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Quantum effects on the loss function of Pb(111) thin films: an ab initio study

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 نشر من قبل Xabier Zubizarreta
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A theoretical study of the surface energy-loss function of freestanding Pb(111) thin films is presented, starting from the single monolayer case. The calculations are carried applying the linear response theory, with inclusion of the electron band structure by means of a first-principles pseudopotential approach using a supercell scheme. Quantum-size effects on the plasmon modes of the thinnest films are found in qualitative agreement with previous work based on the jellium model. For thicker films, results show a dispersionless mode at all thicknesses, in agreeement with electron energy-loss measurements. For sizeable values of the momentum, the raising of the surface plasmon with increasing thickness is retrieved.

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In this work, we propose an efficient computational scheme for first-principle quantum transport simulations to evaluate the open-boundary conditions. Its partitioning differentiates from conventional methods in that the contact self-energy matrices are constructed on smaller building blocks, principal layers (PL), while conventionally it was restricted to have the same lateral dimensions of the adjoining atoms in a channel region. Here, we obtain the properties of bulk electrodes through non-equilibrium Greens function (NEGF) approach with significant improvements in the computational efficiency without sacrificing the accuracy of results. To exemplify the merits of the proposed method we investigate the carrier density dependency of contact resistances in silicon nanowire devices connected to bulk metallic contacts.
A nanorod structure has been observed on the Ho/Ge(111) surface using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The rods do not require patterning of the surface or defects such as step edges in order to grow as is the case for nanorods on Si(111). At low holmium coverage the nanorods exist as isolated nanostructures while at high coverage they form a periodic 5x1 structure. We propose a structural model for the 5x1 unit cell and show using an ab initio calculation that the STM profile of our model structure compares favorably to that obtained experimentally for both filled and empty states sampling. The calculated local density of states shows that the nanorod is metallic in character.
Mg2NiH4 is a promising hydrogen storage material with fast (de)hydrogenation kinetics. Its hydrogen desorption enthalpy, however, is too large for practical applications. In this paper we study the effects of transition metal doping by first-principl es density functional theory calculations. We show that the hydrogen desorption enthalpy can be reduced by ~0.1 eV/H2 if one in eight Ni atoms is replaced by Cu or Fe. Replacing Ni by Co atoms, however, increases the hydrogen desorption enthalpy. We study the thermodynamic stability of the dopants in the hydrogenated and dehydrogenated phases. Doping with Co or Cu leads to marginally stable compounds, whereas doping with Fe leads to an unstable compound. The optical response of Mg2NiH4 is also substantially affected by doping. The optical gap in Mg2NiH4 is ~1.7 eV. Doping with Co, Fe or Cu leads to impurity bands that reduce the optical gap by up to 0.5 eV.
The Pb/Si(111) thin films were simulated within the density functional theory (DFT). The well-known Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) version of the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) and its recent nonempirical successor Wu-Cohen (WC) issue were us ed to estimate the exchange-correlation functional. Lattice parameters were calculated for Bulk of the Pb and Si compounds to obtain more reliable lattice mismatch at the interface to be consistent with our used full-potential method of calculations. The WC-GGA result predicts the lattice constants of the Pb and Si compounds better than the GGA when compared with experiment. We have found that the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) does not significantly influence the results. Our finding is in agreement with the recent observation of the Rashba-type spin-orbit splitting of quantum well states in ultrathin Pb/Si(111) films. Our result shows, in agreement with experiment, that the top site (T1) is the most stable phase. A combination of tight $sigma$ and feeble $pi$ bonds has been found at the interface, which results in a covalent Pb-Si bond. Our calculated electric field gradient (EFG) predicts quantum size effects (QSE) with respect to the number of deposited Pb layers on the Si substrate. The QSE prediction shows that the EFG dramatically drops on going from first to second layer. The EFG calculation shows that this system is not an ideal paradigm to freestanding films.
74 - A. Yu. Aladyshkin 2020
Quantum-confined electronic states such as quantum-well states (QWS) inside thin Pb(111) films and modified image-potential states (IPS) above the Pb(111) films grown on Si(111)7$times$7 substrate were studied by means of low-temperature scanning tun nelling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) in the regime of constant current $I$. By plotting the position of the $n-$th emission resonances $U^{,}_n$ versus $n^{2/3}$ and extrapolating the linear fit for the dependence $U^{,}_n(n^{2/3})$ in the high-$n$ limit towards $n=0$, we estimate the local work function for the Pb(111) film: $Wsimeq 3.8pm 0.1,$eV. We experimentally demonstrate that modifications of the shape of the STM tip can change the number of the emission peaks associated with the resonant tunnelling via quantized IPS levels for the same Pb terrace; however it does not affect the estimate of the local work function for the flat Pb terraces. We observe that the maxima in the spectra of the differential tunnelling conductance $dI/dU$ related to both the QWS and the modified IPS resonances are less pronounced if the STM tip becomes more blunt.
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