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Measuring Distances and Reddenings for a Billion Stars: Towards A 3D Dust Map from Pan-STARRS 1

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 نشر من قبل Gregory Green
 تاريخ النشر 2014
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present a method to infer reddenings and distances to stars, based only on their broad-band photometry, and show how this method can be used to produce a three-dimensional dust map of the Galaxy. Our method samples from the full probability density function of distance, reddening and stellar type for individual stars, as well as the full uncertainty in reddening as a function of distance in the 3D dust map. We incorporate prior knowledge of the distribution of stars in the Galaxy and the detection limits of the survey. For stars in the Pan-STARRS 1 (PS1) 3 pi survey, we demonstrate that our reddening estimates are unbiased, and accurate to ~0.13 mag in E(B-V) for the typical star. Based on comparisons with mock catalogs, we expect distances for main-sequence stars to be constrained to within ~20% - 60%, although this range can vary, depending on the reddening of the star, the precise stellar type and its position on the sky. A further paper will present a 3D map of dust over the three quarters of the sky surveyed by PS1. Both the individual stellar inferences and the 3D dust map will enable a wealth of Galactic science in the plane. The method we present is not limited to the passbands of the PS1 survey, but may be extended to incorporate photometry from other surveys, such as 2MASS, SDSS (where available), and in the future, LSST and Gaia.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We present a map of the dust reddening to 4.5 kpc derived from Pan-STARRS1 stellar photometry. The map covers almost the entire sky north of declination -30 degrees at a resolution of 7 to 14, and is based on the estimated distances and reddenings to more than 500 million stars. The technique is designed to map dust in the Galactic plane, where many other techniques are stymied by the presence of multiple dust clouds at different distances along each line of sight. This reddening-based dust map agrees closely with the Schlegel, Finkbeiner, and Davis (SFD; 1998) far-infrared emission-based dust map away from the Galactic plane, and the most prominent differences between the two maps stem from known limitations of SFD in the plane. We also compare the map with Planck, finding likewise good agreement in general at high latitudes. The use of optical data from Pan-STARRS1 yields reddening uncertainty as low as 25 mmag E(B-V).
New data from the $textit{Gaia}$ satellite, when combined with accurate photometry from the Pan-STARRS survey, allow us to accurately estimate the properties of the GD-1 stream. Here, we analyze the stellar density perturbations in the GD-1 stream an d show that they cannot be due to known baryonic structures like giant molecular clouds, globular clusters, or the Milky Ways bar or spiral arms. A joint analysis of the GD-1 and Pal 5 streams instead requires a population of dark substructures with masses $approx 10^{7}$ to $10^9 M_{rm{odot}}$. We infer a total abundance of dark subhalos normalised to standard cold dark matter $n_{rm sub}/n_{rm sub, CDM} = 0.4 ^{+0.3}_{-0.2}$ ($68 %$), which corresponds to a mass fraction contained in the subhalos $f_{rm{sub}} = 0.14 ^{+0.11}_{-0.07} %$, compatible with the predictions of hydrodynamical simulation of cold dark matter with baryons.
The Pan-STARRS 1 (PS1) survey of M31 (PAndromeda) is designed to identify gravitational microlensing events, caused by bulge and disk stars (self-lensing) and by compact matter in the halos of M31 and the Milky Way (halo lensing, or lensing by MACHOs ). With the 7 deg2 FOV of PS1, the entire disk of M31 can be imaged with one single pointing. Our aim is to monitor M31 with this wide FOV with daily sampling (20 mins/day). In the 2010 season we acquired in total 91 nights towards M31, with 90 nights in the rP1 and 66 nights in the iP1. The total integration time in rP1 and iP1 are 70740s and 36180s, respectively. As a preliminary analysis, we study a 40times40 sub-field in the central region of M31, a 20times20 sub-field in the disk of M31 and a 20times20 sub-field for the investigation of astrometric precision. We demonstrate that the PSF is good enough to detect microlensing events. We present light curves for 6 candidate microlensing events. This is a competitive rate compared to previous M31 microlensing surveys. We finally also present one example light curve for Cepheids, novae and eclipsing binaries in these sub-fields.
A large sample of white dwarfs is selected by both proper motion and colours from the Pan-STARRS 1 3{pi} Steradian Survey Processing Version 2 to construct the White Dwarf Luminosity Functions of the discs and halo in the solar neighbourhood. Four-pa rameter astrometric solutions were recomputed from the epoch data. The generalised maximum volume method is then used to calculate the density of the populations. After removal of crowded areas near the Galactic plane and centre, the final sky area used by this work is 7.833 sr, which is 83% of the 3{pi} sky and 62% of the whole sky. By dividing the sky using Voronoi tessellation, photometric and astrometric uncertainties are recomputed at each step of the integration to improve the accuracy of the maximum volume. Interstellar reddening is considered throughout the work. We find a disc-to-halo white dwarf ratio of about 100.
We present new parallax measurements from the CFHT Infrared Parallax Program and the Pan-STARRS 3$pi$ Steradian Survey for the young ($approx150-300$ Myr) triple system VHS J125601.92$-$125723.9. This system is composed of a nearly equal-flux binary (AB) and a wide, possibly planetary-mass companion (b). The systems published parallactic distance ($12.7pm1.0$ pc) implies absolute magnitudes unusually faint compared to known young objects and is in tension with the spectrophotometric distance for the central binary ($17.2pm2.6$ pc). Our CFHT and Pan-STARRS parallaxes are consistent, and the more precise CFHT result places VHS J1256-1257 at $22.2^{+1.1}_{-1.2}$ pc. Our new distance results in higher values for the companions mass ($19pm5$ M$_{rm Jup}$) and temperature ($1240pm50$ K), and also brings the absolute magnitudes of all three components into better agreement with known young objects.
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