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Wiedemann-Franz law and non-vanishing temperature scale across the field-tuned quantum critical point of YbRh2Si2

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 نشر من قبل Jean-Philippe Reid
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The in-plane thermal conductivity kappa(T) and electrical resistivity rho(T) of the heavy-fermion metal YbRh2Si2 were measured down to 50 mK for magnetic fields H parallel and perpendicular to the tetragonal c axis, through the field-tuned quantum critical point, Hc, at which antiferromagnetic order ends. The thermal and electrical resistivities, w(T) and rho(T), show a linear temperature dependence below 1 K, typical of the non-Fermi liquid behavior found near antiferromagnetic quantum critical points, but this dependence does not persist down to T = 0. Below a characteristic temperature T* ~ 0.35 K, which depends weakly on H, w(T) and rho(T) both deviate downward and converge in the T = 0 limit. We propose that T* marks the onset of short-range magnetic correlations, persisting beyond Hc. By comparing samples of different purity, we conclude that the Wiedemann-Franz law holds in YbRh2Si2, even at Hc, implying that no fundamental breakdown of quasiparticle behavior occurs in this material. The overall phenomenology of heat and charge transport in YbRh2Si2 is similar to that observed in the heavy-fermion metal CeCoIn5, near its own field-tuned quantum critical point.

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The thermal conductivity measurements have been performed on the heavy-fermion compound YbRh2Si2 down to 0.04 K and under magnetic fields through a quantum critical point (QCP) at Bc = 0.66 T || c-axis. In the limit as T -> 0, we find that the Wiedem ann-Franz law is satisfied within experimental error at the QCP despite the destruction of the standard signature of Fermi liquid. Our results place strong constraints on models that attempt to describe the nature of unconventional quantum criticality of YbRh2Si2.
The Wiedemann-Franz (WF) law links the ratio of electronic charge and heat conductivity to fundamental constants. It has been tested in numerous solids, but the extent of its relevance to the anomalous transverse transport, which represents the topol ogical nature of the wave function, remains an open question. Here we present a study of anomalous transverse response in the noncollinear antiferromagnet Mn$_{3}$Ge extended from room temperature down to sub-Kelvin temperature and find that the anomalous Lorenz ratio remains close to the Sommerfeld value up to 100 K, but not above. The finite-temperature violation of the WF correlation is caused by a mismatch between the thermal and electrical summations of the Berry curvature, rather than the inelastic scattering as observed in ordinary metals. This interpretation is backed by our theoretical calculations, which reveals a competition between the temperature and the Berry curvature distribution. The accuracy of the experiment is supported by the verification of the Bridgman relation between the anomalous Ettingshausen and Nernst effects. Our results identify the anomalous Lorenz ratio as an extremely sensitive probe of Berry spectrum near the chemical potential.
The thermal conductivity $kappa$ of the cuprate superconductor La$_{1.6-x}$Nd$_{0.4}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ was measured down to 50 mK in seven crystals with doping from $p=0.12$ to $p=0.24$, both in the superconducting state and in the magnetic field-induced normal state. We obtain the electronic residual linear term $kappa_0/T$ as $T to 0$ across the pseudogap critical point $p^{star}= 0.23$. In the normal state, we observe an abrupt drop in $kappa_0/T$ upon crossing below $p^{star}$, consistent with a drop in carrier density $n$ from $1 + p$ to $p$, the signature of the pseudogap phase inferred from the Hall coefficient. A similar drop in $kappa_0/T$ is observed at $H=0$, showing that the pseudogap critical point and its signatures are unaffected by the magnetic field. In the normal state, the Wiedemann-Franz law, $kappa_0/T=L_0/rho(0)$, is obeyed at all dopings, including at the critical point where the electrical resistivity $rho(T)$ is $T$-linear down to $T to 0$. We conclude that the non-superconducting ground state of the pseudogap phase at $T=0$ is a metal whose fermionic excitations carry heat and charge as conventional electrons do.
We consider in depth the applicability of the Wiedemann-Franz (WF) law, namely that the electronic thermal conductivity ($kappa$) is proportional to the product of the absolute temperature ($T$) and the electrical conductivity ($sigma$) in a metal wi th the constant of proportionality, the so-called Lorenz number $L_0$, being a materials-independent universal constant in all systems obeying the Fermi liquid (FL) paradigm. It has been often stated that the validity (invalidity) of the WF law is the hallmark of an FL (non-Fermi-liquid (NFL)). We consider, both in two (2D) and three (3D) dimensions, a system of conduction electrons at a finite temperature $T$ coupled to a bath of acoustic phonons and quenched impurities, ignoring effects of electron-electron interactions. We find that the WF law is violated arbitrarily strongly with the effective Lorenz number vanishing at low temperatures as long as phonon scattering is stronger than impurity scattering. This happens both in 2D and in 3D for $T<T_{BG}$, where $T_{BG}$ is the Bloch-Gruneisen temperature of the system. In the absence of phonon scattering (or equivalently, when impurity scattering is much stronger than the phonon scattering), however, the WF law is restored at low temperatures even if the impurity scattering is mostly small angle forward scattering. Thus, strictly at $T=0$ the WF law is always valid in a FL in the presence of infinitesimal impurity scattering. For strong phonon scattering, the WF law is restored for $T> T_{BG}$ (or the Debye temperature $T_D$, whichever is lower) as in usual metals. At very high temperatures, thermal smearing of the Fermi surface causes the effective Lorenz number to go below $L_0$ manifesting a quantitative deviation from the WF law. Our work establishes definitively that the uncritical association of an NFL behavior with the failure of the WF law is incorrect.
Strain tuning Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$ through the Lifshitz point, where the Van Hove singularity of the electronic spectrum crosses the Fermi energy, is expected to cause a change in the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity from its Fermi l iquid behavior $rhosim T^{2}$ to $rhosim T^{2}{rm log}left(1/Tright)$, a behavior consistent with experiments by Barber et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 076601 (2018)]. This expectation originates from the same multi-band scattering processes with large momentum transfer that were recently shown to account for the linear in $T$ resistivity of the strange metal Sr$_{3}$Ru$_{2}$O$_{7}$. In contrast, the thermal resistivity $rho_{Q}equiv T/kappa$, where $kappa$ is the thermal conductivity, is governed by qualitatively distinct processes that involve a broad continuum of compressive modes, i.e. long wavelength density excitations in Van Hove systems. While these compressive modes do not affect the charge current, they couple to thermal transport and yield $rho_{Q}propto T^{3/2}$. As a result, we predict that the Wiedemann-Franz law in strained Sr$_{2}$RuO$_{4}$ should be violated with a Lorenz ratio $Lpropto T^{1/2}{rm log}left(1/Tright)$. We expect this effect to be observable in the temperature and strain regime where the anomalous charge transport was established.
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