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Effects of diffuse background emission and source crowding on photometric completeness in Spitzer Space Telescope IRAC surveys: The GLIMPSE Catalogs and Archives

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 نشر من قبل Henry A. (Chip) Kobulnicky
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Chip Kobulnicky

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We characterize the completeness of point source lists from Spitzer Space Telescope surveys in the four Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) bandpasses, emphasizing the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) programs (GLIMPSE I, II, 3D, 360; Deep GLIMPSE) and their resulting point source Catalogs and Archives. The analysis separately addresses effects of incompleteness resulting from high diffuse background emission and incompleteness resulting from point source confusion (i.e., crowding). An artificial star addition and extraction analysis demonstrates that completeness is strongly dependent on local background brightness and structure, with high-surface-brightness regions suffering up to five magnitudes of reduced sensitivity to point sources. This effect is most pronounced at the IRAC 5.8 and 8.0 microns bands where UV-excited PAH emission produces bright, complex structures (photodissociation regions; PDRs). With regard to diffuse background effects, we provide the completeness as a function of stellar magnitude and diffuse background level in graphical and tabular formats. These data are suitable for estimating completeness in the low-source-density limit in any of the four IRAC bands in GLIMPSE Catalogs and Archives and some other Spitzer IRAC programs that employ similar observational strategies and are processed by the GLIMPSE pipeline. Point source incompleteness is primarily a consequence of structure in the diffuse background emission rather than photon noise. With regard to source confusion in the high-source-density regions of the Galactic Plane, we provide figures illustrating the 90% completeness levels as a function of point source density at each band. (Slightly abridged)

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140 - M. L. N. Ashby 2013
The Spitzer-South Pole Telescope Deep Field (SSDF) is a wide-area survey using Spitzers Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) to cover 94 square degrees of extragalactic sky, making it the largest IRAC survey completed to date outside the Milky Way midplane. The SSDF is centered at 23:30,-55:00, in a region that combines observations spanning a broad wavelength range from numerous facilities. These include millimeter imaging from the South Pole Telescope, far-infrared observations from Herschel/SPIRE, X-ray observations from the XMM XXL survey, near-infrared observations from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey, and radio-wavelength imaging from the Australia Telescope Compact Array, in a panchromatic project designed to address major outstanding questions surrounding galaxy clusters and the baryon budget. Here we describe the Spitzer/IRAC observations of the SSDF, including the survey design, observations, processing, source extraction, and publicly available data products. In particular, we present two band-merged catalogs, one for each of the two warm IRAC selection bands. They contain roughly 5.5 and 3.7 million distinct sources, the vast majority of which are galaxies, down to the SSDF 5-sigma sensitivity limits of 19.0 and 18.2 Vega mag (7.0 and 9.4 microJy) at 3.6 and 4.5 microns, respectively.
The absolute flux calibration of the James Webb Space Telescope will be based on a set of stars observed by the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes. In order to cross-calibrate the two facilities, several A, G, and white dwarf (WD) stars are observed with both Spitzer and Hubble and are the prototypes for a set of JWST calibration standards. The flux calibration constants for the four Spitzer IRAC bands 1-4 are derived from these stars and are 2.3, 1.9, 2.0, and 0.5% lower than the official cold-mission IRAC calibration of Reach et al. (2005), i.e. in agreement within their estimated errors of ~2%. The causes of these differences lie primarily in the IRAC data reduction and secondarily in the SEDs of our standard stars. The independent IRAC 8 micron band-4 fluxes of Rieke et al. (2008) are about 1.5 +/- 2% higher than those of Reach et al. and are also in agreement with our 8 micron result.
We present Spitzer IRAC $3.6-8$um and MIPS $24$um point-source catalogs for seven galaxies: NGC$6822$, M$33$, NGC$300$, NGC$2403$, M$81$, NGC$0247$, and NGC$7793$. The catalogs contain a total of $sim300,000$ sources and were created by dual-band sel ection of sources with $>3sigma$ detections at both $3.6$um and $4.5$um. The source lists become significantly incomplete near $m_{3.6}=m_{4.5}simeq18$. We complement the $3.6$um and $4.5$um fluxes with $5.8$um, $8.0$um and $24$um fluxes or $3sigma$ upper limits using a combination of PSF and aperture photometry. This catalog is a resource as an archive for studying mid-infrared transients and for planning observations with the James Webb Space Telescope.
62 - Dario Fadda 2004
(Abridged) We present R-band images covering more than 11 square degrees of sky obtained with the KPNO 4-m telescope in preparation for the Spitzer Space Telescope First Look Survey. The FLS was designed to characterize the mid-infrared sky at depths 2 orders of magnitude deeper than previous surveys. The extragalactic component is the first cosmological survey done with Spitzer. Two relatively large regions of the sky were observed: the main FLS extra galactic field (17h18m+59d30m) and ELAIS-N1 field (16h10m+54d30m). The overall quality of the images is high. The relative astrometric accuracy is better than 0.1 and the typical seeing is 1.1. Images are relatively deep since they reach a median 5-sigma depth limiting magnitude of R=25.5 (Vega). Catalogs have been extracted using SExtractor using thresholds in area and flux for which the number of false detections is below 1% at R=25. Only sources with S/N greater than 3 have been retained in the final catalogs. Comparing the galaxy number counts from our images with those of deeper R-band surveys, we estimate that our observations are 50% complete at R=24.5. These limits in depth are sufficient to identify a substantial fraction of the infrared sources which will be detected by Spitzer.
The Spitzer-GLIMPSE point source catalog and images have been used to study a sample of 381 massive protostellar candidates. IRAC-Point source photometry was used to analyse colours, magnitudes and spectral indicies of the infrared counterparts (IRCs ) of massive protostellar objects and a bonafide sample of 50 point sources was obtained. Spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of these 50 sources was extended to the near-infrared and millimeter range by using 2MASS and millimeter data from the literature. An online SED fitter tool based on Monte-Carlo radiative transfer of an accretion model involving star,disk and envelope was used to fit the SEDs of the 50 sources. The IRCs to massive protostellar objects are found to successfully imitate the SEDs of evolutionary phases similar to low mass star formation. Envelope accretion, rather than disk accretion is found to be dominant in building the most massive stars. Unresolved centimeter continuum emission is associated with 27 IRCs classified as massive protostars suggesting that ionised accretion flows may play an important role along with the molecular component. The morphology of the infrared nebulae surrounding the IRCs have an unusual resemblance to the morphologies of ultra-compact HII regions suggesting that these infrared nebulae are possible precursors to the UCHII regions.
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