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Determination of $|V_{us}|$ from a lattice-QCD calculation of the $Ktopiell u$ semileptonic form factor with physical quark masses

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 نشر من قبل Elvira Gamiz
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
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We calculate the kaon semileptonic form factor $f_+(0)$ from lattice QCD, working, for the first time, at the physical light-quark masses. We use gauge configurations generated by the MILC collaboration with $N_f=2+1+1$ flavors of sea quarks, which incorporate the effects of dynamical charm quarks as well as those of up, down, and strange. We employ data at three lattice spacings to extrapolate to the continuum limit. Our result, $f_+(0) = 0.9704(32)$, where the error is the total statistical plus systematic uncertainty added in quadrature, is the most precise determination to date. Combining our result with the latest experimental measurements of $K$ semileptonic decays, one obtains the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element $|V_{us}|=0.22290(74)(52)$, where the first error is from $f_+(0)$ and the second one is from experiment. In the first-row test of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity, the error stemming from $|V_{us}|$ is now comparable to that from $|V_{ud}|$.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We discuss the recent progress in the study of semileptonic kaon and pion decays, including new experimental results, improved electroweak radiative corrections, form factor calculations and isospin-breaking effects. As a result, we obtain $|V_{us}|= 0.22309(40)(39)(3)$ from kaon semileptonic decays and $|V_{us}/V_{ud}|=0.22908(66)(41)(40)(2)(1)$ from the ratio between the kaon and pion semileptonic decay rates. We report an apparent violation of the top-row Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix unitarity at a $3.2sim 5.6sigma$ level, and a discrepancy at a $2.2sigma$ level between the value of $|V_{us}/V_{ud}|$ determined from the vector and axial charged weak interactions. Prospects for future improvements in those comparative precision tests involving $|V_{ud}|$, $|V_{us}|$ and their implications for physics beyond the Standard Model are described.
We compute the $Btopiell u$ semileptonic form factors and update the determination of the CKM matrix element $|V_{ub}|$. We use the MILC asqtad ensembles with $N_f=2+1$ sea quarks at four different lattice spacings in the range $a approx 0.045$~fm to $0.12$~fm. The lattice form factors are extrapolated to the continuum limit using SU(2) staggered chiral perturbation theory in the hard pion limit, followed by an extrapolation in $q^2$ to the full kinematic range using a functional $z$-parameterization. The extrapolation is combined with the experimental measurements of the partial branching fraction to extract $|V_{ub}|$. Our preliminary result is $|V_{ub}|=(3.72pm 0.14)times 10^{-3}$, where the error reflects both the lattice and experimental uncertainties, which are now on par with each other.
We study the exclusive semileptonic $B$-meson decays $Bto K(pi)ell^+ell^-$, $Bto K(pi) ubar u$, and $Btopitau u$, computing observables in the Standard model using the recent lattice-QCD results for the underlying form factors from the Fermilab Latti ce and MILC Collaborations. These processes provide theoretically clean windows into physics beyond the Standard Model because the hadronic uncertainties are now under good control for suitably binned observables. For example, the resulting partially integrated branching fractions for $Btopimu^+mu^-$ and $Bto Kmu^+mu^-$ outside the charmonium resonance region are 1-2$sigma$ higher than the LHCb Collaborations recent measurements, where the theoretical and experimental errors are commensurate. The combined tension is 1.7$sigma$. Combining the Standard-Model rates with LHCbs measurements yields values for the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements $|V_{td}|=7.45{(69)}times10^{-3}$, $|V_{ts}|=35.7(1.5)times10^{-3}$, and $|V_{td}/V_{ts}|=0.201{(20)}$, which are compatible with the values obtained from neutral $B_{(s)}$-meson oscillations and have competitive uncertainties. Alternatively, taking the CKM matrix elements from unitarity, we constrain new-physics contributions at the electroweak scale. The constraints on the Wilson coefficients ${rm Re}(C_9)$ and ${rm Re}(C_{10})$ from $Btopimu^+mu^-$ and $Bto Kmu^+mu^-$ are competitive with those from $Bto K^* mu^+mu^-$, and display a 2.0$sigma$ tension with the Standard Model. Our predictions for $Bto K(pi) ubar u$ and $Btopitau u$ are close to the current experimental limits.
We present the first calculation of the kaon semileptonic form factor with sea and valence quark masses tuned to their physical values in the continuum limit of 2+1 flavour domain wall lattice QCD. We analyse a comprehensive set of simulations at the phenomenologically convenient point of zero momentum transfer in large physical volumes and for two different values of the lattice spacing. Our prediction for the form factor is f+(0)=0.9685(34)(14) where the first error is statistical and the second error systematic. This result can be combined with experimental measurements of K->pi decays for a determination of the CKM-matrix element for which we predict |Vus|=0.2233(5)(9) where the first error is from experiment and the second error from the lattice computation.
The quark flavor sector of the Standard Model is a fertile ground to look for new physics effects through a unitarity test of the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix. We present a lattice QCD calculation of the scalar and the vector form factors ( over a large $q^2$ region including $q^2 = 0$) associated with the $D rightarrow Kl{ u}$ semi-leptonic decay. This calculation will then allow us to determine the central CKM matrix element, $V_{cs}$ in the Standard Model, by comparing the lattice QCD results for the form factors and the experimental decay rate. This form factor calculation has been performed on the $N_f =2+1+1$ MILC HISQ ensembles with the physical light quark masses.
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