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Electromagnetic effects in the stabilization of turbulence by sheared flow

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 نشر من قبل Sarah Newton
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have extended our study of the competition between the drive and stabilization of plasma microinstabilities by sheared flow to include electromagnetic effects at low plasma $beta$ (the ratio of plasma to magnetic pressure). The extended system of characteristic equations is formulated, for a dissipative fluid model developed from the gyrokinetic equation, using a twisting mode representation in sheared slab geometry and focusing on the ion temperature gradient mode. Perpendicular flow shear convects perturbations along the field at the speed we denote as $Mc_s$ (where $c_s$ is the sound speed). $M > 1/ sqrt{beta}$ is required to make the system characteristics unidirectional and inhibit eigenmode formation, leaving only transitory perturbations in the system. This typically represents a much larger flow shear than in the electrostatic case, which only needs $M>1$. Numerical investigation of the region $M < 1/sqrt{beta}$ shows the driving terms can conflict, as in the electrostatic case, giving low growth rates over a range of parameters. Also, at modest drive strengths and low $beta$ values typical of experiments, including electromagnetic effects does not significantly alter the growth rates. For stronger flow shear and higher $beta$, geometry characteristic of the spherical tokamak mitigates the effect of an instability of the shear Alfv{e}n wave, driven by the parallel flow shear.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The prevailing paradigm for plasma turbulence associates a unique stationary state to given equilibrium parameters. We report the discovery of bistable turbulence in a strongly magnetised plasma. Two distinct states, obtained with identical equilibri um parameters in first-principle gyrokinetic simulations, have turbulent fluxes of particles, momentum and energy that differ by an order of magnitude, with the low-transport state agreeing with experimental observations. Occurrences of the two states are regulated by the competition between an externally imposed mean flow shear and zonal flows generated by the plasma. With small turbulent amplitudes, zonal flows have little impact, and the mean shear causes turbulence to saturate in a low-transport state. With larger amplitudes, the zonal shear can (partially) oppose the effect of the mean shear, allowing the system to sustain a high-transport state. This poses a new challenge for research that has so far assumed a uniquely defined turbulent state.
In continuation of previous work, numerical results are presented, concerning relativistically counter-streaming plasmas. Here, the relativistic mixed mode instability evolves through, and beyond, the linear saturation -- well into the nonlinear regi me. Besides confirming earlier findings, that wave power initially peaks on the mixed mode branch, it is observed that, during late time evolution wave power is transferred to other wave numbers. It is argued that the isotropization of power in wavenumber space may be a consequence of weak turbulence. Further, some modifications to the ideal weak turbulence limit is observed. Development of almost isotropic predominantly electrostatic -- partially electromagnetic -- turbulent spectra holds relevance when considering the spectral emission signatures of the plasma, namely bremsstrahlung, respectively magneto-bremsstrahlung (synchrotron radiation and jitter radiation) from relativistic shocks in astrophysical jets and shocks from gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei.
93 - A. Di Siena , T. Gorler , E. Poli 2018
In recent years, a strong reduction of plasma turbulence in the presence of energetic particles has been reported in a number of magnetic confinement experiments and corresponding gyrokinetic simulations. While highly relevant to performance predicti ons for burning plasmas, an explanation for this primarily nonlinear effect has remained elusive so far. A thorough analysis finds that linearly marginally stable energetic particle driven modes are excited nonlinearly, depleting the energy content of the turbulence and acting as an additional catalyst for energy transfer to zonal modes (the dominant turbulence saturation channel). Respective signatures are found in a number of simulations for different JET and ASDEX Upgrade discharges with reduced transport levels attributed to energetic ion effects.
Exact solutions of a magnetized plasma in a vorticity containing shear flow for constant temperature are presented. This is followed by the modification of these solutions by thermomagnetic currents in the presence of temperature gradients. It is sho wn that solutions which are unstable for a subsonic flow, are stable if the flow is supersonic. The results are applied to the problem of vorticity shear flow stabilization of a linear z-pinch discharge.
We show that zonal flow can be preferentially excited by intermediate-scale toroidal electron temperature gradient (ETG) turbulence in tokamak plasmas. Previous theoretical studies that yielded an opposite conclusion assumed a fluid approximation for ETG modes. Here, we carry out a gyrokinetic analysis which ultimately yields a nonlinear Schr{o}dinger equation for the ETG dynamics with a Navier-Stokes type nonlinearity. For typical tokamak parameters, it is found that zonal flow generation plays an important role in the intermediate-scale ETG turbulence. This finding offers an explanation for recent multi-scale gyrokinetic simulations.
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