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Experimental recovery of a qubit from partial collapse

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 نشر من قبل Jeff Sherman
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We describe and implement a method to restore the state of a single qubit, in principle perfectly, after it has partially collapsed. The method resembles the classical Hahn spin-echo, but works on a wider class of relaxation processes, in which the quantum state partially leaves the computational Hilbert space. It is not guaranteed to work every time, but successful outcomes are heralded. We demonstrate using a single trapped ion better performance from this recovery method than can be obtained employing projection and post-selection alone. The demonstration features a novel qubit implementation that permits both partial collapse and coherent manipulations with high fidelity.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

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Monolithic integration of control technologies for atomic systems is a promising route to the development of quantum computers and portable quantum sensors. Trapped atomic ions form the basis of high-fidelity quantum information processors and high-a ccuracy optical clocks. However, current implementations rely on free-space optics for ion control, which limits their portability and scalability. Here we demonstrate a surface-electrode ion-trap chip using integrated waveguides and grating couplers, which delivers all the wavelengths of light required for ionization, cooling, coherent operations, and quantum-state preparation and detection of Sr+ qubits. Laser light from violet to infrared is coupled onto the chip via an optical-fiber array, creating an inherently stable optical path, which we use to demonstrate qubit coherence that is resilient to platform vibrations. This demonstration of CMOS-compatible integrated-photonic surface-trap fabrication, robust packaging, and enhanced qubit coherence is a key advance in the development of portable trapped-ion quantum sensors and clocks, providing a way toward the complete, individual control of larger numbers of ions in quantum information processing systems.
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