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Perturbation Biology: inferring signaling networks in cellular systems

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 نشر من قبل Evan Molinelli
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث علم الأحياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Evan J. Molinelli

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We present a new experimental-computational technology of inferring network models that predict the response of cells to perturbations and that may be useful in the design of combinatorial therapy against cancer. The experiments are systematic series of perturbations of cancer cell lines by targeted drugs, singly or in combination. The response to perturbation is measured in terms of levels of proteins and phospho-proteins and of cellular phenotype such as viability. Computational network models are derived de novo, i.e., without prior knowledge of signaling pathways, and are based on simple non-linear differential equations. The prohibitively large solution space of all possible network models is explored efficiently using a probabilistic algorithm, belief propagation, which is three orders of magnitude more efficient than Monte Carlo methods. Explicit executable models are derived for a set of perturbation experiments in Skmel-133 melanoma cell lines, which are resistant to the therapeutically important inhibition of Raf kinase. The resulting network models reproduce and extend known pathway biology. They can be applied to discover new molecular interactions and to predict the effect of novel drug perturbations, one of which is verified experimentally. The technology is suitable for application to larger systems in diverse areas of molecular biology.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Cellular signaling involves the transmission of environmental information through cascades of stochastic biochemical reactions, inevitably introducing noise that compromises signal fidelity. Each stage of the cascade often takes the form of a kinase- phosphatase push-pull network, a basic unit of signaling pathways whose malfunction is linked with a host of cancers. We show this ubiquitous enzymatic network motif effectively behaves as a Wiener-Kolmogorov (WK) optimal noise filter. Using concepts from umbral calculus, we generalize the linear WK theory, originally introduced in the context of communication and control engineering, to take nonlinear signal transduction and discrete molecule populations into account. This allows us to derive rigorous constraints for efficient noise reduction in this biochemical system. Our mathematical formalism yields bounds on filter performance in cases important to cellular function---like ultrasensitive response to stimuli. We highlight features of the system relevant for optimizing filter efficiency, encoded in a single, measurable, dimensionless parameter. Our theory, which describes noise control in a large class of signal transduction networks, is also useful both for the design of synthetic biochemical signaling pathways, and the manipulation of pathways through experimental probes like oscillatory input.
Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-beta) signalling is an important regulator of cellular growth and differentiation. The principal intracellular mediators of TGF-beta signalling are the Smad proteins, which upon TGF-beta stimulation accumulate in the nucleus and regulate transcription of target genes. To investigate the mechanisms of Smad nuclear accumulation, we developed a simple mathematical model of canonical Smad signalling. The model was built using both published data and our experimentally determined cellular Smad concentrations (isoforms 2, 3, and 4). We found in mink lung epithelial cells that Smad2 (8.5-12 x 10^4 molecules/cell) was present in similar amounts to Smad4 (9.3-12 x 10^4 molecules/cell), while both were in excess of Smad3 (1.1-2.0 x 10^4 molecules/cell). Variation of the model parameters and statistical analysis showed that Smad nuclear accumulation is most sensitive to parameters affecting the rates of RSmad phosphorylation and dephosphorylation and Smad complex formation/dissociation in the nucleus. Deleting Smad4 from the model revealed that rate-limiting phospho-R-Smad dephosphorylation could be an important mechanism for Smad nuclear accumulation. Furthermore, we observed that binding factors constitutively localised to the nucleus do not efficiently mediate Smad nuclear accumulation if dephosphorylation is rapid. We therefore conclude that an imbalance in the rates of R-Smad phosphorylation and dephosphorylation is likely an important mechanism of Smad nuclear accumulation during TGF-beta signalling.
Information transmission in biological signaling circuits has often been described using the metaphor of a noise filter. Cellular systems need accurate, real-time data about their environmental conditions, but the biochemical reaction networks that p ropagate, amplify, and process signals work with noisy representations of that data. Biology must implement strategies that not only filter the noise, but also predict the current state of the environment based on information delayed due to the finite speed of chemical signaling. The idea of a biochemical noise filter is actually more than just a metaphor: we describe recent work that has made an explicit mathematical connection between signaling fidelity in cellular circuits and the classic theories of optimal noise filtering and prediction that began with Wiener, Kolmogorov, Shannon, and Bode. This theoretical framework provides a versatile tool, allowing us to derive analytical bounds on the maximum mutual information between the environmental signal and the real-time estimate constructed by the system. It helps us understand how the structure of a biological network, and the response times of its components, influences the accuracy of that estimate. The theory also provides insights into how evolution may have tuned enzyme kinetic parameters and populations to optimize information transfer.
Networks of genetic expression can be modelled by hypergraphs with the additional structure that real coefficients are given to each vertex-edge incidence. The spectra, i.e. the multiset of the eigenvalues, of such hypergraphs, are known to encode st ructural information of the data. We show how these spectra can be used, in particular, in order to give an estimation of cellular redundancy of the network. We analyze some simulated and real data sets of gene expression for illustrating the new method proposed here.
We present herein an extension of an algebraic statistical method for inferring biochemical reaction networks from experimental data, proposed recently in [3]. This extension allows us to analyze reaction networks that are not necessarily full-dimens ional, i.e., the dimension of their stoichiometric space is smaller than the number of species. Specifically, we propose to augment the original algebraic-statistical algorithm for network inference with a preprocessing step that identifies the subspace spanned by the correct reaction vectors, within the space spanned by the species. This dimension reduction step is based on principal component analysis of the input data and its relationship with various subspaces generated by sets of candidate reaction vectors. Simulated examples are provided to illustrate the main ideas involved in implementing this method, and to asses its performance.
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