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Sterile neutrino dark matter bounds from galaxies of the Local Group

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 نشر من قبل Shunsaku Horiuchi
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that the canonical oscillation-based (non-resonant) production of sterile neutrino dark matter is inconsistent at $>99$% confidence with observations of galaxies in the Local Group. We set lower limits on the non-resonant sterile neutrino mass of $2.5$ keV (equivalent to $0.7$ keV thermal mass) using phase-space densities derived for dwarf satellite galaxies of the Milky Way, as well as limits of $8.8$ keV (equivalent to $1.8$ keV thermal mass) based on subhalo counts of $N$-body simulations of M 31 analogues. Combined with improved upper mass limits derived from significantly deeper X-ray data of M 31 with full consideration for background variations, we show that there remains little room for non-resonant production if sterile neutrinos are to explain $100$% of the dark matter abundance. Resonant and non-oscillation sterile neutrino production remain viable mechanisms for generating sufficient dark matter sterile neutrinos.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present a model where sterile neutrinos with rest masses in the range ~ keV to ~ MeV can be the dark matter and be consistent with all laboratory, cosmological, large-scale structure, as well as x-ray constraints. These sterile neutrinos are assum ed to freeze out of thermal and chemical equilibrium with matter and radiation in the very early Universe, prior to an epoch of prodigious entropy generation (dilution) from out-of-equilibrium decay of heavy particles. In this work, we consider heavy, entropy-producing particles in the ~ TeV to ~ EeV rest-mass range, possibly associated with new physics at high-energy scales. The process of dilution can give the sterile neutrinos the appropriate relic densities, but it also alters their energy spectra so that they could act like cold dark matter, despite relatively low rest masses as compared to conventional dark matter candidates. Moreover, since the model does not rely on active-sterile mixing for producing the relic density, the mixing angles can be small enough to evade current x-ray or lifetime constraints. Nevertheless, we discuss how future x-ray observations, future lepton number constraints, and future observations and sophisticated simulations of large-scale structure could, in conjunction, provide evidence for this model and/or constrain and probe its parameters.
303 - Mark R. Lovell 2016
We study galaxy formation in sterile neutrino dark matter models that differ signifi- cantly from both cold and from `warm thermal relic models. We use the EAGLE code to carry out hydrodynamic simulations of the evolution of pairs of galaxies chosen to resemble the Local Group, as part of the APOSTLE simulations project. We compare cold dark matter (CDM) with two sterile neutrino models with 7 keV mass: one, the warmest among all models of this mass (LA120) and the other, a relatively cold case (LA10). We show that the lower concentration of sterile neutrino subhalos compared to their CDM counterparts makes the inferred inner dark matter content of galaxies like Fornax (or Magellanic Clouds) less of an outlier in the sterile neutrino cosmologies. In terms of the galaxy number counts the LA10 simulations are indistinguishable from CDM when one takes into account halo-to-halo (or `simulation-to-simulation) scatter. In order for the LA120 model to match the number of Local Group dwarf galaxies, a higher fraction of low mass haloes is required to form galaxies than is predicted by the EAGLE simulations. As the census of the Local Group galaxies nears completion, this population may provide a strong discriminant between cold and warm dark matter models.
Sterile neutrinos comprise an entire class of dark matter models that, depending on their production mechanism, can be hot, warm, or cold dark matter. We simulate the Local Group and representative volumes of the Universe in a variety of sterile neut rino models, all of which are consistent with the possible existence of a radiative decay line at ~3.5 keV. We compare models of production via resonances in the presence of a lepton asymmetry (suggested by Shi & Fuller 1999) to thermal models. We find that properties in the highly nonlinear regime - e.g., counts of satellites and internal properties of halos and subhalos - are insensitive to the precise fall-off in power with wavenumber, indicating that nonlinear evolution essentially washes away differences in the initial (linear) matter power spectrum. In the quasi-linear regime at higher redshifts, however, quantitative differences in the 3D matter power spectra remain, raising the possibility that such models can be tested with future observations of the Lyman-alpha forest. While many of the sterile neutrino models largely eliminate multiple small-scale issues within the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) paradigm, we show that these models may be ruled out in the near future via discoveries of additional dwarf satellites in the Local Group.
We present a comprehensive analysis of constraints on the sterile neutrino as a dark matter candidate. The minimal production scenario with a standard thermal history and negligible cosmological lepton number is in conflict with conservative radiativ e decay constraints from the cosmic X-ray background in combination with stringent small-scale structure limits from the Lyman-alpha forest. We show that entropy release through massive particle decay after production does not alleviate these constraints. We further show that radiative decay constraints from local group dwarf galaxies are subject to large uncertainties in the dark matter density profile of these systems. Within the strongest set of constraints, resonant production of cold sterile neutrino dark matter in non-zero lepton number cosmologies remains allowed.
We perform a detailed study of the weak interactions of standard model neutrinos with the primordial plasma and their effect on the resonant production of sterile neutrino dark matter. Motivated by issues in cosmological structure formation on small scales, and reported X-ray signals that could be due to sterile neutrino decay, we consider $7$ keV-scale sterile neutrinos. Oscillation-driven production of such sterile neutrinos occurs at temperatures $T gtrsim 100$ MeV, where we study two significant effects of weakly charged species in the primordial plasma: (1) the redistribution of an input lepton asymmetry; (2) the opacity for active neutrinos. We calculate the redistribution analytically above and below the quark-hadron transition, and match with lattice QCD calculations through the transition. We estimate opacities due to tree level processes involving leptons and quarks above the quark-hadron transition, and the most important mesons below the transition. We report final sterile neutrino dark matter phase space densities that are significantly influenced by these effects, and yet relatively robust to remaining uncertainties in the nature of the quark-hadron transition. We also provide transfer functions for cosmological density fluctuations with cutoffs at $k simeq 10 h {rm Mpc}^{-1}$, that are relevant to galactic structure formation.
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