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Optically Detected Cross-Relaxation Spectroscopy of Electron Spins in Diamond

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 نشر من قبل Haijing Wang
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The application of magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy at progressively smaller length scales may eventually permit chemical imaging of spins at the surfaces of materials and biological complexes. In particular, the negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centre in diamond has been exploited as an optical transducer for nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance. However, the spectra of detected spins are generally broadened by their interaction with proximate paramagnetic NV- centres through coherent and incoherent mechanisms. Here we demonstrate a detection technique that can resolve the spectra of electron spins coupled to NV- centres, namely substitutional nitrogen (NS) and neutral nitrogen-vacancy (NV0) centres in diamond, through optically detected cross-relaxation. The hyperfine spectra of these spins are a unique chemical identifier, suggesting the possibility, in combination with recent results in diamonds harbouring shallow NV- implants, that the spectra of spins external to the diamond can be similarly detected.

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We give instructions for the construction and operation of a simple apparatus for performing optically detected magnetic resonance measurements on diamond samples containing high concentrations of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers. Each NV center has a s pin degree of freedom that can be manipulated and monitored by a combination of visible and microwave radiation. We observe Zeeman shifts in the presence of small external magnetic fields and describe a simple method to optically measure magnetic field strengths with a spatial resolution of several microns. The activities described are suitable for use in an advanced undergraduate lab course, powerfully connecting core quantum concepts to cutting edge applications. An even simpler setup, appropriate for use in more introductory settings, is also presented.
We report quantitative measurements of optically detected ferromagnetic resonance (ODFMR) of ferromagnetic thin films that use nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds to transduce FMR into a fluorescence intensity variation. To uncover the mechanis m responsible for these signals, we study ODFMR as we 1) vary the separation of the NV centers from the ferromagnet (FM), 2) record the NV center longitudinal relaxation time $T_1$ during FMR, and 3) vary the material properties of the FM. Based on the results, we propose the following mechanism for ODFMR. Decay and scattering of the driven, uniform FMR mode results in spinwaves that produce fluctuating dipolar fields in a spectrum of frequencies. When the spinwave spectrum overlaps the NV center ground-state spin resonance frequencies, the dipolar fields from these resonant spinwaves relax the NV center spins, resulting in an ODFMR signal. These results lay the foundation for an approach to NV center spin relaxometry to study FM dynamics without the constraint of directly matching the NV center spin-transition frequency to the magnetic system of interest, thus enabling an alternate modality for scanned-probe magnetic microscopy that can sense ferromagnetic resonance with nanoscale resolution.
A nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is a promising sensor for nanoscale magnetic sensing. Here we report electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy using a single NV center in diamond. First, using a 230 GHz ESR spectrometer, we performed ensem ble ESR of a type-Ib sample crystal and identified a substitutional single nitrogen impurity as a major paramagnetic center in the sample crystal. Then, we carried out free-induction decay and spin echo measurements of the single NV center to study static and dynamic properties of nanoscale bath spins surrounding the NV center. We also measured ESR spectrum of the bath spins using double electron-electron resonance spectroscopy with the single NV center. The spectrum analysis of the NV-based ESR measurement identified that the detected spins are the nitrogen impurity spins. The experiment was also performed with several other single NV centers in the diamond sample and demonstrated that the properties of the bath spins are unique to the NV centers indicating the probe of spins in the microscopic volume using NV-based ESR. Finally, we discussed the number of spins detected by the NV-based ESR spectroscopy. By comparing the experimental result with simulation, we estimated the number of the detected spins to be $leq$ 50 spins.
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