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Simultaneous Modeling of the Stellar and Dust Emission in Distant Galaxies: Implications for Star Formation Rate Measurements

146   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Dyas Utomo
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have used near-ultraviolet (NUV) to mid-infrared (MIR) composite spectral energy distributions (SEDs) to simultaneously model the attenuated stellar and dust emission of 0.5 < z < 2.0 galaxies. These composite SEDs were previously constructed from the photometric catalogs of the NEWFIRM Medium-Band Survey, by stacking the observed photometry of galaxies that have similar rest-frame NUV-to-NIR SEDs. In this work, we include a stacked MIPS 24 micron measurement for each SED type to extend the SEDs to rest-frame MIR wavelengths. Consistent with previous studies, the observed MIR emission for most SED types is higher than expected from only the attenuated stellar emission. We fit the NUV-to-MIR composite SEDs by the Flexible Stellar Population Synthesis (SPS) models, which include both stellar and dust emission. We compare the best-fit star formation rates (SFRs) to the SFRs based on simple UV+IR estimators. Interestingly, the UV and IR luminosities overestimate SFRs - compared to the model SFRs - by more than ~ 1 dex for quiescent galaxies, while for the highest star-forming galaxies in our sample the two SFRs are broadly consistent. The difference in specific SFRs also shows a gradually increasing trend with declining specific SFR, implying that quiescent galaxies have even lower specific SFRs than previously found. Contributions from evolved stellar populations to both the UV and the MIR SEDs most likely explain the discrepancy. Based on this work, we conclude that SFRs should be determined from modeling the attenuated stellar and dust emission simultaneously, instead of employing simple UV+IR-based SFR estimators.

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There is a remarkably tight relation between the observationally inferred dust masses and star-formation rates (SFRs) of SDSS galaxies, Mdust $propto$ SFR$^{1.11}$ (Da Cunha et al. 2010). Here we extend the Mdust-SFR relation to the high end and show that it bends over at very large SFRs (i.e., dust masses are lower than predicted for a given SFR). We identify several distinct evolutionary processes in the diagram: (1) A star-bursting phase in which dust builds up rapidly at early times. The maximum attainable dust mass in this process is the cause of the bend-over of the relation. A high dust-formation efficiency, a bottom-light initial mass function, and negligible supernova shock dust destruction are required to produce sufficiently high dust masses. (2) A quiescent star-forming phase in which the subsequent parallel decline in dust mass and SFR gives rise to the Mdust-SFR relation, through astration and dust destruction. The dust-to-gas ratio is approximately constant along the relation. We show that the power-law slope of the Mdust-SFR relation is inversely proportional to the global Schmidt-Kennicutt law exponent (i.e., $sim 0.9$) in simple chemical evolution models. (3) A quenching phase which causes star formation to drop while the dust mass stays roughly constant or drops proportionally. Combined with merging, these processes, as well as the range in total baryonic mass, give rise to a complex population of the diagram which adds significant scatter to the original Mdust-SFR relation. (4) At very high redshifts, a population of galaxies located significantly below the local relation is predicted.
We present a new technique to measure multi-wavelength Super-deblended photometry from highly confused images, which we apply to Herschel and ground-based far-infrared (FIR) and (sub-)millimeter (mm) data in the northern field of the Great Observator ies Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). There are two key novelties. First, starting with a large database of deep Spitzer 24{mu}m and VLA 20cm detections that are used to define prior positions for fitting the FIR/submm data, we perform an active selection of useful priors independently at each frequency band, moving from less to more confused bands. Exploiting knowledge of redshift and all available photometry, we identify hopelessly faint priors that we remove from the fitting pool. This approach significantly reduces blending degeneracies and allows reliable photometry to be obtained for galaxies in FIR+mm bands. Second, we obtain well-behaved, nearly Gaussian flux density uncertainties, individually tailored to all fitted priors in each band. This is done by exploiting extensive simulations that allow us to calibrate the conversion of formal fitting uncertainties to realistic uncertainties depending on quantities directly measurable. We achieve deeper detection limits with high fidelity measurements and uncertainties at FIR+mm bands. As an illustration of the utility of these measurements, we identify 70 galaxies with z>3 and reliable FIR+mm detections. We present new constraints on the cosmic star formation rate density at 3<z<6, finding a significant contribution from z>3 dusty galaxies that are missed by optical-to-near-infrared color selection. Photometric measurements for 3306 priors, including over 1000 FIR+mm detections are released publicly with our catalog.
