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Vibronic phenomena and exciton-vibrational interference in two-dimensional spectra of molecular aggregates

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 نشر من قبل Vytautas Butkus
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A general theory of electronic excitations in aggregates of molecules coupled to intramolecular vibrations and the harmonic environment is developed for simulation of the third-order nonlinear spectroscopy signals. The model is applied in studies of the time-resolved two-dimensional coherent spectra of four characteristic model systems: weakly / strongly vibronically coupled molecular dimers coupled to high / low frequency intramolecular vibrations. The results allow us to classify the typical spectroscopic features as well as to define the limiting cases, when the long-lived quantum coherences are present due to vibrational lifetime borrowing, when the complete exciton-vibronic mixing occurs and when separation of excitonic and vibrational coherences is proper.

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We introduce a heterodimer model in which multiple mechanisms of vibronic coupling and their impact on energy transfer can be explicitly studied. We consider vibronic coupling that arises through either Franck-Condon activity in which each site in th e heterodimer has a local electron-phonon coupling and as Herzberg-Teller activity in which the transition dipole moment coupling the sites has an explicit vibrational mode-dependence. We have computed two-dimensional electronic-vibrational (2DEV) spectra for this model while varying the magnitude of these two effects and find that 2DEV spectra contain static and dynamic signatures of both types of vibronic coupling. Franck-Condon activity emerges through a change in the observed excitonic structure while Herzberg-Teller activity is evident in the appearance of significant side-band transitions that mimic the lower-energy excitonic structure. A comparison of quantum beating patterns obtained from analysis of the simulated 2DEV spectra shows that this technique can report on the mechanism of energy transfer, elucidating a means of experimentally determining the role of specific vibronic coupling mechanisms in such processes.
Coherent dynamics of coupled molecules are effectively characterized by the two-dimensional (2D) electronic coherent spectroscopy. Depending on the coupling between electronic and vibrational states, oscillating signals of purely electronic, purely v ibrational or mixed origin can be observed. Even in the mixed molecular systems two types of coherent beats having either electronic or vibrational character can be distinguished by analyzing oscillation Fourier maps, constructed from time-resolved 2D spectra. The amplitude of the beatings with the electronic character is heavily affected by the energetic disorder and consequently electronic coherences are quickly dephased. Beatings with the vibrational character depend weakly on the disorder, assuring their long-time survival. We show that detailed modeling of 2D spectroscopy signals of molecular aggregates providesdirect information on the origin of the coherent beatings.
We demonstrate that the coupling of excitonic and vibrational motion in biological complexes can provide mechanisms to explain the long-lived oscillations that have been obtained in non linear spectroscopic signals of different photosynthetic pigment protein complexes and we discuss the contributions of excitonic versus purely vibrational components to these oscillatory features. Considering a dimer model coupled to a structured spectral density we exemplify the fundamental aspects of the electron-phonon dynamics, and by analyzing separately the different contributions to the non linear signal, we show that for realistic parameter regimes purely electronic coherence is of the same order as purely vibrational coherence in the electronic ground state. Moreover, we demonstrate how the latter relies upon the excitonic interaction to manifest. These results link recently proposed microscopic, non-equilibrium mechanisms to support long lived coherence at ambient temperatures with actual experimental observations of oscillatory behaviour using 2D photon echo techniques to corroborate the fundamental importance of the interplay of electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom in the dynamics of light harvesting aggregates.
We present derivation and implementation of the Multi-Configurational Strong-Field Approximation with Gaussian nuclear Wave Packets (MC-SFA-GWP) -- a version of the molecular strong-field approximation which treats all electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom, including their correlations, quantum-mechanically. The technique allows, for the first time, realistic simulation of high-harmonic emission in polyatomic molecules without invoking reduced-dimensionality models for the nuclear motion or the electronic structure. We use MC-SFA-GWP to model isotope effects in high-harmonics generation (HHG) spectroscopy of methane. The HHG emission in this molecule transiently involves strongly vibronically-coupled $^2F_2$ electronic state of the $rm CH_4^+$ cation. We show that the isotopic HHG ratio in methane contains signatures of: a) field-free vibronic dynamics at the conical intersection (CI); b) resonant features in the recombination cross-sections; c) laser-driven bound-state dynamics; as well as d) the well-known short-time Gaussian decay of the emission. We assign the intrinsic vibronic feature (a) to a relatively long-lived ($ge4$ fs) vibronic wave packet of the singly-excited $ u_4$ ($t_2$) and $ u_2$ ($e$) vibrational modes, strongly coupled to the components of the $^2F_2$ electronic state. We demonstrate that these physical effects differ in their dependence on the wavelength, intensity, and duration of the driving pulse, allowing them to be disentangled. We thus show that HHG spectroscopy provides a versatile tool for exploring both conical intersections and resonant features in photorecombination matrix elements in the regime not easily accessible with other techniques.
We present a quantum algorithm for calculating the vibronic spectrum of a molecule, a useful but classically hard problem in chemistry. We show several advantages over previous quantum approaches: vibrational anharmonicity is naturally included; afte r measurement, some state information is preserved for further analysis; and there are potential error-related benefits. Considering four triatomic molecules, we numerically study truncation errors in the harmonic approximation. Further, in order to highlight the fact that our quantum algorithms primary advantage over classical algorithms is in simulating anharmonic spectra, we consider the anharmonic vibronic spectrum of sulfur dioxide. In the future, our approach could aid in the design of materials with specific light-harvesting and energy transfer properties, and the general strategy is applicable to other spectral calculations in chemistry and condensed matter physics.
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