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New and updated stellar parameters for 90 transit hosts. The effect of the surface gravity

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 نشر من قبل Annelies Mortier
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Context. Precise stellar parameters are crucial in exoplanet research for correctly determining of the planetary parameters. For stars hosting a transiting planet, determining of the planetary mass and radius depends on the stellar mass and radius, which in turn depend on the atmospheric stellar parameters. Different methods can provide different results, which leads to different planet characteristics.}%Spectroscopic surface gravities have shown to be poorly constrained, but the photometry of the transiting planet can provide an independent measurement of the surface gravity. Aims. In this paper, we use a uniform method to spectroscopically derive stellar atmospheric parameters, chemical abundances, stellar masses, and stellar radii for a sample of 90 transit hosts. Surface gravities are also derived photometrically using the stellar density as derived from the light curve. We study the effect of using these different surface gravities on the determination of the chemical abundances and the stellar mass and radius. Methods. A spectroscopic analysis based on Kurucz models in LTE was performed through the MOOG code to derive the atmospheric parameters and the chemical abundances. The photometric surface gravity was determined through isochrone fitting and the use of the stellar density, directly determined from the light curve. Stellar masses and radii are determined through calibration formulae. Results. Spectroscopic and photometric surface gravities differ, but this has very little effect on the precise determination of the stellar mass in our spectroscopic analysis. The stellar radius, and hence the planetary radius, is most affected by the surface gravity discrepancies. For the chemical abundances, the difference is, as expected, only noticable for the abundances derived from analyzing of lines of ionized species.

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It is still being debated whether the well-known metallicity - giant planet correlation for dwarf stars is also valid for giant stars. For this reason, having precise metallicities is very important. Different methods can provide different results th at lead to discrepancies in the analysis of planet hosts. To study the impact of different analyses on the metallicity scale for evolved stars, we compare different iron line lists to use in the atmospheric parameter derivation of evolved stars. Therefore, we use a sample of 71 evolved stars with planets. With these new homogeneous parameters, we revisit the metallicity - giant planet connection for evolved stars. A spectroscopic analysis based on Kurucz models in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) was performed through the MOOG code to derive the atmospheric parameters. Two different iron line list sets were used, one built for cool FGK stars in general, and the other for giant FGK stars. Masses were calculated through isochrone fitting, using the Padova models. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests (K-S tests) were then performed on the metallicity distributions of various different samples of evolved stars and red giants. All parameters compare well using a line list set, designed specifically for cool and solar-like stars to provide more accurate temperatures. All parameters derived with this line list set are preferred and are thus adopted for future analysis. We find that evolved planet hosts are more metal-poor than dwarf stars with giant planets. However, a bias in giant stellar samples that are searched for planets is present. Because of a colour cut-off, metal-rich low-gravity stars are left out of the samples, making it hard to compare dwarf stars with giant stars. Furthermore, no metallicity enhancement is found for red giants with planets ($log g < 3.0$,dex) with respect to red giants without planets.
125 - S. G. Sousa 2018
Context: Exoplanets have now been proven to be very common. The number of its detections continues to grow following the development of better instruments and missions. One key step for the understanding of these worlds is their characterization, whi ch mostly depend on their host stars. Aims:We perform a significant update of the Stars With ExoplanETs CATalog (SWEET-Cat), a unique compilation of precise stellar parameters for planet-host stars provided for the exoplanet community. Methods: We made use of high-resolution spectra for planet-host stars, either observed by our team or found in several public archives. The new spectroscopic parameters were derived for the spectra following the same homogeneous process (ARES+MOOG). The host star parameters were then merged together with the planet properties listed in exoplanet.eu to perform simple data analysis. Results: We present new spectroscopic homogeneous parameters for 106 planet-host stars. Sixty-three planet hosts are also reviewed with new parameters. We also show that there is a good agreement between stellar parameters derived for the same star but using spectra obtained from different spectrographs. The planet-metallicity correlation is reviewed showing that the metallicity distribution of stars hosting low-mass planets (below 30 M$_{oplus}$) is indistinguishable from that from the solar neighborhood sample in terms of metallicity distribution.
Recent years have seen increasing interest in the characterization of sub-Neptune sized planets because of their prevalence in the Galaxy, contrasted with their absence in our solar system. HD 97658 is one of the brightest stars hosting a planet of t his kind, and we present the transmission spectrum of this planet by combining four HST transits, twelve Spitzer/IRAC transits, and eight MOST transits of this system. Our transmission spectrum has higher signal to noise ratio than that from previous works, and the result suggests that the slight increase in transit depth from wavelength 1.1 to 1.7 microns reported in previous works on the transmission spectrum of this planet is likely systematic. Nonetheless, our atmospheric modeling results are not conclusive as no model provides an excellent match to our data. Nonetheless we find that atmospheres with high C/O ratios (C/O >~ 0.8) and metallicities of >~ 100x solar metallicity are favored. We combine the mid-transit times from all the new Spitzer and MOST observations and obtain an updated orbital period of P=9.489295 +/- 0.000005 d, with a best-fit transit time center at T_0 = 2456361.80690 +/- 0.00038 (BJD). No transit timing variations are found in this system. We also present new measurements of the stellar rotation period (34 +/- 2 d) and stellar activity cycle (9.6 yr) of the host star HD 97658. Finally, we calculate and rank the Transmission Spectroscopy Metric of all confirmed planets cooler than 1000 K and with sizes between 1 and 4 R_Earth. We find that at least a third of small planets cooler than 1000 K can be well characterized using JWST, and of those, HD 97658b is ranked fifth, meaning it remains a high-priority target for atmospheric characterization.
The probability that an exoplanet transits its host star is high for planets in close orbits, but drops off rapidly for increasing semimajor axes. This makes transit surveys for planets with large semimajor axes orbiting bright stars impractical, sin ce one would need to continuously observe hundreds of stars that are spread out over the entire sky. One way to make such a survey tractable is to constrain the inclination of the stellar rotation axes in advance, and thereby enhance the transit probabilities. We derive transit probabilities for stars with stellar inclination constraints, considering a reasonable range of planetary system inclinations. We find that stellar inclination constraints can improve the transit probability by almost an order of magnitude for habitable-zone planets. When applied to an ensemble of stars, such constraints dramatically lower the number of stars that need to be observed in a targeted transit survey. We also consider multiplanet systems where only one planet has an identified transit, and derive the transit probabilities for the second planet assuming a range of mutual planetary inclinations.
Although the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) primary mission observed the northern and southern ecliptic hemispheres, generally avoiding the ecliptic, and the Kepler space telescope during the K2 mission could only observe near the eclip tic, many of the K2 fields extend far enough from the ecliptic plane that sections overlap with TESS fields. Using photometric observations from both K2 and TESS, combined with archival spectroscopic observations, we globally modeled four known planetary systems discovered by K2 that were observed in the first year of the primary TESS mission. Specifically, we provide updated ephemerides and system parameters for K2-114 b, K2-167 b, K2-237 b, and K2-261 b. These were some of the first K2 planets to be observed by TESS in the first year and include three Jovian sized planets and a sub-Neptune with orbital periods less than 12 days. In each case, the updated ephemeris significantly reduces the uncertainty in prediction of future times of transit, which is valuable for planning observations with the James Webb Space Telescope and other future facilities. The TESS extended mission is expected to observe about half of the K2 fields, providing the opportunity to perform this type of analysis on a larger number of systems.
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