75 - Alexandra Pope 2019
Galaxies grow their supermassive black holes in concert with their stars, although the relationship between these major galactic components is poorly understood. Observations of the cosmic growth of stars and black holes in galaxies suffer from disjo int samples and the strong effects of dust attenuation. The thermal infrared holds incredible potential for simultaneously measuring both the star formation and black hole accretion rates in large samples of galaxies covering a wide range of physical conditions. Spitzer demonstrated this potential at low redshift, and by observing some of the most luminous galaxies at z~2. JWST will apply these methods to normal galaxies at these epochs, but will not be able to generate large spectroscopic samples or access the thermal infrared at high-redshift. An order of magnitude gap in our wavelength coverage will persist between JWST and ALMA. A large, cold infrared telescope can fill this gap to determine when (in cosmic time), and where (within the cosmic web), stars and black holes co-evolve, by measuring these processes simultaneously in statistically complete and unbiased samples of galaxies to z>8. A next-generation radio interferometer will have the resolution and sensitivity to measure star-formation and nuclear accretion in even the dustiest galaxies. Together, the thermal infrared and radio can uniquely determine how stars and supermassive blackholes co-evolve in galaxies over cosmic time.
121 - Michiel Reuland 2004
We present the results of an observing program with the SCUBA bolometer array to measure the submillimetre (submm) dust continuum emission of 24 distant (z > 1) radio galaxies. We detected submm emission in 12 galaxies with S/N > 3, including 9 detec tions at z > 3. When added to previous published results these data almost triple the number of radio galaxies with z > 3 detected in the submm and yield a sample of 69 observed radio galaxies over the redshift range z = 1-5. We find that the range in rest-frame far-infrared luminosities is about a factor of 10. We have investigated the origin of this dispersion, correlating the luminosities with radio source power, size, spectral index, K-band magnitude and Lya luminosity. No strong correlations are apparent in the combined data set. We confirm and strengthen the result from previous submm observations of radio galaxies that the detection rate is a strong function of redshift. We compare the redshift dependence of the submm properties of radio galaxies with those of quasars and find that for both classes of objects the observed submm flux density increases with redshift to z ~ 4, beyond which, for the galaxies, we find tentative evidence for a decline. We find evidence for an anti-correlation between submm luminosity and UV polarisation fraction, for a subsample of 13 radio galaxies, indicating that starbursts are the dominant source of heating for dust in radio galaxies.
137 - Hong-Xin Zhang 2017
Local Group (LG) galaxies have relatively accurate SFHs and metallicity evolution derived from resolved CMD modeling, and thus offer a unique opportunity to explore the efficacy of estimating stellar mass M$_{star}$ of real galaxies based on integrat ed stellar luminosities. Building on the SFHs and metallicity evolution of 40 LG dwarf galaxies, we carried out a comprehensive study of the influence of SFHs, metallicity evolution, and dust extinction on the UV-to-NIR color-$M/L$ (color-log$Upsilon_{star}$($lambda$)) relations and M$_{star}$ estimation of local universe galaxies. We find that: The LG galaxies follow color-log$Upsilon_{star}$($lambda$) relations that fall in between the ones calibrated by previous studies; Optical color-log$Upsilon_{star}$($lambda$) relations at higher metallicities ([M/H]) are generally broader and steeper; The SFH concentration does not significantly affect the color-log$Upsilon_{star}$($lambda$) relations; Light-weighted ages and [M/H] together constrain log$Upsilon_{star}$($lambda$) with uncertainties ranging from $lesssim$ 0.1 dex for the NIR up to 0.2 dex for the optical passbands; Metallicity evolution induces significant uncertainties to the optical but not NIR $Upsilon_{star}$($lambda$) at given light-weighted ages and [M/H]; The $V$ band is the ideal luminance passband for estimating $Upsilon_{star}$($lambda$) from single colors, because the combinations of $Upsilon_{star}$($V$) and optical colors such as $B-V$ and $g-r$ exhibit the weakest systematic dependence on SFHs, [M/H] and dust extinction; Without any prior assumption on SFHs, M$_{star}$ is constrained with biases $lesssim$ 0.3 dex by the optical-to-NIR SED fitting. Optical passbands alone constrain M$_{star}$ with biases $lesssim$ 0.4 dex (or $lesssim$ 0.6 dex) when dust extinction is fixed (or variable) in SED fitting. [abridged]
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