH) model is robust to the effects of noisy evolution, for long times, provided that some kick is delivered once every time period. However, if strong noisy perturbations are applied by randomly missing kicks, a sharp dynamical transition from a ballistic growth phase at initial times to a diffusive growth phase for longer times is observed. Such sharp transitions are seen even in translationally invariant models. These transitions are related to the existence of flat bands, and using a 2-band model we obtain analytical support for these observations. The diffusive evolution at long times has a mechanism similar to that of a random walk. The time scale at which the sharp transition takes place is related to the characteristics of noise. Remarkably, the wavepacket evolution scales with the noise parameters. Further, using kick sequence modulated by a coin toss, it is argued that the correlations in the noise are crucial to the observed sharp transitions.
We study the finite-temperature superfluid transition in a modified two-dimensional (2D) XY model with power-law distributed scratch-like bond disorder. As its exponent decreases, the disorder grows stronger and the mechanism driving the superfluid t ransition changes from conventional vortex-pair unbinding to a strong randomness criticality (termed scratched-XY criticality) characterized by a non-universal jump of the superfluid stiffness. The existence of the scratched-XY criticality at finite temperature and its description by an asymptotically exact semi-renormalization group theory, previously developed for the superfluid-insulator transition in one-dimensional disordered quantum systems, is numerically proven by designing a model with minimal finite size effects. Possible experimental implementations are discussed.
The dynamics of chaotic Hamiltonian systems such as the kicked rotor continues to guide our understanding of transport and localization processes. The localized states of the quantum kicked rotor decay due to decoherence effects if subjected to stati onary noise. The associated quantum diffusion increases monotonically as a function of a parameter characterising the noise distribution. In this work, for the Levy kicked atom-optics rotor, it is experimentally shown that by tuning a parameter characterizing the Levy distribution, quantum diffusion displays non-monotonic behaviour. The parameters for optimal diffusion rates are analytically obtained and they reveal a good agreement with the cold atom experiments and numerics. The non-monotonicity is shown to be a quantum effect that vanishes in the classical limit.
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