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Experimental Study using Touschek Lifetime as Machine Status Flag in SSRF

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 نشر من قبل Zhichu Chen
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The stabilities of the beam and machine have almost the highest priority in a modern light source. Although a lot of machine parameters could be used to represent the beam quality, there lacks a single one that could indicate the global information for the machine operators and accelerator physicists, recently. A new parameter has been studied for the last few years as a beam quality flag in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF). Calculations, simulations and detailed analysis of the real-time data from the storage ring had been made and interesting results had confirmed its feasibility.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Nuclear Reaction Analysis with ${}^{3}$He holds the promise to measure Deuterium depth profiles up to large depths. However, the extraction of the depth profile from the measured data is an ill-posed inversion problem. Here we demonstrate how Bayesia n Experimental Design can be used to optimize the number of measurements as well as the measurement energies to maximize the information gain. Comparison of the inversion properties of the optimized design with standard settings reveals huge possible gains. Application of the posterior sampling method allows to optimize the experimental settings interactively during the measurement process.
The beam position monitor (BPM) system is of most importance in a light source. The capability of the BPM depends on the resolution of the system. The traditional standard deviation on the raw data method merely gives the upper limit of the resolutio n. Principal component analysis (PCA) had been introduced in the accelerator physics and it could be used to get rid of the actual signals. Beam related informations were extracted before the evaluation of the BPM performance. A series of studies had been made in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF) and PCA was proved as an effective and robust method in the performance evaluations of our BPM system.
Predicting and simulating aerodynamic fields for civil aircraft over wide flight envelopes represent a real challenge mainly due to significant numerical costs and complex flows. Surrogate models and reduced-order models help to estimate aerodynamic fields from a few well-selected simulations. However, their accuracy dramatically decreases when different physical regimes are involved. Therefore, a method of local non-intrusive reduced-order models using machine learning, called Local Decomposition Method, has been developed to mitigate this issue. This paper introduces several enhancements to this method and presents a complex application to an industrial-like three-dimensional aircraft configuration over a full flight envelope. The enhancements of the method cover several aspects: choosing the best number of models, estimating apriori errors, improving the adaptive sampling for parallel issues, and better handling the borders between local models. The application is supported by an analysis of the model behavior, with a focus on the machine learning methods and the local properties. The model achieves strong levels of accuracy, in particular with two sub-models: one for the subsonic regime and one for the transonic regime. These results highlight that local models and machine learning represent very promising solutions to deal with surrogate models for aerodynamics.
110 - R. Yang , A. Aryshev , P. Bambade 2021
Beam halo is one of the crucial issues limiting the machine performance and causing radioactivation in high-intensity accelerators. A clear picture of beam-halo formation is of great importance for successful suppression of the undesired beam loss. W e present numerical and experimental studies of transverse and longitudinal halos in the KEK Accelerator Test Facility. The fair accordance between predictions and observations in various conditions indicates that the Touschek scattering is the dominant mechanism forming the horizontal and momentum halos.
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