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OVRO 40 m Blazar Monitoring Program: Location of the gamma-ray emission region in blazars by the study of correlated variability at radio and gamma-rays

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 نشر من قبل Walter Max-Moerbeck
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف W. Max-Moerbeck

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Blazars are powerful, variable emitters from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths. Even though the general picture of synchrotron emission at low energies and inverse Compton at the high energy end is well established, many important aspects of these remarkable objects are still not well understood. For example, even the location of the gamma-ray emission region is still not clearly established, with some theories locating it close to the black hole/accretion disk while others place it at parsec scales in the radio jet. Since mid-2007 we have carried out a large scale monitoring program at 15 GHz using the OVRO 40 m telescope. We are currently observing about 1700 blazars twice per week. The sample includes all the Fermi-LAT detected blazars north of declination -20 degrees. Here, we study the existence of correlated variability between these two bands for 86 sources bright enough to be detected weekly by LAT. The existence of correlated variability can be interpreted as an indication of a related spatial locations for the radio and gamma-ray emission, making the evaluation of its statistical significance a key goal of our program. A study of the statistical significance of these cross-correlations is presented along with a discussion of the Monte Carlo simulations used to evaluate them. More information about the conditions on the radio emission zone can be obtained through polarization monitoring which tells us about the configuration of the magnetic fields in this region. To study radio polarization variability we are building KuPol, a radio polarization receiver for the 12 to 18 GHz band that will replace the current total power receiver at the OVRO 40 meter telescope.

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The Large Area Telescope (LAT) aboard the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope provides an unprecedented opportunity to study gamma-ray blazars. To capitalize on this opportunity, beginning in late 2007, about a year before the start of LAT science operat ions, we began a large-scale, fast-cadence 15 GHz radio monitoring program with the 40-m telescope at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO). This program began with the 1158 northern (declination>-20 deg) sources from the Candidate Gamma-ray Blazar Survey (CGRaBS) and now encompasses over 1500 sources, each observed twice per week with a ~4 mJy (minimum) and 3% (typical) uncertainty. Here, we describe this monitoring program and our methods, and present radio light curves from the first two years (2008 and 2009). As a first application, we combine these data with a novel measure of light curve variability amplitude, the intrinsic modulation index, through a likelihood analysis to examine the variability properties of subpopulations of our sample. We demonstrate that, with high significance (7-sigma), gamma-ray-loud blazars detected by the LAT during its first 11 months of operation vary with about a factor of two greater amplitude than do the gamma-ray-quiet blazars in our sample. We also find a significant (3-sigma) difference between variability amplitude in BL Lacertae objects and flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs), with the former exhibiting larger variability amplitudes. Finally, low-redshift (z<1) FSRQs are found to vary more strongly than high-redshift FSRQs, with 3-sigma significance. These findings represent an important step toward understanding why some blazars emit gamma-rays while others, with apparently similar properties, remain silent.
151 - Hai-Ming Zhang 2020
Violent multi-wavelength variabilities are observed in gamma-ray-selected blazars. We present an analysis of long-term light curves for eight bright blazars to explore the co-variation pattern in the gamma-ray and radio bands. We extract their gamma- ray light curves and spectra with data observed by the Fermi/LAT since 2008. We find diverse co-variation patterns between the gamma-ray and radio (at 43 GHz) fluxes in these sources. The gamma-ray and radio fluxes of 3C 454.3 and PKS 1633+382 are correlated without any time-lag, suggesting that they are from the same radiation region. Similar correlation is also observed in 3C 273 and PKS 1222+216, but the radio flux is lag behind the gamma-ray flux approximately ~160 days and ~290 days, respectively. This likely suggests that their gamma-ray emission regions are located at the upstream of their radio cores at 43 GHz. The gamma-ray and radio fluxes of the other four blazars are not correlated, implying that the gamma-ray and radio emission may be from different regions in their jets. The gamma-ray light curves of the eight blazars can be decomposed into some long timescale variability components and fast spike flares. We propose that they may be attributed to the central engine activity and the magnetic reconnection process or turbulence in the local emission region, respectively.
Blazar spectral models generally have numerous unconstrained parameters, leading to ambiguous values for physical properties like Doppler factor delta or fluid magnetic field B. To help remedy this problem, a few modifications of the standard leptoni c blazar jet scenario are considered. First, a log-parabola function for the electron distribution is used. Second, analytic expressions relating energy loss and kinematics to blazar luminosity and variability, written in terms of equipartition parameters, imply delta, B, and the principal electron Lorentz factor gamma_pk. The external radiation field in a blazar is approximated by Ly alpha radiation from the broad line region (BLR) and ~0.1 eV infrared radiation from a dusty torus. When used to model 3C 279 SEDs from 2008 and 2009 reported by Hayashida et al. (2012), we derive delta ~ 20-30, B ~ few G, and total (IR + BLR) external radiation field energy densities u ~ 0.01 - 0.001 erg/cm^3, implying an origin of the gamma-ray emission site in 3C 279 at the outer edges of the BLR. This is consistent with the gamma-ray emission site being located at a distance R <~ Gamma^2 c t_{var} ~ 0.1 (Gamma/30)^2 (t_{var}/10^4 s) pc from the black hole powering 3C 279s jets, where t_{var} is the variability time scale of the radiation in the source frame, and at farther distances for narrow-jet and magnetic_reconnection models. Excess >~ 5 GeV gamma-ray emission observed with Fermi LAT from 3C 279 challenge the model, opening the possibility of hadronic origins of the emission. For low hadronic content, absolute jet powers of ~10% of the Eddington luminosity are calculated.
142 - J. L. Richards 2009
We present results from the first two years of our fast-cadence 15 GHz gamma-ray blazar monitoring program, part of the F-GAMMA radio monitoring project. Our sample includes the 1158 blazars north of -20 degrees declination from the Candidate Gamma-R ay Blazar Survey (CGRaBS), which encompasses a significant fraction of the extragalactic sources detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. We introduce a novel likelihood analysis for computing a time series variability amplitude statistic that separates intrinsic variability from measurement noise and produces a quantitative error estimate. We use this method to characterize our radio light curves. We also present results indicating a statistically significant correlation between simultaneous average 15 GHz radio flux density and gamma-ray photon flux.
A large sample of blazar from the Candidate Gamma Ray Blazar Survey (CGRaBS) has been observed with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO) 40-Meter Telescope at 15GHz. Using these quasi-simultaneous observations, we study the connection between th e gamma-ray behavior of blazars as detected by Fermi-LAT and the cm band as observed by the F-GAMMA project with the OVRO 40-Meter Telescope. Comparing the light curves for a large number of sources, it is possible to study in detail the relation between the gamma-ray and radio activity of Fermi-LAT detected gamma-ray blazars. We present first results for correlations between Fermi-LAT and our 15 ~GHz observations.
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