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Impurity scattering in Weyl Semimetals and their stability classification

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 نشر من قبل Zhoushen Huang
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Weyl Semimetals (WS) are a new class of Dirac-type materials exhibiting a phase with bulk energy nodes and an associated vanishing density of states (DOS). We investigate the stability of this nodal DOS suppression in the presence of local impurities and consider whether or not such a suppression can be lifted by impurity-induced resonances. We find that while a scalar (chemical potential type) impurity can always induce a resonance at arbitrary energy and hence lift the DOS suppression at Dirac/Weyl nodes, for many other impurity types (e.g. magnetic or orbital-mixing), resonances are forbidden in a wide range of energy. We investigate a $4$-band tight-binding model of WS adapted from a physical heterostructure construction due to Burkov, Hook, and Balents, and represent a local impurity potential by a strength $g$ as well as a matrix structure $Lambda$. A general framework is developed to analyze this resonance dichotomy and make connection with the phase shift picture in scattering theory, as well as to determine the relation between resonance energy and impurity strength $g$. A complete classification of impurities based on $Lambda$, based on their effect on nodal DOS suppression, is tabulated. We also discuss the differences between continuum and lattice approaches.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

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Weyl semimetals have been intensely studied as a three dimensional realization of a Dirac-like excitation spectrum where the conduction bands and valence bands touch at isolated Weyl points in momentum space. Like in graphene, this property entails v arious peculiar electronic properties. However, recent theoretical studies have suggested that resonant scattering from rare regions can give rise to a non-zero density of states even at charge neutrality. Here, we give a detailed account of this effect and demonstrate how the semimetallic nature is suppressed at the lowest scales. To this end, we develop a self-consistent T-matrix approach to investigate the density of states beyond the limit of weak disorder. Our results show a nonvanishing density of states at the Weyl point which exhibits a non-analytic dependence on the impurity density. This unusually strong effect of rare regions leads to a revised estimate for the conductivity close to the Weyl point and emphasizes possible deviations from semimetallic behavior in dirty Weyl semimetals at charge neutrality even with very low impurity concentration.
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