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Real-time manifestation of strongly coupled spin and charge order parameters in stripe-ordered nickelates via time-resolved resonant x-ray diffraction

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 نشر من قبل Wei-Sheng Lee
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the order parameter dynamics of the stripe-ordered nickelate, La$_{1.75}$Sr$_{0.25}$NiO$_4$, using time-resolved resonant X-ray diffraction. In spite of distinct spin and charge energy scales, the two order parameters amplitude dynamics are found to be linked together due to strong coupling. Additionally, the vector nature of the spin sector introduces a longer re-orientation time scale which is absent in the charge sector. These findings demonstrate that the correlation linking the symmetry-broken states does not unbind during the non-equilibrium process, and the time scales are not necessarily associated with the characteristic energy scales of individual degrees of freedom.

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We performed resonant x-ray diffraction experiments at the $L$ absorption edges for the post-perovskite-type compound CaIrO$_{3}$ with $(t_{2g})^5$ electronic configuration. By observing the magnetic signals, we could clearly see that the magnetic st ructure was a striped order with an antiferromagnetic moment along the c-axis and that the wavefunction of a $t_{2g}$ hole is strongly spin-orbit entangled, the $J_{rm eff} =1/2$ state. The observed spin arrangement is consistent with theoretical work predicting a unique superexchange interaction in the $J_{rm eff} =1/2$ state and points to the universal importance of the spin-orbit coupling in Ir oxides, irrespective of the local coordination and lattice topology. We also propose that the non-magnetic resonant scattering is a powerful tool for unraveling an orbital state even in a metallic iridate.
Strong resonant enhancements of the charge-order and spin-order superstructure-diffraction intensities in La1.8Sr0.2NiO4 are observed when x-ray energies in the vicinity of the Ni L2,3 absorption edges are used. The pronounced photon-energy and polar ization dependences of these diffraction intensities allow for a critical determination of the local symmetry of the ordered spin and charge carriers. We found that not only the antiferromagnetic order but also the charge-order superstructure resides within the NiO2 layers; the holes are mainly located on in-plane oxygens surrounding a Ni2+ site with the spins coupled antiparallel in close analogy to Zhang-Rice singlets in the cuprates.
We studied the stripe phase of La1.8Sr0.2NiO4 using neutron diffraction, resonant soft x-ray diffraction (RSXD) at the Ni L2,3 edges, and resonant x-ray diffraction (RXD) at the Ni K threshold. Differences in the q-space resolution of the different t echniques have to be taken into account for a proper evaluation of diffraction intensities associated with the spin and charge order superstructures. We find that in the RSXD experiment the spin and charge order peaks show the same temperature dependence. In the neutron experiment by contrast, the spin and charge signals follow quite different temperature behaviors. We infer that fluctuating magnetic order contributes considerably to the magnetic RSXD signal and we suggest that this result may open an interesting experimental approach to search for fluctuating order in other systems by comparing RSXD and neutron diffraction data.
We report a ground state with strongly coupled magnetic and charge density wave orders mediated via orbital ordering in the layered compound tbt. In addition to the commensurate antiferromagnetic (AFM) and charge density wave (CDW) orders, new magnet ic peaks are observed whose propagation vector equals the sum of the AFM and CDW propagation vectors, revealing an intricate and highly entwined relationship. This is especially interesting given that the magnetic and charge orders lie in different layers of the crystal structure where the highly localized magnetic moments of the Tb$^{3+}$ ions are netted in the Tb-Te stacks, while the charge order is formed by the conduction electrons of the adjacent Te-Te layers. Our results, based on neutron diffraction and resonant x-ray scattering reveal that the charge and magnetic subsystems mutually influence each other via the orbital ordering of Tb$^{3+}$ ions.
In underdoped cuprate superconductors, a rich competition occurs between superconductivity and charge density wave (CDW) order. Whether rotational symmetry breaking (nematicity) occurs intrinsically and generically or as a consequence of other orders is under debate. Here we employ resonant x-ray scattering in stripe-ordered (La,M)_2CuO_4 to probe the relationship between electronic nematicity of the Cu 3d orbitals, structure of the (La,M)_2O_2 layers, and CDW order. We find distinct temperature dependences for the structure of the (La,M)_2O_2 layers and the electronic nematicity of the CuO_2 planes, with only the latter being enhanced by the onset of CDW order. These results identify electronic nematicity as an order parameter that is distinct from a purely structural order parameter in underdoped striped cuprates.
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