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 نشر من قبل Frithjof Karsch
 تاريخ النشر 2013
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والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Frithjof Karsch

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Higher order moments of net conserved charge fluctuations, in particular net baryon number and net electric charge, are sensitive thermodynamic observables that respond strongly to critical behavior in strong interaction matter. In order to use them also as a sensible probe to detect critical behavior in heavy ion experiments we not only need to better understand the relation between chemical freeze-out in heavy ion collision and the QCD phase boundary, we also need to verify that charge fluctuations measured experimentally indeed correspond to thermal conditions as described by equilibrium QCD. This requires a model independent characterization of thermal conditions for which cumulants of conserved charge fluctuations themselves are ideally suited.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

These reports present the results of the 2013 Community Summer Study of the APS Division of Particles and Fields (Snowmass 2013) on the future program of particle physics in the U.S. Chapter 9, on Computing, discusses the computing challenges for fut ure experiments in the Energy, Intensity, and Cosmic Frontiers, for accelerator science, and for particle theory, as well as structural issues in supporting the intense uses of computing required in all areas of particle physics.
We present a new analysis of $alpha_s$ from hadronic $tau$ decays based on the recently revised ALEPH data. The analysis is based on a strategy which we previously applied to the OPAL data. We critically compare our strategy to the one traditionally used and comment on the main differences. Our analysis yields the values $alpha_s(m_tau^2)=0.296pm 0.010$ using fixed-order perturbation theory, and $alpha_s(m_tau^2)=0.310pm 0.014$ using contour-improved perturbation theory. Averaging these values with our previously obtained values from the OPAL data, we find $alpha_s(m_tau^2)=0.303pm 0.009$, respectively, $alpha_s(m_tau^2)=0.319pm 0.012$, as the most reliable results for $alpha_s$ from $tau$ decays currently available.
In this work we present support for recent claims that advocate a downward revision of the solar oxygen abundance. Our analysis employs spatially-resolved spectro-polarimetric observations including the FeI lines at 6302 AA and the OI infrared triple t around 7774 AA in the quiet Sun. We used the FeI lines to reconstruct the three-dimensional thermal and magnetic structure of the atmosphere. The simultaneous OI observations were then employed to determine the abundance of oxygen at each pixel, using both LTE and non-LTE (NLTE) approaches to the radiative transfer. In this manner, we obtain values of lgEO=8.63 (NLTE) and 8.93 (LTE) dex. We find an unsettling fluctuation of the oxygen abundance over the field of view. This is likely an artifact indicating that, even with this relatively refined strategy, important physical ingredients are still missing in the picture. By examining the spatial distribution of the abundance, we estimate realistic confidence limits of approximately 0.1 dex.
We present additional observations to previous studies on the infrared (IR) renormalon in $SU(N)$ QCD(adj.), the $SU(N)$ gauge theory with $n_W$-flavor adjoint Weyl fermions on~$mathbb{R}^3times S^1$ with the $mathbb{Z}_N$ twisted boundary condition. First, we show that, for arbitrary finite~$N$, a logarithmic factor in the vacuum polarization of the photon (the gauge boson associated with the Cartan generators of~$SU(N)$) disappears under the $S^1$~compactification. Since the IR renormalon is attributed to the presence of this logarithmic factor, it is concluded that there is no IR renormalon in this system with finite~$N$. This result generalizes the observation made by Anber and~Sulejmanpasic [J. High Energy Phys. textbf{1501}, 139 (2015)] for $N=2$ and~$3$ to arbitrary finite~$N$. Next, we point out that, although renormalon ambiguities do not appear through the Borel procedure in this system, an ambiguity appears in an alternative resummation procedure in which a resummed quantity is given by a momentum integration where the inverse of the vacuum polarization is included as the integrand. Such an ambiguity is caused by a simple zero at non-zero momentum of the vacuum polarization. Under the decompactification~$Rtoinfty$, where $R$ is the radius of the $S^1$, this ambiguity in the momentum integration smoothly reduces to the IR renormalon ambiguity in~$mathbb{R}^4$. We term this ambiguity in the momentum integration renormalon precursor. The emergence of the IR renormalon ambiguity in~$mathbb{R}^4$ under the decompactification can be naturally understood with this notion.
These reports present the results of the 2013 Community Summer Study of the APS Division of Particles and Fields (Snowmass 2013) on the future program of particle physics in the U.S. Chapter 10, on Communication, Education, and Outreach, discusses th e resources and issues for the communication of information about particle physics to teachers and students, to scientists in other fields, to policy makers, and to the general public.
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