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The eclipsing binary TY CrA revisited: What near-IR light curves tell us

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 نشر من قبل Theodor Pribulla
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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New photometric observations of the hierarchical eclipsing TY CrA system were taken in the optical with VYSOS6 and in the near-IR with SOFI and REMIR. They are the first observations showing the deep eclipse minimum of the pre-main sequence secondary in the near-IR. For the first time, the secondary minimum can be reliably used in the calculation of the O-C diagram of TY CrA. By now, the O-C diagram can be studied on a time basis of about two decades. We confirm, that the O-C diagram cannot be explained by the spectroscopic tertiary. For the first time, the light curve of the inner eclipsing binary is analysed in both optical and near-IR bands simultaneously. In combination with already published spectroscopic elements, precise absolute dimensions and masses of the primary and the secondary component are obtained using the ROCHE code. The inclusion of the near-IR data puts strong constraints on the third light which is composed of the reflection nebula, the spectroscopic tertiary and a visual fourth component. The absolute parameters of the inner eclipsing binary agree very well with previous work except of the primary radius (1.46+/-0.15 Rsun) and luminosity (40+/-10 Lsun) which are clearly smaller. While the parameters of the secondary are well understood when assuming an age of about 3-5 Myrs, the primary seems considerably undersized. Low metallicity cannot explain the parameters of the primary.

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We have carried out a multi-band photometric monitoring of the close visual binary GJ3039, consisting of a M4 primary and a fainter secondary component, and likely member of the young stellar association $beta$ Pictoris (24-Myr old). From our analysi s we found that both components are photometric variables and, for the first time, we detected two micro-flare events. We measured from periodogram analysis of the photometric time series two rotation periods P = 3.355d and P = 0.925d, that we could attribute to the brighter GJ3039A and the fainter GJ3039B components, respectively. A comparison of these rotation periods with the period distribution of other $beta$ Pictoris members further supports that GJ3039A is a member of this association. We find that also GJ3039B could be a member, but the infrared magnitude differences between the two components taken from the literature and the photometric variability, which is found to be comparable in both stars, suggest that GJ3039B could be a foreground star physically unbound to the primary A component.
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We present the JHKs light curves for the double-lined eclipsing binary 2MASS J05352184-0546085, in which both components are brown dwarfs. We analyze these light curves with the published Ic-band light curve and radial velocities to provide refined m easurements of the systems physical parameters. The component masses and radii are here determined with an accuracy of ~6.5% and ~1.5%, respectively. We confirm the previous surprising finding that the primary brown dwarf has a cooler effective temperature than its companion. Next, we perform a detailed study of the variations in the out-of-eclipse phases of the light curves to ascertain the properties of any inhomogeneities on the surfaces of the brown dwarfs. Our analysis reveals two low-amplitude periodic signals, one attributable to the rotation of the primary (with a period of 3.293+/-0.001 d) and the other to that of the secondary (14.05+/-0.05 d). Finally, we explore the effects on the derived physical parameters of the system when spots are included in the modeling. The observed low-amplitude rotational modulations are well fit by cool spots covering a small fraction of their surfaces. To mimic the observed ~200 K suppression of the primarys temperature, our model requires that the primary possess a very large spot coverage fraction of ~65%. Altogether, a spot configuration in which the primary is heavily spotted while the secondary is lightly spotted can explain the apparent temperature reversal and can bring the temperatures of the brown dwarfs into agreement with the predictions of theoretical models.
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351 - C.A.L. Bailer-Jones 2013
Gaia will provide parallaxes and proper motions with accuracy ranging from 10 to 1000 microarcsecond on up to one billion stars. Most of these will be disk stars: for an unreddened K giant at 6 kpc, it will measure the distance accurate to 15% and th e transverse velocity to an accuracy of about 1 km/s. Gaia will observe tracers of Galactic structure across the whole HR diagram, including Cepheids, RR Lyrae, white dwarfs, F dwarfs and HB stars. Onboard low resolution spectrophotometry will permit -- in addition to a Teff estimate -- dwarf/giant discrimination, metallicity measurement and extinction determination. For the first time, then, Gaia will provide us with a 3D spatial/properties map and at least a 2D velocity map of these tracers (RVs will be obtained too for brighter stars.) This will be a goldmine of information from which to learn about the origin and evolution of the Galactic disk. I briefly review the Gaia mission, and then show how the expected astrometric accuracies translate into distance and velocity accuracies and statistics. I examine the impact Gaia should have on a few scientific areas relevant to the Galactic disk. I discuss how a better determination of the spiral arm locations and pattern speed, plus a better reconstruction of the Suns orbit over the past billion years (from integration through the Gaia-measured gravitational potential) will allow us to assess the possible role of spiral arm crossings in ice ages and mass extinctions on the Earth.
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