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Extended Void Merging Tree Algorithm for Self-Similar Models

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 نشر من قبل Esra Russell Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Esra Russell

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In hierarchical evolution, voids exhibit two different behaviors related with their surroundings and environments, they can merge or collapse. These two different types of void processes can be described by the two-barrier excursion set formalism based on Brownian random walks. In this study, the analytical approximate description of the growing void merging algorithm is extended by taking into account the contributions of voids that are embedded into overdense region(s) which are destined to vanish due to gravitational collapse. Following this, to construct a realistic void merging model that consists of both collapse and merging processes, the two-barrier excursion set formalism of the void population is used. Assuming spherical voids in the Einstein de Sitter Universe, the void merging algorithm which allows us to consider the two main processes of void hierarchy in one formalism is constructed. In addition to this, the merger rates, void survival probabilities, void size distributions in terms of the collapse barrier and finally, the void merging tree algorithm in the self-similar models are defined and derived.

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285 - Esra Russell 2013
Observational studies show that voids are prominent features of the large scale structure of the present day Universe. Even though their emerging from the primordial density perturbations and evolutionary patterns differ from dark matter halos, N-bod y simulations and theoretical models have shown that voids also merge together to form large void structures. In this study, following Sheth & van de Weygaert (2004), we formulate an analytical approximate description of the hierarchical void evolution of growing voids by adopting the halo merging algorithm given by Lacey & Cole (1993) in the Einstein de Sitter (EdS) Universe. To do this, we take into account the general volume distribution of voids which consists of two main void processes: merging and collapsing. We show that the volume distribution function can be reduced to a simple form, by neglecting the collapsing void contribution since the collapse process is negligible for large size voids. Therefore, the void volume fraction has a contribution only from growing voids. This algorithm becomes the analogue of the halo merging algorithm. Based on this growing void distribution, we obtain the void merging algorithm in which we define and formulate void merging and absorption rates, as well as void size and redshift survival probabilities and also failure rates in terms of the self similar and currently favored dark energy dominated cold dark matter models in the EdS Universe.
In this note, we present a detailed self-similar solution to the interaction of a uniformly expanding gas and a stationary ambient medium, with an application to supernovae interacting with preexisting circumstellar media (Type IIn SNe). We implement the generalized solution into the Modular Open Source Fitter for Transients (MOSFiT), an open-source Python package for fitting extragalactic transient light curves.
In this paper we introduce a family of planar, modular and self-similar graphs which have small-world and scale-free properties. The main parameters of this family are comparable to those of networks associated to complex systems, and therefore the g raphs are of interest as mathematical models for these systems. As the clustering coefficient of the graphs is zero, this family is an explicit construction that does not match the usual characterization of hierarchical modular networks, namely that vertices have clustering values inversely proportional to their degrees.
120 - Francesco Miniati 2015
Massive galaxy clusters are filled with a hot, turbulent and magnetized intra-cluster medium. Still forming under the action of gravitational instability, they grow in mass by accretion of supersonic flows. These flows partially dissipate into heat t hrough a complex network of large-scale shocks [1], while residual transonic flows create giant turbulent eddies and cascades [2,3]. Turbulence heats the intra-cluster medium [4] and also amplifies magnetic energy by way of dynamo action [5-8]. However, the pattern regulating the transformation of gravitational energy into kinetic, thermal, turbulent and magnetic energies remains unknown. Here we report that the energy components of the intra-cluster medium are ordered according to a permanent hierarchy, in which the ratio of thermal to turbulent to magnetic energy densities remains virtually unaltered throughout the clusters history, despite evolution of each individual component and the drive towards equipartition of the turbulent dynamo. This result revolves around the approximately constant efficiency of turbulence generation from the gravitational energy that is freed during mass accretion, revealed by our computational model of cosmological structure formation [3,9]. The permanent character of this hierarchy reflects yet another type of self-similarity in cosmology [10-13], while its structure, consistent with current data [14-18], encodes information about the efficiency of turbulent heating and dynamo action.
Core collapse is a prominent evolutionary stage of self-gravitating systems. In an idealised collisionless approximation, the region around the cluster core evolves in a self-similar way prior to the core collapse. Thus, its radial density profile ou tside the core can be described by a power law, $rho propto r^{-alpha}$. We aim to find the characteristics of core collapse in $N$-body models. In such systems, a complete collapse is prevented by transferring the binding energy of the cluster to binary stars. The contraction is, therefore, more difficult to identify. We developed a method that identifies the core collapse in $N$-body models of star clusters based on the assumption of their homologous evolution. We analysed different models (equal- and multi-mass), most of which exhibit patterns of homologous evolution, yet with significantly different values of $alpha$: the equal-mass models have $alpha approx 2.3$, which agrees with theoretical expectations, the multi-mass models have $alpha approx 1.5$ (yet with larger uncertainty). Furthermore, most models usually show sequences of separated homologous collapses with similar properties. Finally, we investigated a correlation between the time of core collapse and the time of formation of the first hard binary star. The binding energy of such a binary usually depends on the depth of the collapse in which it forms, for example from $100,kT$ to $10^4,kT$ in the smallest equal-mass to the largest multi-mass model, respectively. However, not all major hardenings of binaries happened during the core collapse. In the multi-mass models, we see large transfers of binding energy of $sim 10^4,kT$ to binaries that occur on the crossing timescale and outside of the periods of the homologous collapses.
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