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Optimal Switching at Poisson Random Intervention Times

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 نشر من قبل Gechun Liang
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper introduces a new class of optimal switching problems, where the player is allowed to switch at a sequence of exogenous Poisson arrival times, and the underlying switching system is governed by an infinite horizon backward stochastic differential equation system. The value function and the optimal switching strategy are characterized by the solution of the underlying switching system. In a Markovian setting, the paper gives a complete description of the structure of switching regions by means of the comparison principle.

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The paper solves constrained Dynkin games with risk-sensitive criteria, where two players are allowed to stop at two independent Poisson random intervention times, via the theory of backward stochastic differential equations. This generalizes the pre vious work of [Liang and Sun, Dynkin games with Poisson random intervention times, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2019] from the risk-neutral criteria and common signal times for both players to the risk-sensitive criteria and two heterogenous signal times. Furthermore, the paper establishes a connection of such constrained risk-sensitive Dynkin games with a class of stochastic differential games via Krylovs randomized stopping technique.
In this paper we deal with the classical problem of random cover times. We investigate the distribution of the time it takes for a Poisson process of cylinders to cover a set $A subset mathbb{R}^d.$ This Poisson process of cylinders is invariant unde r rotations, reflections and translations, and in addition we add a time component so that cylinders are raining from the sky at unit rate. Our main results concerns the asymptotic of this cover time as the set $A$ grows. If the set $A$ is discrete and well separated, we show convergence of the cover time to a Gumbel distribution. If instead $A$ has positive box dimension (and satisfies a weak additional assumption), we find the correct rate of convergence.
215 - Shanjian Tang , Wei Zhong , 2013
In this paper, an optimal switching problem is proposed for one-dimensional reflected backward stochastic differential equations (RBSDEs, for short) where the generators, the terminal values and the barriers are all switched with positive costs. The value process is characterized by a system of multi-dimensional RBSDEs with oblique reflection, whose existence and uniqueness are by no means trivial and are therefore carefully examined. Existence is shown using both methods of the Picard iteration and penalization, but under some different conditions. Uniqueness is proved by representation either as the value process to our optimal switching problem for one-dimensional RBSDEs, or as the equilibrium value process to a stochastic differential game of switching and stopping. Finally, the switched RBSDE is interpreted as a real option.
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In this paper, we investigate the open-loop and weak closed-loop solvabilities of stochastic linear quadratic (LQ, for short) optimal control problem of Markovian regime switching system. Interestingly, these two solvabilities are equivalent. We firs t provide an alternative characterization of the open-loop solvability of the LQ problem using the perturbation approach. Then, we study the weak closed-loop solvability of the LQ problem of Markovian regime switching system, and establish the equivalent relationship between open-loop and weak closed-loop solvabilities. Finally, we present an example to illustrate the procedure for finding weak closed-loop optimal strategies within the framework of Markovian regime switching system.
In this article we study and classify optimal martingales in the dual formulation of optimal stopping problems. In this respect we distinguish between weakly optimal and surely optimal martingales. It is shown that the family of weakly optimal and su rely optimal martingales may be quite large. On the other hand it is shown that the Doob-martingale, that is, the martingale part of the Snell envelope, is in a certain sense the most robust surely optimal martingale under random perturbations. This new insight leads to a novel randomized dual martingale minimization algorithm that doesnt require nested simulation. As a main feature, in a possibly large family of optimal martingales the algorithm efficiently selects a martingale that is as close as possible to the Doob martingale. As a result, one obtains the dual upper bound for the optimal stopping problem with low variance.
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