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Cooperative non-equilibrium phase transition in a dilute Rydberg ensemble

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 نشر من قبل Kevin Weatherill Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We demonstrate a non-equilibrium phase transition in a dilute thermal atomic gas. The phase transition, between states of low and high Rydberg occupancy, is induced by resonant dipole-dipole interactions between Rydberg atoms. The gas can be considered as dilute as the atoms are separated by distances much greater than the wavelength of the optical transitions used to excite them. In the frequency domain we observe a mean-field shift of the Rydberg state which results in intrinsic optical bistability above a critical Rydberg number density. In the time domain we observe critical slowing down where the recovery time to system perturbations diverges with critical exponent $tau=0.53 pm 0.10$. The atomic emission spectrum of the phase with high Rydberg occupancy provides evidence for a superradiant cascade.

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We demonstrate a new type of non-Hermitian phase transition in open systems far from thermal equilibrium, which takes place in coupled systems interacting with reservoirs at different temperatures. The frequency of the maximum in the spectrum of ener gy flow through the system plays the role of the order parameter, and is determined by an analog of the -potential. The phase transition is exhibited in the frequency splitting of the spectrum at a critical point, the value of which is determined by the relaxation rates and the coupling strengths. Near the critical point, fluctuations of the order parameter diverge according to a power law. We show that the critical exponent depends only on the ratio of reservoir temperatures. This dependence indicates the non-equilibrium nature of the phase transition at the critical point. This new non-Hermitian phase transition can take place in systems without exceptional points.
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196 - J. R. Ott , M. Wubs , P. Lodahl 2013
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