Gluon production on two scattering centers is studied in the formalism of reggeized gluons. Different contributions to the inclusive cross-section are derived with the help of the Lipatov effective action. The AGK relations between these contributions are established. The found inclusive cross-section is compared to the one in the dipole picture and demonstrated to be the same.
Radial excitations of the quark-antiquark string sweeping the Wilson-loop area are considered in the framework of the effective-action formalism. Identifying these excitations with the daughter Regge trajectories, we find corrections which they produ
ce to the constituent quark mass. The energy of the quark-antiquark pair turns out to be mostly saturated by the constituent quark masses, rather than by the elongation of the quark-antiquark string. Specifically, while the constituent quark mass turns out to increase as the square root of the radial-excitation quantum number, the energy of the string increases only as the fourth root of that number.
In the framework of the QCD effective action the vertices of gluon emission in interaction of reggeons are studied in the limit of small longitudinal momenta of the emitted gluon. It is found that the vertices drastically simplify in this limit so th
at the gluon becomes emitted from a single reggeon coupled to the projectile and target via multireggeon vertices. Contribution from this kinematical region is studied for double and 2x2 elementary collisions inside the composite projectile and target.
We calculate the one-loop effective potential at finite temperature for a system of massless scalar fields with quartic interaction $lambdaphi^4$ in the framework of the boundary effective theory (BET) formalism. The calculation relies on the solutio
n of the classical equation of motion for the field, and Gaussian fluctuations around it. Our result is non-perturbative and differs from the standard one-loop effective potential for field values larger than $T/sqrt{lambda}$.
Some astrophysical objects are supposed to have very strong electromagnetic fields above the critical strength. Quantum fluctuations due to strong electromagnetic fields modify the Maxwell theory and particularly electric fields make the vacuum unsta
ble against pair production of charged particles. We study the strong field effect such as the effective action and the Schwinger pair production in scalar QED.