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Satellite probing General Relativity and its extensions and Kolmogorov analysis

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 نشر من قبل V. G. Gurzadyan
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We apply the Kolmogorov statistic to analyse the residual data of two LAGEOS satellites on General Relativistic Lense-Thirring effect, and show that it reveals a tiny difference in the properties of the satellites, possibly related to Yarkovsky-Rubincam effect. The recently launched LAser RElativity Satellite (LARES) can provide constraints to the extensions of General Relativity such as the Chern-Simons (CS) gravity with metric coupled to a scalar field through the Pontryagin density, so an explicit dependence on the frame dragging measurements vs the CS parameter is given.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

253 - Gong-Bo Zhao 2010
We test General Relativity (GR) using current cosmological data: the cosmic microwave background (CMB) from WMAP5 (Komatsu et al. 2009), the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect from the cross-correlation of the CMB with six galaxy catalogs (Giannanto nio et al. 2008), a compilation of supernovae Type Ia (SNe) including the latest SDSS SNe (Kessler et al. 2009), and part of the weak lensing (WL) data from CFHTLS (Fu et al. 2008, Kilbinger et al. 2009) that probe linear and mildly non-linear scales. We first test a model where the effective Newtons constant, mu, and the ratio of the two gravitational potentials, eta, transit from the GR value to another constant at late times; in this case, we find that standard GR is fully consistent with the combined data. The strongest constraint comes from the ISW effect which would arise from this gravitational transition; the observed ISW signal imposes a tight constraint on a combination of mu and eta that characterizes the lensing potential. Next, we consider four pixels in time and space for each function mu and eta, and perform a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) finding that seven of the resulting eight eigenmodes are consistent with GR within the errors. Only one eigenmode shows a 2-sigma deviation from the GR prediction, which is likely to be due to a systematic effect. However, the detection of such a deviation demonstrates the power of our time- and scale-dependent PCA methodology when combining observations of structure formation and expansion history to test GR.
We discuss the ability of the planned Euclid mission to detect deviations from General Relativity using its extensive redshift survey of more than 50 Million galaxies. Constraints on the gravity theory are placed measuring the growth rate of structur e within 14 redshift bins between z=0.7 and z=2. The growth rate is measured from redshift-space distortions, i.e. the anisotropy of the clustering pattern induced by coherent peculiar motions. This is performed in the overall context of the Euclid spectroscopic survey, which will simultaneously measure the expansion history of the universe, using the power spectrum and its baryonic features as a standard ruler, accounting for the relative degeneracies of expansion and growth parameters. The resulting expected errors on the growth rate in the different redshift bins, expressed through the quantity fsigma_8, range between 1.3% and 4.4%. We discuss the optimisation of the survey configuration and investigate the important dependence on the growth parameterisation and the assumed cosmological model. We show how a specific parameterisation could actually drive the design towards artificially restricted regions of the parameter space. Finally, in the framework of the popular gamma -parameterisation, we show that the Euclid spectroscopic survey alone will already be able to provide substantial evidence (in Bayesian terms) if the growth index differs from the GR value gamma=0.55 by at least sim 0.13. This will combine with the comparable inference power provided by the Euclid weak lensing survey, resulting in Euclids unique ability to provide a decisive test of modified gravity.
The next generation of weak lensing surveys will trace the evolution of matter perturbations and gravitational potentials from the matter dominated epoch until today. Along with constraining the dynamics of dark energy, they will probe the relations between matter overdensities, local curvature, and the Newtonian potential. We work with two functions of time and scale to account for any modifications of these relations in the linear regime from those in the LCDM model. We perform a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to find the eigenmodes and eigenvalues of these functions for surveys like DES and LSST. This paper builds on and significantly extends the PCA analysis of Zhao et al. (2009) in several ways. In particular, we consider the impact of some of the systematic effects expected in weak lensing surveys. We also present the PCA in terms of other choices of the two functions needed to parameterize modified growth on linear scales, and discuss their merits. We analyze the degeneracy between the modified growth functions and other cosmological parameters, paying special attention to the effective equation of state w(z). Finally, we demonstrate the utility of the PCA as an efficient data compression stage which enables one to easily derive constraints on parameters of specific models without recalculating Fisher matrices from scratch.
410 - Daniele Bertacca 2015
We discuss the question of gauge choice when analysing relativistic density perturbations at second order. We compare Newtonian and General Relativistic approaches. Some misconceptions in the recent literature are addressed. We show that the comoving -synchronous gauge is the unique gauge in General Relativity that corresponds to the Lagrangian frame and is entirely appropriate to describe the matter overdensity at second order. The comoving-synchronous gauge is the simplest gauge in which to describe Lagrangian bias at second order.
We study the cosmological propagation of gravitational waves (GWs) beyond general relativity (GR) across homogeneous and isotropic backgrounds. We consider scenarios in which GWs interact with an additional tensor field and use a parametrized phenome nological approach that generically describes their coupled equations of motion. We analyze four distinct classes of derivative and non-derivative interactions: mass, friction, velocity, and chiral. We apply the WKB formalism to account for the cosmological evolution and obtain analytical solutions to these equations. We corroborate these results by analyzing numerically the propagation of a toy GW signal. We then proceed to use the analytical results to study the modified propagation of realistic GWs from merging compact binaries, assuming that the GW signal emitted is the same as in GR. We generically find that tensor interactions lead to copies of the originally emitted GW signal, each one with its own possibly modified dispersion relation. These copies can travel coherently and interfere with each other leading to a scrambled GW signal, or propagate decoherently and lead to echoes arriving at different times at the observer that could be misidentified as independent GW events. Depending on the type of tensor interaction, the detected GW signal may exhibit amplitude and phase distortions with respect to a GW waveform in GR, as well as birefringence effects. We discuss observational probes of these tensor interactions with both individual GW events, as well as population studies for both ground- and space-based detectors.
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